Can opener: history, types and features of choice

Canning is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. For thousands of years, people have come up with ways to preserve food, since after abundance, as a rule, there was always a time of hunger. Preparation of long-distance campaigns, including military ones, led to the invention of convenient packaging - a can. Then devices were needed to open it.

A bit of history
Nicolas Apper invented the method of packing food in a jar, who in 1809 in France patented the method of preserving food in glass and steel jars. The result of his research exceeded all expectations. The products remained edible for a very long time, which turned out to be useful, since the French army began active operations in Europe. The disadvantages were the fragility and heavy weight of glass jars and rust on steel containers.

In 1810, a new tin can was patented in Great Britain by Peter Durand. The inventor proposed to use a non-ferrous metal coating that separated the steel from the contents of the can, so that it did not rust. Already in 1812, the British began to produce canned food on an industrial scale. The lack of English know-how was weight. The jar sometimes weighed more than its contents. You could get food out of the jar using an ax, or a chisel with a heavy hammer.
Only in the middle of the 19th century did they begin to use thin steel sheet, which is also used for modern cans.

At the same time, in the USA, Ezroy Warrenor came up with a knife of a peculiar shape, with two blades. In 1858 he patented his invention.One (sharp) blade opened the can, ripping open the tin, the other (blunt) held the knife on the edge of the can. In the 1860s, canned food manufacturers began selling cans along with a can opener.
In the first half of the 20th century, for the needs of the army, a simple opener for cans was invented - a can key. The design was proposed by the American John Speaker. The simple and effective design quickly conquered the market, even penetrating the Iron Curtain. The Soviet industry mastered this method of opening, however, it was applied to boxes with fuses for grenades, and then to zinc boxes for cartridges.
In Russia, canning factories begin their history in the same way in the 19th century, in 1870. At the beginning of the 20th century, several large enterprises were already operating. Began to massively produce canned fish (in Astrakhan) and meat (in Moscow).
The production of can openers was also mastered.

During the Soviet era, the production of canned food was increased. As a waste processing, machine-building factories also organized the production of can openers, with a variety of models. The most popular was the classic can opener before the revolution, called the "bull's head", with a comfortable wooden handle, at the same time there was a bottle opener on it. This model is being produced in our time.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, devices for opening cans began to be included in the set of tools for folding knives and multitool, produced for the needs of the armies, and then successfully mastered by tourists. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a set of tools for a tourist without some kind of can opener.
In the XX century, firms producing kitchen utensils and dishes also actively took up the development of the production of a variety of openers. In addition to portable portable options, stationary, tabletop and electrical units have appeared. Some are massive and not devoid of aesthetics. Modern kitchen designs no longer need muscular strength and, fitting into the overall interior of the kitchen, serve as good helpers for housewives.

The appearance of devices for opening cans is due to the beginning of the use of tinned sheet for their manufacture. The material has become thinner and relatively soft. It became possible to open such a jar even with an ordinary knife. But this method, although inexpensive, remains the most dangerous. The knife can slide off the surface of the can and then the consequences can be, to put it mildly, unpleasant. The edge of the cut is no less dangerous. It will not work to make it neat; torn and jagged edges bending chaotically will pose a rather serious danger.
The main elements of a special canning knife are a thick, short blade that is difficult to break and a special stop for the edge of the can so that the device does not slip. This allowed for smoother cut edges and safer opening of the can. The development of the idea led to the creation of the safest species, generally devoid of a blade as such. Its function began to be performed by rotating pointed wheels, the contact of which with the hands of the person opening the can is almost impossible.
Further, it remained only to improve the process, automating it more and more.

The development of devices for opening cans has led to the emergence of a wide variety of, often completely dissimilar designs.
The simplest way is the built-in key, which is available in cans made specially with this simple device. The lids of such cans have a special groove along the flange. If you pull the key evenly, the can opens, while the resulting edge, despite the thinness of the tin in this place, turns out to be quite safe, but the curved lid of the can can no longer be used for its intended purpose.

Another option for the built-in key involves screwing the lid into a roll, as a result of which the contents of the jar becomes available. The method became widespread in the first half of the 20th century. In both cases, in the production of cans, some complication of their design is necessary. The indisputable advantage of the described keys is their reliability in the field, when it is difficult to keep a special autonomous opener. It is for this reason that such jars with keys began to make up army rations.

In the conditions of expeditions, and even ordinary tourist trips, it is much easier to ensure the safety of instruments. The modern folding knife, which has a set of blades and tools, almost necessarily includes a basic can opener.

Special developments for housewives have led to the emergence of openers with various kinds of technical solutions that reduce the physical effort when opening the can. One of the main directions was development of an opener with a clamping mechanism and a revolving handle connected to a cutting wheel... There are several options for such a device. The most important difference is the minimum force applied to the opening process. A mechanical opener neatly cuts the can either along the side or just below it.

