Confectionery syringes: types, rules for selection and use

It is impossible to get beautiful decorations on cakes and pastries without modern pastry tools. Gourmet biscuits, meringues and meringues will delight the home and will be a wonderful tea treat for guests.

Confectioners use different culinary devices to decorate their creations. The pastry syringe is more likely to have plastic case, which generally lightens the weight of the culinary tool. The properties of the plastic make the tool not very durable.
Another option for the material for the syringe is steel. It is distinguished by reliable strength properties. But such a product is complicated in work. A simplified version involves the use of two materials: plastic and steel. From an ergonomic point of view, such a product is more convenient.
The main functional element of almost any syringe is piston... This part is characterized by a cylindrical shape. It acts inside the body, the movements are rotational-translational. The piston mechanism consists of one or more piston rings. Some structures fold telescopically; in others, an electric motor is responsible for the movement of this part.

All types of attachments, with the exception of the pastry bag, have the same cylindrical shape. The options differ in the attachment of the nozzles, which can be external or internal.
The nozzles themselves differ in the cut of the tip. If it is even, the product is used for inscriptions and simple ornaments. The oblique attachment can be used to make border decorations. There are also options that are characterized by deep corrugation.The nozzles differ in size and must correspond to the volume of the syringe used.
Small syringes are considered extremely inconvenient to use - the devices need to be refilled frequently, and this will require interruptions. Because of this, the applied pattern will not look even, and the appearance of the culinary product will suffer.
It is optimal to inspect the amount of cream or dough squeezed out from silicone syringes, which are made of durable materials.

To decorate baked goods, you need a pastry syringe. This is a popular fixture among housewives. Products differ in types and attachments included in the delivery. The best option should be optimal in terms of external parameters.
The confectionery syringe is outwardly similar to the classic medical syringe, it has an operating principle identical to this device. Factory-type products are characterized by a large number of different attachments. The devices are very different in cost. Most often, products are for household and professional purposes. Their principle of operation is identical.
The main popular types are presented below.

It has a transparent body, which makes it possible to control its filling. With just the right amount of cream, you can create a beautiful continuous pattern. Besides, high-quality silicone is not affected by temperature changes, and it is also not saturated with odors.

Metal syringe
The most durable and has good tightness. Thanks to this property, any cream can be put into it. Working with the tool requires additional physical strength.

Syringe dispenser
Another option used by housewives. The tool is convenient because squeezes out an even, equal amount of cream. Its appearance resembles a pistol. This option is the easiest to use.

Another syringe is called a "press" and is suitable for homemade biscuits. The curly caps included in the kit allow you to create neat and attractive pieces.

Such a syringe is often used for ice cream and cocktails. It also applies for baking dough products such as eclairs. The model requires preliminary connection to electricity, only then it needs to be seasoned with cream or dough.

This is the most expensive option with multiple attachments. It is usually made of combined materials, therefore it serves on the farm for a very long time. The cost of such products varies from $ 50 to $ 100.

A separate type that can be considered an alternative to a syringe is a pastry bag. There is no case at all in this product, but there are nozzles. The device is inexpensive, suitable for squeezing out both creams and dough. The classic 7-piece set can handle completely different tasks.
Comparison with a pastry bag
A confectionery device such as a bag has advantages and disadvantages.
- large capacity;
- strong enough, but it depends on the quality of the material;
- can be used with a wide variety of attachments;
- convenient for one-handed operation;
- does not require much effort;
- easier to care for.

- a poor-quality bag is leaking;
- it is impossible to work with some special attachments;
- requires skill in use, therefore it is more often used by professionals;
- not suitable for cream and liquid dough.
The bags are classified as disposable and reusable. For the former, special paper or polyethylene is most often used. The latter are fabric or silicone. Disposable bags can be used without attachments, but you need to be able to correctly form sections, which can be straight, oblique or cut along the edges. The last option allows you to make leaves, and the first two will serve depending on the skills of the pastry chef.

Reusable accessories include a variety of attachments.The main thing in choosing such products is a careful study of the seams. Silicone options are considered the most durable. They are most convenient if they are attached from the outside - with it, you can easily replace one attachment with another, even if there is a cream inside.
Pros of pastry syringes:
- variety of volume;
- easier to use for small drawings;
- good tightness;
- you can apply a liquid or thick cream;
- long service life;
- can be used for cookies.

The main cons:
- difficulty in leaving;
- small syringes are inconvenient to use;
- requires effort to work, especially if a dense cream or dough is used.
Confectionery syringes come in a variety of materials, the quality of which depends on the manufacturer's responsibility.

