
Quest for children 8 years old

Quest for children 8 years old
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Places and items
  3. Description of tasks
  4. Recommendations for

Birthday is a holiday that every child looks forward to with special trepidation. On this day, everything should be perfect: loved ones nearby, interesting entertainment, sweet food and, of course, gifts. At such a young age, the holidays are usually spent at home, but this does not mean that children do not need interesting games. Quests are one of the most popular. In the article we will tell you about the features of this game, show you where you can hide gifts, give tips on how to play it.


A quest is a type of game in which boys and girls must find gifts hidden in a secret place using clues scattered throughout the house. Each previous clue depicts or describes the location of the next, and so on in a chain until the children find the "treasure". This quest will be a great way to entertain children of 8 years old at home for their birthday. The game will keep the students busy for at least an hour, and at the end it will be possible to rejoice with them, expanding the prizes found.

Since at the age of 8 children already know how to read and write, the script can be complicated. If cards with pictures are often used for preschoolers, then adult children will have to puzzle over more complex tasks than just understanding where the drawing points to in the apartment. Of course, some clues can contain a simple picture so that children do not get tired of constant puzzles, but to increase the time for completing the quest, they can be made more difficult.

The main thing is that the task is feasible for the development of children of 8 years old.

It is desirable that at least one adult accompany the schoolchildren during the game:

  • he will be able to act as a photographer and at the end of the holiday provide the rest of the parents with photographs showing how their children spent the evening;
  • if children have difficulties in solving a particular problem, an adult will be able to help and direct their guesses in the right direction.

The quest can be organized both individually for one child and for the whole group. If the apartment or house allows, you can divide the children into teams and keep track of who is the first to find the "treasure chest". Of course, each group should have its own prize so that at the end everyone would be happy with the gifts and sweets they received. It is advisable to first ask the parents if there will be allergy sufferers among the guests, and remove chocolate or a nut bar from the prizes. This will not only make the game safe, but also prevent the child from feeling superfluous. All clues should be placed in their places in advance. During the meal, throw the first hint with a letter to the children, which will tell them that they will have fun adventures, and at the end - a big surprise. Then everything will go on as usual, because children's excitement and imagination know no bounds.

When creating a scenario for the game, the gender of the children should be taken into account. Boys will be interested in pirate, space and football quests. Girls at the age of 8 have already grown out of pink ponies and fairies, but they probably have favorite book heroes or music performers.

A great solution would be to use thematic prizes.

For example, make a treasure chest for boys and, in addition to gifts, put chocolate coins inside. For girls, the final gifts can be placed in a large bright box decorated with sequins and bows.

Mini-rewards in the form of stickers, cookies and other little joys left at the tips work very well for kids. This will give them the opportunity to take a break and continue solving problems with even greater enthusiasm. For a more atmospheric celebration, prepare beautiful costumes for your students. It can be a pirate sword and pistol, handcuffs and a walkie-talkie, princess crowns and dresses. It all depends on the theme of the game and the gender of the birthday person and his guests.

Places and items

Finding a gift in an apartment will not take so much time as deciding where to hide all the tips and the gift itself. Here's a rough list of card locations:

  • in the bathroom behind the mirror;
  • in the sink;
  • in a bottle;
  • behind the curtains;
  • at the computer;
  • under the pillow on the bed;
  • under the rug (pre-rinse the carpet itself and the floor);
  • on the windowsill;
  • attach to the lamp;
  • on the balcony (if warm);
  • in boots;
  • under the pillow on the chair;
  • in a backpack;
  • in a jacket;
  • in a vacuum cleaner and other places depending on the size of the apartment.

The prize box can be hidden in:

  • bedside table;
  • wardrobe;
  • fridge;
  • Kitchen Cabinet;
  • oven;
  • washing machine.

Most importantly, remember that the child should not look anywhere before the start of the game, and even more so he should not find a gift, otherwise there will be no surprise.

Description of tasks

For children 8 years old, tasks on logic and some of the school curriculum will be optimal.

We offer the following list of games that are suitable for children of both sexes.

  • Riddles. This is a versatile option that everyone loves. The riddle may indicate the location of the next clue. You can write several riddles at once, the answers to which will not directly indicate the cache, but only hint where to look. The first riddle can be written in a letter that is given to the child as an introduction.
  • Puzzle. Draw a picture of finding the next clue and cut it into pieces. Only by putting the puzzle together will the children understand where to go next. You can order a puzzle with a corresponding picture in advance. The main thing is that it can be quickly collected - otherwise the excitement will disappear.
  • Rainbow. Several multi-colored circles are made on a piece of paper, inside which letters are written in a random order. To guess the word, children will need to remember the correct arrangement of the colors in the rainbow.
  • Superfluous word. Schoolchildren are offered several strings of words where unnecessary ones should be emphasized. They will give the correct associations with finding the next key.
  • Fruits. Offer the children a vase of apples, each of which will have a letter engraved. Only by placing everything in the correct order, it will be possible to guess the hint.
  • Mathematical examples and alphabet. Write a list of examples whose answers will indicate the sequence of the desired letters in the alphabet. For example, the answer will be 3, the third letter in the alphabet is "B", which means that we write it down. This is how the next clue comes together.
  • Crossword. Come up with or find on the Internet an entertaining crossword puzzle with a secret word-answer. It is better to print the task on a computer.
  • Shadows. The picture shows the shadow of an object, and below the options for answers. A suitable drawing will be the key to the next clue.
  • Labyrinth. Children should go through the maze and take the hero to the exit. On the way, they will collect letters that will later form into the correct word.
  • Past and present. To get a hint, you need to arrange the pictures in chronological order. On the back of the drawings, letters will be written that will fold into a key.
  • Rebus. Come up with a puzzle, the answer to which will be the location of the next clue.
  • Pirate map. Print out the card and cut it into pieces. Putting everything together, the children will see the location of the key.
  • Song. Pick a popular song that the kids love. It can be a composition from a cartoon, a movie or your favorite artist. The main thing is that the students know it by heart. Words will be skipped in the song to help decipher the clue.

These are general puzzle games that will be interesting for both girls and boys.

You can also come up with additional tasks related to the quest.

  • Football riddle, where you need to name the numbers of your favorite football players, which will correspond to the location of the desired letter in the alphabet. Then put these letters into a key word.
  • Girls can be offered an envelope with a hint, but it will be possible to open it only after each has sung a song, recited a verse or danced.

Try to select tasks in which children can reveal their talents and show intelligence.

Recommendations for

Of course, on a birthday, the main character should be the birthday man, but do not forget about the guests. It is important that everyone is involved in the game so that there are no boredom. Captains can be assigned to each task, so everyone can prove themselves and take part in winning the coveted prize.

Everything in the gift box should correspond to the number of participants.

For more excitement, you can slightly complicate getting answers, put tasks in an envelope wrapped with threads in a plastic bottle. It's a great idea to use multiple boxes like a nesting doll, where a smaller box is put into a larger one, and so on. To complicate the process, each box can be wrapped in paper and placed inside a mini-prize such as cookies, stickers or badges.

How to conduct a quest at home, see the video.

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