Dimensions of dish dryers in the closet

A dish dryer is a necessary thing in everyday life. When choosing, it is important to pay attention not only to its operational and aesthetic qualities, but also to its size. In modern conditions, people have the opportunity, even in small-sized kitchens, to play up the kitchen interior in an interesting way and place multifunctional cabinets. All this must be borne in mind when choosing a dish dryer.

Standard parameters
As a rule, most dryers are designed to be placed in top cabinets, and therefore their sizes are dictated by the furniture. The depth often remains unchanged - 22-25 cm. The following sizes are standard:
- 500 mm;
- 600 mm;
- 700 mm;
- 800 mm

If the dryer is installed in the lower cabinets, its width is also determined by the parameters of the container, but usually it is smaller than the width of the “upper” options. So, in this case, dryers with dimensions of 400, 500 and 600 mm are mainly offered. Sometimes 300mm copies are available.
If the depth of the module is greater than the standard, then, as a rule, the free space is filled with built-in household appliances. This is also worth considering when choosing the size of the dryer.

Non-standard options
Shops and furniture companies also offer unusual solutions for the arrangement of dishware. In this case, dryers can be corner and door. Features of corner pedestals, cupboards and doors determine the dimension of the product. The difference between two different sizes can be 50 mm, while for standard models this difference is 100 mm. Therefore, the sizes of 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550 and 600 mm can be classified as non-standard options. Naturally, it all depends on the specifics of the kitchen set.
There are other interesting solutions that can fulfill not only their direct functions, but also be part of the interior. These include, for example, miniature dishware, which are sometimes referred to as troflex.

These designs also come in one and two tiers. Household departments offer these options with and without pallets, some units are equipped with cutlery compartments. There are open wall models, they can be of standard and non-standard sizes. These products are suitable for those who do not like the accumulation of moisture in a closed module, as this leads to rapid deterioration of the material.
Thus, there are many models on the market with classic and unique sizes, and when choosing an inline dryer it is important to consider only the depth.

How to choose?
There are a number of things to consider before choosing the right size dryer.
- To choose a design for a 40 cm wardrobe, you need to choose a corner instance. If you take a straight product, then it will be possible to place only a couple of plates and mugs there, while the corner version is more spacious, and therefore will allow you to put twice as many dishes. If you mount two shelves, it will look too massive.
- For cabinet 50 cm 2-deck or corner dryers will do. But make sure in advance that there is enough space between the two tiers to accommodate large diameter plates. Sometimes it is more convenient to put such wide plates in a separate place than to select drying specifically for them.
- The most preferred option is a 70 cm design. It is convenient and allows you to place quite a lot of plates. It is recommended to give preference to models with a removable bottom so that there are no problems during cleaning.
- If you choose a dryer with a size of 80 cm, then it must be a product made of a very durable material. Such an instance allows you to place a lot of dishes, and under the weight of several dozen plates, the wooden flimsy unit can collapse.

Once you have chosen a suitable size option, before buying, it is worth considering other features of different sized dryers.
- At home, carefully measure the distance inside the cabinet from one wall to another and be sure to measure the depth. If this is a 2-tier dryer for plates and mugs, then keep in mind that there should be a distance of 30 cm between the tiers, and 7 cm between the tiers and the pallet, then the flowing water will be collected fully.
- Do not place the two levels so that dishes dry on the top and mugs on the bottom. This is contrary to sanitary and hygienic standards, as the water from the dishes will drain into the mugs. In addition, with a high arrangement of cabinets, it is more convenient to get a mug from above than a flat plate.
- Be sure to choose a model with a drip tray. Give preference to samples with the largest pallet - these are more functional options. It is more convenient to use a removable tray, you can always drain the accumulated water from it and rinse the structure. Recently, transparent plastic copies have been relevant, they are easy to wash, and they do not deform under the influence of moisture.
- Look for chrome-plated stainless steel products. Such structures have a longer service life.
- Returning to the dimensions, it is worth noting that the width of the unit provides for the width of the cabinet walls, which means that in fact it is 32-36 mm less. Therefore, when choosing a dish, it is worth studying the markings and information about the thickness of the chipboard for which the specimen is intended.

The nuances of installing dryers of different sizes
When installing a dish dryer, it is important to follow a few simple rules.
- The distance between two tiers must be at least 300 mm.
- If this is a 1-level plate dryer, then it is recommended to mount it in the middle of the cabinet. This will accommodate large crockery.
- Keep in mind that each copy has its own tensile strength, and overload threatens with rapid failure and destruction.So, a 40 cm design allows you to place no more than 12 plates, a 50 cm dish - about 15 plates, 60 cm - 18 pieces, and 80 cm - 28 plates.
- When installing a dryer of any size, remember that you will need space for a pallet. The gap between the pallet and the bottom level should be 7 cm.
- Also keep in mind that the cabinet doors should close without effort, the dryer and the dishes in it should not interfere.
In many homes, dryers for corner top cabinets are relevant. In appearance, the design resembles a traditional frontal dryer, but it also has an additional full-size part.

Inside the cabinet, the copy is mounted in the shape of the letter "L". This option is good in that it allows high-quality and full use of the corner space of the cabinet, that is, the traditional frontal design would allow a minimum number of plates to be placed in the corner cabinet. However, even when using a corner dryer, access is slightly complicated by the narrow façade. So, with the dimensions of a corner cabinet 60x60 cm, the width of its facade is only 40 cm.
From all of the above, we can conclude that dryers of certain actual sizes are suitable for different cabinet dimensions:
- 40 cm - 35x25cm;
- 45 cm - 41x25cm;
- 50 cm - 46x25cm;
- 60 cm - 56x25cm;
- 70 cm - 66x25cm;
- 80 cm - 76x25cm.

For pull-out pedestals, specimens up to 60 cm inclusive are suitable, but 80 cm dryers are intended mainly for stationary cabinets. In fact, the specifics of installing a standard two-deck dryer does not depend on the size of the structure itself, but it is important to take into account other factors related to its parameters. The classic dryer has a depth of 28 cm, therefore, it is suitable for a cabinet of the same or larger size. So that all the mugs fit easily, it is important to measure the height of the tallest glass, and take this distance into account when installing the upper tier. In this case, do not forget about the gap, which should be equal to 20 mm.
It is also important to take into account the growth of the owner of the apartment, who will most often use the dryer. It is not worth dwelling on this point in detail, and it is so clear that for a short person, the upper tier must be mounted at the minimum permissible height, and for tall people, the circles should be located at the height of the raised hand. Another important dimensional criterion for installation is the height of the cabinet itself. So, despite the popularity of such designs, it is not recommended to install a two-tier dryer in a cabinet with a height of less than 480 mm. It looks uncomfortable and unaesthetic.

When installing the product in a cabinet, there must be an exhaust hole inside so that unpleasant odors and moisture do not collect, and the dishes are well ventilated. If this moment is not provided in the cabinet, then a couple of small holes can be mechanically drilled to maintain a steady air flow.
Modern models of kitchen sets provide for the presence of wall cabinets without a bottom, that is, in fact, the bottom turns out to be a pallet, into which drops flow from the dishes.
In the next video, you will find the installation of a built-in dish drainer in a kitchen cabinet.