What are the rolls for the test and how to choose them?

No kitchen in the world is complete without flour products. Modern chefs often cut out pie blanks using special safe and movable devices - rollers. Even a novice cook is capable of handling such a tool.

Description and purpose
Making delicious pies and buns requires certain skills. A professional baker can bake a beautiful cake with a minimum of tools. For those for whom baking is a pleasant holiday, mini helpers will come in handy.
Rollers are special devices that are used for rolling, cutting, curly cutting of flour products.
They all have one feature in common - a smooth or serrated disk (roller) is attached to the long handle of the tool, which, when it comes into contact with the dough, begins to rotate. The discs have a sharp edge and are used for cutting. The rollers can be corrugated and flat. To create a beautiful decoration on baking, fluted tools are used, and smooth ones are used to evenly roll the dough.

There are many different types of dough rollers. They differ in:
- appointment;
- form;
- material of manufacture.
Soft dough should not be cut in the same way as bread - sawing back and forth, it is cut in one motion. Nothing sticks to the slicing blade and the surface of the workpiece is not wrinkled.

- simplify and speed up the cooking process;
- do not require special training;
- in the end - a good result.
- each operation requires a separate type of nozzle;
- grooved surfaces are not very easy to clean.

Cutting rollers differ from each other in the shape of the blade and their number. Usually thin disks (one or more) are used for this, they are sharp along the edge and easily cut into pieces any dough, suitable for shortbread, puff, unleavened.
Regular roller - used for rolling, in fact, it is a mini-rolling pin fixed on a wide handle. Suitable for even distribution of the layer on the baking sheet, rolling out small pieces.

- Roller knife - consists of a handle and a rotating round wheel with a sharp edge, creates a smooth and deep cut. It is convenient for them to cut raw and ready-made pastries, nothing sticks to it.
There is a sliding version of several discs, which allows you to cut into several parts at once.

- Figured - differs from the previous type in that its edge is wavy. The curly edge allows you to cut the dough decoratively: it is suitable for making cookies and decorating pies. Additionally, you can buy a grooved knife for adhesion of layers: it will help to make dumplings and ravioli - the wavy edge not only cuts, but also holds the edges together if you fold one layer on top of another.
There is also an option with a gear-like edge for dotted lines on pizza or pie.

- Circle press - consists of 2 ovals concave inward, fastened in the middle. Used to obtain identical blanks for pies, buns, manti.
A more convenient way than cutting with a glass or cup. It happens with a smooth and jagged edge.

- Square press - resembles the previous version, only as a result, square blanks are obtained. Suitable for forming biscuits, dumplings.

- For strips (noodles) - consists of 5-7 disc-shaped knives arranged in parallel. Cuts many strips of the same width, you can not only put them in soup, but also decorate baked goods.

- For triangles (croissants) Is a device of spinning wide blades: two are in line with the handles, and the other two are at an acute angle to them. Cuts into equal even triangles, from which it is convenient to fold bagels.

- To cut the mesh - a device with a length of 10 to 18 cm consists of a dozen round knives with rare deep notches along the edge. The layer is carefully rolled with a tool, and then taken and stretched, like a mesh. Used to decorate culinary products.

- For knurling (holes) Is a wide type-setting roller covered with small rods. Suitable for applying original ornaments or piercing the surface of pies so that they bake better.

- For knurling (accordion) - is a roller of flat parallel blades for applying transverse stripes on puff pastry.
Used for decoration, as well as high-quality baking of pies with filling.

- For rolling (waves) - this is a variation of the previous version, only the blades are not located in a straight line, but helical, when cutting, stripes in the form of waves are obtained.
Often, some models have removable nozzles in the kit. When changing parts, you can cut the dough in different ways, adjust the thickness of the strips, choose any shape for the confectionery.

Materials (edit)
Rollers and rollers can be made from different materials:
- stainless steel;
- plastic;
- wood;
- combined.

