All About Garlic Press

In the kitchen, you practically cannot do without a garlic chopper. Connoisseurs of the culinary arts argue that there is no other way to grind garlic in the same way that you can do it with a special garlic press. In the article we will talk about the types of such kitchen utensils, about those who produce them, which garlic press is still better to choose and how to use it correctly.

Species overview
On the modern market, you can find various garlic grinders. They can differ in shape (round, semicircular, spiral, with handles or with a container), in the material of manufacture (plastic, stainless steel, aluminum), be manual or electric.
- There are large professional garlic presses, and there are presses for chopping garlic for household use. In principle, it is not so important how this kitchen accessory looks, the main thing is that this functional and practical thing has become indispensable both for the catering system and for ordinary housewives.

- Modern garlic presses can be used for chopping other products as well. Today, such products are produced of various types and types. There is also a traditional version in the form of a press, but innovative technologies make it possible to produce a variety of designs.

- Lever-type press. This garlic press is the most common option for mincing garlic. The principle of operation is the simplest: the teeth are cleaned, placed in a press and pressed down with a plate. The crushed mass is obtained through the holes; the peel may remain on the walls of the bowl, which is removed by hand.

- Garlic press with handles (silicone or rubber). The body of these designs is made of stainless steel, and the handles are covered with a rubber base or silicone for convenience.

In addition to the fact that in such a solution the process of extrusion is facilitated (the brush does not strain so much, but there are products with anatomically shaped handles), this design find allows you to choose an accessory for the general style of the kitchen.
- Multifunctional garlic press. There are universal devices on the market that are able not only to squeeze out garlic, but also to cope with other tasks. So, for example, such presses can grind nuts, herbs, spices. A copy in the form of a mill does not grind garlic in the traditional form for a press, but cuts the product into small pieces. Sometimes such devices come with a glass or a special container.

- Press for grinding cylindrical shape. This modification consists of three chambers: a "stamping" part, a container with a cutting grid, and a transparent plastic flask. This chopper produces fine garlic cubes at the exit.

- Petal-shaped press. This is an oval-shaped plate, bent in the middle at the place of the holes, which is convenient for crushing garlic. At the exit, we get waste-free production, it is enough to put the slices on a hard surface and press on them with a press. Such a "petal" is convenient to wash and store: it does not take up much space.

- A plastic chopper in the shape of a head of garlic. Such a press of a new sample was released by the manufacturer from Spain Ibili. Crushes several cloves at once, which are loaded into a plastic container. The container must be closed and rotated back and forth. The degree of grinding will depend on these movements: the longer you move, the finer the mass will be at the exit.

Top manufacturers
The top manufacturers of garlic mincing products include those who make classic presses. Although there is a wide variety of similar kitchen devices on the market today, both single and sold as a set, leading manufacturers still produce classic version of lever presses.
- In the list of manufacturers Tescoma from the Czech Republic. The product of this brand is distinguished by its simplicity, low cost and good quality. The contentious issue is usability.

- Light, beautiful and comfortable garlic press are made by the German manufacturer KuchenHrofi... But the price of such products is also more expensive.

- Domestic manufacturer NPOA manufactures lightweight square-hole presses. By the way, experts criticize the products of this Russian manufacturer for the appearance of the products, reminiscent of the Soviet model, and for the high cost of the goods.

- Americans (Dom Company) issue heavy pressesthat require effort when pressing, but the models come with a cleaner and plastic overlays on the handles. Such models are expensive.

- Chinese garlic from Appolo both in price and in convenience can easily compete with other models on the market. Despite the fact that they come without a cleaner and you will have to press the press several times to achieve the result, such products are in demand.

Nuances of choice
Experts advise choosing a mid-range garlic press. The fact is that too cheap copies can quickly break down, and too expensive ones can be disappointing: they are not of proper quality and do not justify their cost. A mid-range press is a good compromise in this case.
Choose a shape so that the device is comfortable to use in your hands. It is better, of course, that the model also has a cleaner for cleaning the mesh during operation. Some devices of this type have blunt pins on the bottom for holes, thanks to which the mesh remains clean.

Some manufacturers claim that their garlic presses can handle unpeeled cloves. In principle, as practice shows, if you load garlic with skin into any press, it will still remain on the wall, so you shouldn't pay for additional advertising.It is believed that it was precisely for the opportunity to press garlic with the peel that garlic presses began to be appreciated.
In fact, it is not very profitable for those “dressed” to process this product: in addition to the additional efforts that need to be made for pressing, a lot of waste remains after the procedure.
It is better to purchase such a device not made of plastic, but if you nevertheless decide to buy a plastic garlic, then check the labeling of the material, it must be for food purposes (PE, PP, PET, PETF). Stainless steel garlic grinders are considered the most durable.

How to use the classic press?
It is believed that garlic minced in such a device gives a stronger aroma than that which is cut with a knife. It turns out that the product is more destroyed by mechanical stress.
Even a device that does not squeeze out, but cuts the garlic, produces thinner, softer and more uniform plates that exude a better aroma than slices cut with a knife.
The classic press squeezes out the garlic according to the piston principle. The chamber is filled with cleaned teeth and pressed with handles. A lever crushes the garlic and squeezes the mass out through the holes. The most important thing is that the device fits in the palm of your hand.

For convenience, they choose a press for their hands: it is necessary that the grip matches your pressure capabilities. If the manual press is difficult to use, purchase an electric version - also a regular classic one or with additional functions.

You don't need to be skilled to use a regular garlic press. Even those who first saw such a device can easily cope with it.
After grinding, the device is washed, dried and stored.
It is recommended to wash such kitchen utensils immediately after use, especially if they do not have a cleaner. If you leave the device soiled after work at least for a while, it will be difficult to wipe it off: garlic tends to stick to the base.