Which oil to choose for processing cutting boards?

Almost every kitchen has a cutting board, and more than one. In order for a culinary attribute to serve for a long time, it needs care, and this is not only timely washing and drying. To process the boards, you need to purchase oil - it is regular impregnation that guarantees their durability, strength and quality that never ceases to please.
Only special oils are suitable for processing products: olive and sunflower will not give any sense.
In the same way, vinegar, soda and other disinfectants will not be useful for wood (they have their own function).

Oil is required for impregnation of both new wooden boards and used ones. The correct oil has no smell and taste, it does not leave visible traces, does not affect the nutritional characteristics of products. Once you bring your new chopping board home, wash it in warm water, dry it and apply special oil to the surface of the board before using it.
Why it is necessary to process the product:
- it absorbs unpleasant odors, thus removing them;
- prevents germs, mold, fungus from appearing on the board inside the wood itself, which happens much more often than you think;
- prevents the occurrence of chips and cracks, which is characteristic of a very dry material that does not receive special timely impregnation.
The structure of the wood itself is favorable to oil treatment: the liquid penetrates into the fibers, filling the pores of the material.

Oil for impregnation should be in every food block, but even for a home kitchen, such a composition is required. You need to saturate the board once every 1-2 months, avoiding long breaks. It is especially worthwhile to carry out the processing of wooden kitchen products in the cold season, when radiators are working in the kitchen. The proximity of the heat source makes the board vulnerable: its structure is prone to deformation at this time.
Even if you just spent one day in the kitchen, and all this time the oven and stove were working, the hood could barely cope with the heat glow, this is a reason to once again treat the cutting boards with oil.

Varieties of oils
Mineral oil is mainly used for cutting boards. It is a petroleum product obtained by distilling fuel oil. Occasionally, agricultural crops can be used to make mineral oils. The tool, despite its technical characteristics, is absolutely safe. It is actively used in the food industry, the composition of the oil makes it in demand in the medical and cosmetic fields.
Edible mineral oil:
- guarantees a high level of protection of the processed product;
- has no taste or smell;
- easy to apply;
- environmentally friendly;
- dries quickly;
- has no color (unless there are special additives in it).

Very often mineral oil is combined with beeswax, and this combination is optimal. The wax acts as a sealant; it protects the porous wood structure from moisture. And although it increases the moisture resistance of the wood, it does not make it waterproof.
If the oil is applied without wax, the effect will not be complete: the protective film will not form on the board, it will not be reliable enough. Bacteria, food pieces, dirt will not get exactly into the wood structure if you mix mineral oil with wax.
But there are other processing options: you can buy petroleum jelly at the pharmacy, and linseed oil at the store. Both products are suitable for woodworking. Vaseline oil should also be mixed with beeswax. Vaseline oil is also a purified fraction of oil, which is obtained after the distillation of kerosene, there is no harmful organic matter in it. Liquid paraffin can be considered the basis of a synthetic product. The oil is not absorbed into the skin, which some housewives are afraid of, because it is very convenient in everyday life (and in the kitchen as well).
The components of linseed oil, which impregnate the wood, thicken under the influence of external factors - polymerization occurs. So the liquid turns into a semi-solid mass, which is a protection for the tree.
Combination with beeswax improves the protection performance of the cutting board.

How to choose a board for the material?
Cutting boards are different - from plywood (the simplest and cheapest option), as well as end - from oak, pine, beech. Whichever oil you purchase, when used correctly, it will be beneficial to the product.
But some nuances are worth noting.
- If you use linseed oil to impregnate pine boards (and some people like to replace it with nut oil, which is theoretically possible), over time, a not very pleasant, rancid smell may begin to emanate from the product.
- Sometimes there are promotions in the store, and cutting boards are sold along with oil for impregnation. Remember which oil the manufacturer (or specialist stores) offered you, most likely, and in the future you need to use this particular option.
- Mineral oil is not always available for sale: if there is no building store nearby, there will certainly be a pharmacy. Therefore, petroleum jelly will be the preferred option.
- Oak boards are the strongest, strongest and most reliable. Saturate them with a mixture of mineral oil and wax, do not be afraid to overdo it, the wood will absorb as much as it needs. Timely impregnation and respect will allow the board to be used for many years.
Thin plywood boards are not as hygienic and durable as end boards. Few people pay attention to the processing of thin boards, and this is an oversight.
Oftentimes, it is inadequate processing that leads to digestive upset in family members.

How to process?
Plywood cutting boards consist of several sheets of wood glued together. Multilayer plywood material is very sensitive to water, because the glue in the board is characterized by low moisture resistance. Therefore, the plywood product often swells, mold and microbes “settle” in it, the structure of the board itself is destroyed. Therefore, the processing of such a product is required.
Let's take a look at how to coat a plywood board with oil.
- If the board is new, then several layers of mineral oil mixed with beeswax must be applied to it. If you made the board yourself, there should be 3 layers (each will dry for at least 12 hours).
- If, after applying the product, its surplus has formed, they must be carefully removed with a soft cloth.
- For regular processing, you need to do the mineral coating of the board once a month, this is enough to be sure of the cleanliness and safety of the used kitchen accessory.

To carry out the processing of the end board (or board from a saw cut from a tree), it also needs to be rinsed and dried initially. If you made the board yourself, and after the first processing it looks rough, you should go over it with fine sandpaper.
- To soak and lubricate the endboard, coat it with mineral / linseed / vaseline oil. To do this, you can pour a tablespoon of oil and simply pour it onto the surface of the board. Then, using a soft cloth swab (or simply by hand), rub the impregnation compound over the entire surface.
- It is very important that the processing is uniform - if you do it in a hurry, some areas will remain unprotected. Saturate all sides of the board, including the sides.
- If the board is new, do not rush to use it on the day of purchase - oil impregnation of a new product is organized several times in a row. Treat the item at least twice, wiping off any remaining oil with paper towels.

If you are making the impregnating compound yourself, use the following formula. Take 1 part beeswax and 4 parts petroleum jelly: the mixture is prepared in a water bath. First, heat the oil, and then dip the wax into it. After cooking, the mixture must be cooled and applied to the board. If it is inconvenient to work with a cloth or with your hands, you can use a wide brush.
If the resulting composition remains, it must not be stored in the refrigerator until used again. It is reasonable to use it to handle all the wooden utensils in the house: as a rule, these are rolling pins and spatulas, spoons.
And one more important point. In a professional kitchen, there is a clear differentiation of boards: some are used for cutting vegetables, others for meat and fish. At home, not all housewives follow such a division, although elementary sanitary rules repeat this as an axiom.
No matter how carefully you process the boards, no matter how ideally you wash them, the risk of intestinal infections due to bacteria remaining in the pores of the wood remains. Reduces its division of boards by purpose.

Taking good care of your kitchen utensils is both thrift, and a rational attitude to dishes, and taking care of your own health.
See below for how to saturate the board.
How long did you keep the board in the oven?
Can wax be substituted with paraffin?
It is best not to substitute paraffin or stearin for beeswax, as they strongly clog the pores of the wood, thereby seriously impairing its vapor permeability and can provoke rotting.