Making a bread bin from newspaper tubes

Modern housewives are used to storing bread in plastic bags or paper wrappers. In fact, bread bins are best for baked goods. These products are striking in the variety of models that you can buy or make with your own hands. An excellent solution would be a breadbox made of newspaper tubes. This product is environmentally friendly and will perfectly fit into any kitchen interior.

The bread box is a small closed container with a lid designed for storing bread and other baked goods. Many housewives are convinced that thanks to this product, bread will preserve its freshness, amazing taste and aroma. Besides bread bin is an original element of kitchen decor... Its presence makes the room even more comfortable and colorful.

These products can be made of stainless steel, plastic, wood and ceramics. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.
- "Stainless steel". The sturdy product is durable and fits into any interior. Metal retains heat well, so freshly baked bread will retain its freshness and aroma for a long time. However, a stainless steel bread bin is quite expensive.
- Wood. Natural materials are ideal for storing bread. In addition, some tree species have antimicrobial properties. However, wicker bins require careful maintenance. Over time, they start to rot and mold. It is best to purchase a product made of neutral wood (birch, ash, linden). These bins do not emit an unpleasant odor and are durable enough.
- Plastic. Bread boxes made of this material are distinguished by an affordable price and convenient operation. They can be of various colors. Including there are transparent plastic bread bins.
- Ceramics... The products look very impressive and elegant. Ceramic bread bins perfectly absorb unpleasant odors, and baked goods retain their freshness and aroma for a long time. Also, this material prevents the growth of microorganisms. However, ceramic products are easy to break, and purchasing a new one is quite costly.
Naturally, ready-made bread bins can be easily bought in stores or ordered over the Internet. However, no less luxurious "storage" for bread will come from unnecessary newspapers. The main thing is to purchase all the necessary materials and follow the instructions provided step by step.

How to do it?
It will take patience and some free time to make such a masterpiece. Both beginners and experienced craftsmen can create a bread bin from paper tubes.
Products are round or square. Their colors will also depend on the individual preferences of the creator.
So, to make a round bread bin with your own hands, you will need:
- cardboard;
- newspaper sheets;
- PVA glue;
- scissors and a stationery knife;
- awl;
- clothespins;
- acrylic paints and varnish.

Before proceeding directly to weaving, it is necessary to make tubes from the newspaper. To do this, take a newspaper sheet, fold it lengthwise and cut it into oblong strips. Next, take a knitting needle and wind a newspaper strip onto it. We fix the edges of the tube with glue. We carefully remove the knitting needle. It is advisable to dye the tubes before weaving. Acrylic paints are perfect for these purposes.

We start weaving the bread bin from the lid. We take cardboard and cut out a template in the shape of an oval (10 cm). We fix the workpiece with glue. We prepare tubes from newspapers (width 6-7 mm). We place them on the workpiece perpendicular to the main tube, which is located in the center (along its entire length).
We begin weaving (one tube goes over the other). In the process, to form an even oval, we gradually add new tubes.
In the final stage, we make a fold. We give the edges of the tubes a round shape and remove them with a thin knitting needle inside the workpiece.
When the lid is ready, let's start creating a breadbasket plate. Its size is adjusted to fit the lid. We cut out a round shape from cardboard, apply a central tube to it and start weaving by analogy with the lid. We process all the edges of the plate with the same hem as on the lid. Cover the finished breadbox with acrylic varnish and let dry... If desired, the lid of the product can be decorated with bright napkins, miniature stones and original drawings.

Next, see a master class on making a bread bin from newspaper tubes.