
Muslim pendants

Muslim pendants
  1. Jewelry history
  2. Varieties and design
  3. How to choose?

For Muslims, choosing a pendant is a very important step. The adornment has a sacred character, pendants with Islamic symbols are worn under clothes closer to the chest, hiding from the eyes of strangers. But this does not negate the fact that the product should be made in the best jewelry traditions.

Jewelry history

Pendants and pendants were the first jewelry that Muslims began to adorn themselves with. Then the role of amulets was assigned to them. They were given by relatives or just people close to each other. The items were encrusted with stones with characteristic properties.

This tradition continues to this day. However, no parallel should be drawn between Muslim pendants and Christian pendant crosses. Islam does not allow one or another symbol to be endowed with sacred properties.

Gold jewelry is intended exclusively for the fair sex. Muslim men usually do not wear jewelry from this metal. Jewelry for Islamic women is a sign of family wealth. A wife's expensive jewelry is an indicator of her husband's status. Therefore, Islamic pendants are distinguished by their rich design and massiveness.

The most ancient symbol is the Muslim crescent moon with a star. However, these elements were endowed with a sacred meaning a long time ago by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

At first, the crescent moon figured in Byzantine symbolism. In 330 A.D. NS. Ottoman Turks capture the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople. Later the city became known as Istanbul, and the crescent moon in combination with the star became associated with Muslims.

Varieties and design

One of the popular Muslim jewelry is a gold pendant complemented by topaz.There is an opinion that this exquisite blue stone gives its owner energy, frees his head from bad thoughts, helps to make important life decisions and avoid problems competently.

This mineral is intended for business women who need to be confident and establish contacts with different people. Topaz is also pink in color. It suits more romantic natures, encourages its owner to make pleasant surprises for her chosen one.

Women's silver pendants are no less beautiful than gold ones. The traditional symbol, a crescent moon with a star, can be complemented by some elements of calligraphy, ethnic ornaments or other inserts inherent in Islamic traditions.

Silver jewelry is of great value to Muslims. Such jewelry is presented to brides or loved ones who wear them every day.

If a woman of a different religion wants to wear a pendant with Muslim symbols, then you can choose an elegant and thin pendant. True, it should not be combined with jewelry in other styles.

How to choose?

Jewelry for a Muslim woman is a universal gift. Jewelry is never enough, and chains with pendants can be worn in any quantity. Oriental girls will always like such a gift, even if they already have a dozen pendants in the box.

When choosing a jewelry, do not forget that it is worn under clothes. Therefore, it is mainly necessary to pay attention to the meaning of the symbolism. It will be more valuable for a person if he is presented with a suitable amulet as a gift, rather than a trinket strewn with shiny stones.

A product made of expensive metal, with diamonds or other precious stones can be presented as a gift to a very close person. In this way, the giver will express their dedication, attention and respect. The jewelry will then be worn with special trepidation, not because of its high cost, but because it was selected for a person in order to deliver pleasant emotions.

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