Each of the materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. Plastic and wooden devices are less durable, but they do not deteriorate from water, unlike metal ones. The stainless steel itself is protected from rust by a special composition, but when scratches appear, the metal can begin to oxidize. It is better to purchase the product from a trusted manufacturer.
The stainless steel disc creates a thin and neat cut, resulting in beautiful and even baked goods. The plastic blades are thicker and not as sharp, but they are safe: even children can work with them.
The cut from the plastic will be rougher: it is difficult to make very thin cuts.Wood is often used to make rollers and comfortable handles.

Manufacturers overview
Roller knives are great helpers in the kitchen. Making a choice, each customer is guided by their own preferences. It is important not to be mistaken not only with the purpose of the accessory for the kitchen, but also with the manufacturer.
Popular brands.
- Dolyana. A Chinese company produces household goods, including utensils for cooking and serving. She has a separate line for confectioners, where devices for rolling out dough and cutting out pieces are presented. Customers are commendable about the products of this company.

- Fissman. The Danish brand manufactures tableware and kitchenware in China. It is considered a recognized leader in its niche. The rollers of this manufacturer are simple and easy to use, they have good quality and external design.

- VETTA. The domestic brand produces household items with international quality standards, all products are made in China. Customers like the goods: they are comfortable and of high quality.

- Webber. A private American firm produces a variety of grill models and optional kitchen utensils, including baking sets.
Customer reviews are contradictory: some are dissatisfied - poor quality, do not cut at all, while others do not find flaws and believe that the product is excellent.

- Tescoma. The Czech company produces original kitchen accessories with individual designs.
According to reviews, the product is of high quality, ease of use, and facilitates work in the kitchen. This is one of my favorite manufacturers.

- Mayer & Boch. German brand of cookware that is produced in China.
According to reviews, the quality is not very high: the blades rotate poorly, the edges are not processed. The product is delivered unpacked, wrapped in polyethylene.

Selection Tips
When buying a new kitchen accessory, every baker strives to choose a high-quality and reliable tool that will help make the cooking process comfortable and fast.
What should be considered?
- Pay attention to the rigidity of the material and the tightness of fastening of different parts of the structure.
- If there are additional attachments, then each should be easy to put on and off, and in working order not fall off and not swing.
- There should be no dents or chips on the device, high-quality parts do not smell, have a uniform color.
- The handle should be comfortable and fit well in the hand, it is better if it is made of wood or plastic.
- We need to evaluate how easy it is to wash: each of the parts must be accessible.

How to use it correctly?
The slicing roller allows you to prepare beautiful and flavorful flour products. Important - all buns and cookies will be the same size. It remains only to roll out the dough thinly and hold the device from one edge to the other.

How many times you have to do this depends largely on the type of roller knife.
- Circular knife. Thanks to its sharp edge, it easily and quickly cuts into pieces sticky surfaces, it is often used for slicing pizza. In terms of functionality, it is no different from a regular blade, you have to cut it in several steps.
- From multiple disks. 5 or more disks of the same size are placed on one roller, spaced at intervals: there are widely spaced ones - for cutting large products, and there are with a very small distance between the knives - for making noodles. Such a device is carried out only once. This also includes devices for cutting decorative mesh.
- Press for circles, squares, triangles. With this tool, you can cut workpieces to the same size. It is enough to hold on the layer with strong pressure, as a result you will get even squares or circles. After rolling, pieces remain from the edges that have not been removed into the template.
It is important to be careful when working, press the wheel carefully so that a deep slot appears.When using a multi-disc tool, you should not rush; you must methodically roll each section.

Care rules
First of all, for work, it is recommended to place the dough layer on a wooden or silicone substrate, so the blades will not become dull.
And a few more simple rules.
- After use, all kitchen utensils are washed with warm water and detergent and dried.
- The stainless steel mechanism can be wiped with a soft cloth with a few drops of vegetable oil.
- Then the device is put into a special storage container: this way it will not get dusty and be exposed to kitchen vapors.
- Plastic structures are rather fragile: they are placed away from hot objects and try not to drop them.
It must be remembered that the rollers are the same knives. When working, observe safety precautions so as not to injure yourself.