Built-in bins: types and recommendations for choosing

It is impossible to imagine a modern kitchen without a waste bin. Many housewives are wondering where to place it, so that it is convenient, and at the same time it does not spoil the interior design. There is a way out - this is a built-in trash can. You should consider in more detail how to choose the right built-in model for the sink and in the countertop, which models are in demand.

The trash can is a very popular accessory that is low cost, long lasting, and easy to clean. Built-in waste bins deserve special attention, as they save space, and you can also remove garbage or waste from the sink or table, while keeping your hands completely clean. Today, there are several options for built-in buckets for the kitchen on sale:
- in the cabinets of the kitchen module;
- into the countertop.

It is very important to pay attention to the volume of the built-in trash can.
Its capacity should not be very large, because the facade simply cannot hold a lot of weight. An excellent solution would be a model designed for 3-4 liters.... This option is suitable for small families who do not throw out a lot of trash.

Quite often, special pull-out bins are installed in the sink niche. They are devices that provide automatic exit of the bucket when the door is opened. There are both conventional mechanisms and innovative ideas. You can also pick up a model that has a separately fastened lid, and when the bucket comes out when the door is opened, it will already be with the lid raised.And when the front is closed, the lid will cover the bucket again, thus avoiding the formation of an unpleasant odor.

Advantages and disadvantages
Built-in waste bins have both advantages and disadvantages. First, let's consider the main advantages of retractable models, namely:
- the lid opens automatically;
- hygiene and ergonomics;
- functionality;
- ease of use;
- if desired, placement of 2-3 cells, which allows sorting waste;
- quick and easy installation;
- in the event of a breakdown, the retractable mechanism can be promptly repaired independently or replaced with a new one;
- there is no need to wash your hands after each disposal of the garbage, since the person does not touch the handle.

Today, models that are mounted in a kitchen cabinet or hung on the module door are also in great demand. Of course, the pull-out mechanism can only be used in a spacious kitchen.
If you have a small kitchen, then you should use wall-mounted models.
When a person opens the cabinet, a semi-automatic mechanism lifts the lid.

But among the minuses, it is worth noting the high cost. Any modern models that are equipped with opening mechanisms are more expensive than conventional buckets with lids.

How to choose?
Today, stores offer a wide selection of built-in trash bins, so it is worth considering in more detail the main selection criteria.
Dimensions (edit)
Since the built-in bucket is located in the bedside table, its dimensions must be optimal. The accessory should fit inside the cabinet without any problems, and the facade should be completely closed.

This criterion is also one of the main ones when choosing a built-in type trash can. It is worth considering the number of family members, and how much garbage they throw out daily. Garbage must be taken out at least once a day, only then it is possible to exclude the appearance of midges and an unpleasant odor.
Since the bucket is located inside the kitchen unit, its volume cannot be large. The best option is from 3 to 4 liters.

The form
A variety of bin shapes are available today, but recessed models are usually rectangular or triangular in shape. Such options take up a minimum amount of space, ensuring maximum fullness.

This criterion completely depends on the wishes of the homeowner, since there are both conventional models on sale, in which you need to lift the lid for use, and automated buckets with a touch sensor, which provides self-opening of the lid.

Material and color
Usually, when choosing a built-in model, buyers do not pay much attention to color and design, since this accessory is hidden from prying eyes. But nonetheless, it is worth finding a beautiful option for yourself so that you can enjoy using it.
As for the material of manufacture, you should give preference to buckets made of high quality plastic or stainless steel.

The lineup
Built-in trash bins are becoming more and more relevant every day, so they are produced by a variety of companies and brands. Let's take a closer look at the most popular solutions.
Brabantia offers high quality and stylish built-in buckets that can be easily attached to the inside of the kitchen unit door... The manufacturer uses both matt and polished steel. Some models are made of excellent quality plastic.

The Brabantia built-in two-section trash can has two sections with a volume of 10 liters. It is characterized by its compactness, ideal for separating waste. Due to its small size, this option can be installed in any kitchen module, while the door can be opened both to the left and to the right. The buckets are removable, made of durable yellow and black plastic, which looks stylish and effective... The company gives a 10-year warranty for its products. The disadvantages include the high cost. The average price of such a model is 10 thousand rubles.

The Italian manufacturer Bellanda offers a line of built-in under-counter bins. This is a rather unusual and bold decision, which is unusual for the inhabitants of our country, but it will be very practical and convenient.
With this trash can, cooking becomes easier, because cleaning can be thrown out in one fell swoop.
The bucket itself is under the countertop, but the lid is already built into it, but it can be removed quite easily. It seals the garbage container hermetically, thereby preventing the spread of unpleasant odors.

A bucket built into the countertop can be installed anywhere, but experts advise placing it closer to the sink, because it will be more convenient and practical.
Such a bucket is very easy to get if it needs to be washed. Made of high quality plastic, the volume of the product is 13 liters, and the diameter of the insert is 276 mm. The bucket itself has a diameter of 272 mm and a height of 317 mm.

Built-in waste bins are gaining in popularity. Modern kitchens require each accessory to be in its place, while providing maximum comfort and convenience during its use. Users of the models built into kitchen modules like that the trash can is hidden from prying eyes, and also does not take up space in the kitchen. Many are attracted to out-of-the-box models because they can reach the trash can with just one movement, without the need to lift the product lid and keep their hands clean.

However, some buyers do not like that the models attached to the fronts of the cabinets cannot be of large volume.
If we consider the trash cans built into the countertop, they look quite impressive. Users are attracted by the convenience of use, but the cost of the models is quite high, which not everyone can afford. The complexity of installation should also be noted. This process should be entrusted to a professional so as not to spoil the countertop.

The characteristics of the Tandem built-in waste bins and the features of their operation can be found in the following video.