Manufacturers overview
Mayer & Boch is a company that offers inexpensive pastry syringes with a variety of attachments. For example, model 27620612 is made of metal, sold in a set with 5 attachments, has overall dimensions of 18 * 27.5 cm. The inventory is multifunctional, suitable for working with cream and dough.

Travola offers an inexpensive product that is suitable for working with cream, it can also be used for filling dough products with cream. The 137285734 model is sold at a reasonable price, but it is not durable.

Tescoma offers the Delicia 630534 model, quite expensive, but useful for many tasks. The syringe can be used for both cream and dough with a very dense consistency. The product is distinguished not only by its versatility, but also by its convenience.

Westmark Is a German manufacturer known for various household items for the kitchen. For example, the model of a syringe from this company 30772270 is inexpensive, made of transparent plastic, with a capacity of 100 ml. The syringe is functional and is sold at an affordable price.

Metaltex offers another inexpensive functional model with a transparent body. The model is equipped with both stencil discs and classic attachments. Steel wheels, high quality, the model itself has no flaws.

Paderno - the Italian manufacturer of professional confectionery equipment offers rich sets of metal nozzles. The tool is made of high quality metal, durable. The products have a high price tag.

Kuchenprofi offers professional kits that are slightly cheaper in price. The syringe is also steel, but there are only 7 nozzles in it.

Gefu manufactures professional kits suitable for working with creams and dough. The special design allows you to measure the same portions. The product is expensive.

Fanyi - manufacturer of confectionery tools with a dispenser and a large number of cookie attachments. The main material is aluminum, only the nozzles for the cream are plastic here. The model has a fairly affordable cost.

Facemile - a well-known manufacturer of silicone kits for the kitchen, and also produces confectionery syringes. The syringe of this brand is inexpensive, but does not differ in a rich set of nozzles, suitable for a novice hostess.

Marmiton - another version of a simple silicone syringe, the appearance of which resembles a medical "bulb" for douching. The product is compact, lightweight, small in size, and convenient. There are no additional elements in it, so there are no special fantasies for creativity.

Bekker produces a combined version, characterized by durability and reliability, with a rich set of attachments. Model BK-5207 comes with 8 cream attachments and 13 dough stencils. The confectionery fixture is being sold at a slightly overpriced price.

Bradex Is an Israeli brand that distributes its products in online stores. Among the examples, a cookie syringe called "Home Confectionery" is popular. The product has an average price of about 500 rubles, comes complete with 20 dough stencils and 4 cream attachments.

How to choose?
An important point when choosing a confectionery syringe should be the material of its manufacture. For example, plastic syringes are lightweight, inexpensive, but break down quickly. Experts advise choosing combined options, where the body of the product is made of steel, and the rest of the parts are plastic. Silicone products are also convenient to use. They are especially good for small drawings or lettering. When working with them you do not need to apply special efforts that are required when using metal products.
Syringe volumes range from 0.2 to 2 liters. Small tools are ideal for decorating small cookies or cakes. They are more convenient than large specimens, but the latter are indispensable when performing voluminous work.
Confectionery equipment up to 1 liter can be considered universal. Such a product can be used to decorate a medium-sized cake, without the need for additional refueling. The choice of the number of attachments is unlimited, but a beginner pastry chef is enough to use 3-5 basic elements.

How to use?
A pastry syringe is needed to decorate a cake, but housewives often use it to create a variety of cookies. Special biscuit models are equipped with convenient dispensers.
Dough is laid inside the container, which should not be very thick or liquid. The dough of the correct consistency is squeezed out with just one click. When choosing suitable attachments, confectionery will perfectly keep its shape. On finished cookies, you can make patterns, for example, flowers.
Decorating dough products with cream requires skill or aptitude for drawing. In this case, it is sometimes more convenient to work with ordinary smooth tubes, and sometimes you can assemble the composition with nozzles with carved edges.

It is recommended that you make test patterns on paper before using the attachments. Thus, you can determine whether the consistency of the cream is correctly selected, as well as find a comfortable hand position.
Professionals often replace the pastry syringe with a regular bag... The product is often prepared from ordinary parchment paper, as well as from any materials at hand that will not get wet during use. For example, a dense plastic bag, file, packaging for freezing vegetables will do. After use, the tools at hand can simply be thrown away.
Small inscriptions on the finished product at home can be done with an ordinary medical syringe, but without a needle.

For information on how to make a pastry syringe from a bottle in 2 minutes, see the next video.