How to choose a weighing spoon?

Not only professional chefs, but also ordinary housewives, who are used to delighting their household with new dishes, will benefit from accuracy when weighing ingredients during cooking. Electronic scales and a spoon-scales will be useful for them at hand.

Scope of use
If before the scales were used by the cooks of cafes and restaurants, then with the popularization of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, there was a place for them in every kitchen. Conjuring at home, housewives weigh the necessary ingredients to the nearest gram.
By shifting one product and not reporting another, the taste of the dish will change, and not always for the better. Kitchen scales aren't just used in the kitchen.
There was a place for them in pharmacology: pharmacists have no right to make mistakes when preparing medicines.... They need accuracy up to several tens or hundreds of grams.

Main functions
The device helps in the modern kitchen:
- strictly observe the proportions when switching to proper nutrition;
- exactly adhere to the recipe in terms of calculating liquid and bulk ingredients;
- quickly prepare individual sports mixtures based on protein, creatine, amino acids, herbs, spices, without deviating from the instructions of a fitness trainer;
- make baked goods (cakes, pastries, cupcakes);
- to delight household members with new dishes.
On the one hand, the appliance is not an essential item, and it is easy to do without it in the kitchen, and on the other hand, it makes cooking easier when the weight of each ingredient is measured.

Types of scales
Depending on the principle of operation, the scales are divided into mechanical and electronic.The latter come to the fore due to the fact that they show an accurate result, have a compact size, modern functionality and striking design.
Mechanical scales have their advantages: low cost, durability, no use of power for work and a limit of up to 20 kg when weighing.

It is a pity that with such a list of advantages, accuracy has let down.
Scales are classified not only by the principle of operation, but also by the form of execution. Desktop models are of little use if you need gram accuracy. For this, they came up with a spoon-scales. It is indispensable for baking.

All weighing spoons are similar to each other. They look like a regular tablespoon or mini spatula. They have a scoop (a small vessel-bowl) and a holder (made of stainless steel, less often of plastic), connected to each other by a bridge. The scoop, or teaspoon / tablespoon, is removable. The measuring spoon is made of food grade plastic.
Unlike an ordinary spoon, they have liquid crystal display on the handle. It shows the specific gravity of the ingredient put in the scoop. Therefore, the recipe is followed by 100%. This distinguishes the device favorably from the "measuring cup" with gram marks made on the walls.

Scales spoons produced under different brands differ only in design. The measuring spoon is powered by 2 AAA batteries.
Its service life is long, since many manufacturers make the upper part of high-strength plastic (or metal), and the buttons are made of rubber.
First use
Having bought a weighing spoon, the first weighing is carried out in accordance with the instructions below.
- The battery is inserted into the battery compartment. Inserting it, pay attention to the polarity: where the “+” sign is drawn, the side of the battery where the “+” sign is located is placed there, and vice versa.
- The device is held in the hand horizontally, with the display facing up. The hand is resting on a hard surface.
- Press the "ON / OFF" button trying to keep the hand in which the balance is held still.
- As soon as the weighing spoon performs a self-test, the display will show “0.00oz” or “0.0g”.
- Put the ingredient you want to weigh in the measuring spoon. They are waiting for the numbers to appear on the screen.
- Press the "ON / OFF" button to turn off the device.
To obtain an accurate weighing result, carry out the procedure in a horizontal position.

If you get carried away and forget to turn off the device, it will turn itself off after a minute of inactivity. The required values are entered into memory if necessary (Hold function).
The weighing spoon displays the weight of the ingredient in grams (g), carats (ct), grains (gn) and ounces (oz). The desired unit of measurement is selected using the Mode function by pressing the button several times.
Models of weighing spoons with a built-in special indicator are produced. It is easier to find out the battery charge by it and replace it if it is weak. Otherwise, problems will arise when weighing - the accuracy of the result will suffer.
To prevent the device from breaking down, the following nuances should be taken into account:
- never weigh an ingredient weighing more than 300 grams on it;
- do not mix food for them;
- avoid sharp manipulations and blows;
- do not use the accessory in conditions of exposure to aggressive factors (vibration, heat, high humidity, dust);
- change a dead battery (battery) in time to prevent a short circuit.

Do not leave the weighing spoon unattended. Otherwise, it will quickly lose its shine and gloss. Therefore, after each use, wipe it with a cotton cloth soaked in water. Even with severe contamination, organic solutions of alkalis and solvents are not used for washing. The measuring spoon itself is washed under running water, having previously snapped off the holder. Do not allow liquid to enter the display, otherwise a short circuit and fire will occur.
To make the weighing spoon last a long time, remove the battery from the compartment after each use and store it separately from the device.

The digital spoon-scale is a real helper in the kitchen. With its help, you can cook any, even restaurant dishes, if you know the recipe with the exact weight of each ingredient. It will last a long time if you follow the instructions and take care of it after each use, following simple rules.
About what a scale spoon is, see below.