How and from what can you make your own baking dish?

Homemade cakes are loved by everyone, because they turn out to be very tasty due to the fact that the hostesses put a piece of their soul into it. And when these pastries have bizarre shapes, they are doubly tastier. But there are situations when there are no baking tins at hand, but you really want to please the household. In this article, we'll look at ways to make them at home.

Manufacturing options
It so happens that it is difficult to find the desired shape in the store, it is much easier to do it yourself, without wasting time and effort on searches. In addition, finances are also saved. Imagine how great it is to bake cookies for hobbies or a certain holiday. For example, a set of tools for friends who love tinkering, hearts for lovers, an alphabet for September 1, a crown for princesses, a sword for real knights, and so on. There are several ways to make cookie cutters and other baked goods from available tools.

From a tin can
For manufacturing you will need materials such as:
- the tin can itself;
- round nose pliers;
- scissors for cutting metal;
- wooden block;
- awl;
- hammer;
- paper;
- pencil.
Of course, you must first thoroughly wash the jar with running water, it is possible with detergents. Dry it. You can take any can, but it is best suited for carbonated drinks, beer or condensed milk.
Canned food cans are much tougher, and making molds out of them will be more problematic, you may need masculine strength. The creation of forms from the recommended tin can is very simple, and their variety knows no boundaries.

The initial stage of work will be a sketch of the future shape on paper of the size that you want to make the shape. Then cut off the top and bottom of the tin, and then cut vertically on one side to make a single plate. Measure the strips of 2.5-3 cm with a ruler and mark with a pencil or marker. Next, using metal scissors, you need to cut the plate into strips.
Observe safety precautions, and in order not to cut your fingers on the rather sharp vertical edges, bend them 5 mm on each side.
This can be done with a vise. Fix the strip, and bend the edges with round nose pliers, and then take a hammer, a block of wood, and tap, tamping the folded edges and making them flat. At the final stage, bend the strip according to the template pattern, giving it the desired outlines. When you need to fasten the strips together, then at the ends it is necessary to make bends of 5 mm, but only in different directions. After fastening, also walk with a hammer to better fix and remove irregularities.

If the house has a soldering iron, and you know how to use it, then for reliability, you can additionally solder the joints of the strips... If not, do not worry, all the same, such products from a tin will not last too long, but they will quite cope with cutting dough for cookies, if it is shortbread or sugar.
Another safety tip: check the top and bottom edges of the strips, if they are too sharp or burrs, then sand them or file them.
With this method, you can make any shapes for baking cookies. Horses, horseshoes, hearts, any other animals, stars, simpler geometric figures, numbers, letters, shells, and so on. Your imagination will help you.

This manufacturing process is even simpler than the previous one. Let's consider a step-by-step action plan. You will need:
- foil;
- the basis for the manufacture of the form;
It should be noted that such blanks are disposable, but if there is no alternative at hand, then they are perfect for baking.
The advantage of foil molds is that you can make any shape out of it.
The foil is plastic, easily bends and forms, but it definitely needs a template. It can be either a purchased form or any suitable container. So let's get started.

To make a muffin pan, measure the diameter of the template container, mark it on the foil, and cut out a circle, adding one centimeter per fold around the edges. Now wrap the container with it, align it along the walls and fix the edges by bending them. Next, carefully pull out the template. If the foil is too thin, use several layers at once.

For Easter cake, the form is made in a similar way, only you need to apply the foil not inside, but outside, turning the jar or bucket upside down. Do not forget to level the walls by pressing firmly against the original container with your fingers. Before filling the mold with a mass of dough, it must be greased with oil so that the baked goods do not burn or stick.

From parchment
To make delicate, lightweight parchment paper molds, original molds are also needed. And the more, the better, since this method will take a long time to make if you have only one template.

To make, measure the required size, and cut a blank out of paper. To create one piece, you need two identical paper pieces. Place both pieces of parchment together, wet, and place on the upside-down template container. Using a ruler or your finger, carefully repeat all the bends of the template. Carefully cut off the excess edges protruding from the surface with sharp scissors along the entire diameter. Now you can put it on the battery to dry or speed up the process with a hair dryer. Once the paper is dry, the mold is ready to use.

With such delicate blanks, you can not only bake cupcakes, puddings, muffins or cookies, but they are also perfect for decorating bouquets of sweets or just for a beautiful presentation of a handmade gift set of chocolates.
Plus, these beautiful baking capsules can be colored to your liking with food coloring, adding another artistic talent to your pastry craft. Just imagine how happy the children will be when they receive a tasty treat in a bright package.

From a plastic bottle
Here the manufacturing process is similar to that described in the master class about a tin can. The bottle will also work as a cookie cutter.

We remove the neck and the bottom, then we cut the bottle along and from the resulting rectangle we outline the future stripes. Determine how high you need the molds, mark and cut with scissors. Now, in the same way, according to the drawn template, we give the strips the necessary bends, fix the joints with paper clips, or, having slightly melted the edge of the strip over an open fire, press it against another, as if soldering them. After cooling, the edges will be well fixed to each other.

Do not be afraid to use plastic for these purposes, bottles are made from food grade plastic, so they are safe.
In such simple ways, you can make any baked goods and please your family and friends with a variety of not only taste, but also shapes.

In the next video, you will learn how to make silicone bakeware.