The emergence of electric openers was a natural development of mechanical models., in which, in one way or another, the efforts of a person were still required. Even portable, battery-powered electrical devices perform all mechanical operations independently. The automatic electric opener eliminated the need for a person to hold the can. You just need to insert it into the device, and remove it at the end of the operation.

Among the modern kitchen utensils, you can find quite massive and therefore resistant table openers. These electrical appliances are made of sufficiently durable materials, which allows them to ensure their long-term operation. The table opener is installed on rubberized legs, which prevents slipping. The can is fixed in a special holder and, turning, is automatically cut along the edge with a sharp stainless steel knife.
Many tabletop models are equipped with a holder with a magnet, its task is not only to securely fix the can, but also to hold the lid after the can is opened.

In bars, restaurants and cafes, a so-called professional opener of large dimensions and power is often used to open large cans. It differs from the household one by the ability to open cans by weight exceeding 1.2 kg. The increased requirements for strength, stability and performance of such devices affect their price. This is perhaps the most expensive, but at the same time a versatile option for opening any cans.

Rating of the best models
When purchasing a can opener, of course, everyone determines their choice by the compliance of the product with the mandatory requirements. Among them:
- functionality;
- durability;
- price
However, the reviews of the owners of a particular model of the device are no less important.

Currently, the market is literally saturated with inexpensive Chinese-made mechanical openers. Products from different manufacturers are the same very well-proven model of a mechanical opener, developed back in the middle of the 20th century by Tefal specialists. The opener allows you to get a smooth edge without sharp edges or burrs. The price of the Chinese version is significantly lower than the price of the original.

The Chinese industry mastered the production of the popular model of the Soviet openers for cans and bottles, with a comfortable wooden handle, under the name "Retro".
Of course, high-quality goods are provided by companies that have proven themselves in the production of kitchen utensils. The widest range of mechanical openers, and simple can openers, are produced by the companies: Tefal, Metaltex, Tescoma, Bradantia.
- Let's start the review of electrical models with the original openers "Moment"... The name speaks for itself. Indeed, this device copes with its work quickly. In addition, the cut edge is smooth and completely safe. The Moment electric can opener is powered by two AA batteries. The device easily adjusts to any standard lid size.

- Original model Polaris PJO 3003 - a small electrical apparatus fixed to a jar placed on a table or other flat surface. After starting, the machine opens the can and stops at the end of the process. It remains only to remove the opener from the can. On the part of the user, absolutely no effort is required to open the canned food.

- Great tabletop opener option offers Tefal company, its model Tefal 8536 is an example of a classic reliable device in its class. This versatile kitchen appliance opens both cans and bottles equally well. It will also help when sharpening kitchen knives. The can is fixed with a magnet. The opener starts from a light touch to a special lever. The unit is absolutely safe for the user.

- A similar device and no less reliability have a number of models from other manufacturers: Kenwood CO 600, CASO (D 10), Tristar (BO 2102)... They are distinguished from each other by a design solution, including options for models in a metal case and with different power of electric drives, which, of course, affects the price of the product. Compared to the described Tefal opener, modifications of some models can be three times more expensive.

- Serious equipment is required for the proper functioning of a modern restaurant. So, for daily intensive use, a number of companies offer professional units. Opener of the Turkish company Cancan - one of such devices. This fairly large stationary device is designed to open cans up to 350 mm high. Up to 8 cans can be opened with this device per minute.
Different models are designed to open round and square cans.

How to choose?
The choice of a can opener model may be dictated by the requirements for this device. So, in camping or summer cottages, it will be possible to do with the simplest option, which requires quite significant physical effort, a portable electric opener is also suitable for such conditions. For housewives, simple mechanical models are suitable as the most budgetary option. If you have to open a lot of cans and often, it is better to purchase electric models of openers. The owners of a cafe or restaurant will have to consider purchasing a professional device anyway.

The variety of modern devices for opening cans is very large.
At the same time, a high-quality opener must meet a number of simple requirements, including:
- reliability;
- convenience;
- security.
For kitchen units, in addition to functionality, design can be an important criterion.

Terms of use
The devices for opening cans are far from the same, it is the variety of technical solutions that often becomes the reason for their incorrect use, which in turn causes injury or other unpleasant consequences.
As a rule, instructions are attached to modern electronic devices, following which will avoid trouble.

Oddly enough, but it is the inability to use the simplest openers that most often causes injuries, scratches or cuts. To use them safely, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- you need to open the jar on a hard surface, fixing it with your hand;
- when performing opening operations, try not to be distracted, controlling the whole process;
- After using the opener is finished, carefully open and remove the cover, paying attention to its edges.

An overview of the One touch can opener is in the video below.