
Organization of a quest for a husband

Organization of a quest for a husband
  1. Organization rules
  2. Quest ideas
  3. Overview of assignments
  4. Ready script
  5. We select a gift

Birthday, New Year, February 14 are not just holidays, but an occasion to express your feelings to your loved one. Ordinary gifts are always good and pleasant. But what if you arrange your soul mate, for example, your husband, a real quest for your birthday to find a gift.

This can be organized both in an apartment and in an open space. It doesn't matter whether this quest is for the husband at home or outside the house: the main thing is an adventure in which he can participate both alone and as a whole company.

Organization rules

In order for a holiday for beloved men to turn out to be interesting and unforgettable, several basic rules for conducting any quest must be observed. This requires only two things:

  • scenario;
  • requisites.

A very short list, but it includes a huge number of tasks that need to be done before the solemn event, while secretly from her husband.

What is the purpose of any such game? You need to hide the gift so that, according to preliminary prompts, your betrothed will find it. It is desirable that the tips are as interesting as possible. If it is February 14th, then the clue notes may be romantic in nature that only makes sense for the two of you. If this is a gift for the New Year, then the tips can be written on behalf of Santa Claus. It all depends only on your imagination.

To create the perfect quest, there are some rules to follow.

  1. You need to decide on the placewhere the gift will be hidden (in the apartment, on the street - it doesn't matter), the main thing is that the place should be secluded and as unexpected as possible for the husband.
  2. Need an ornate chain of prompts. These can be all sorts of objects with codes, ciphers or messages in verses left on them. Or it could be a map made by yourself. The main thing is that the tips themselves look interesting and attractive. No birthday boy will enjoy reading riddles on torn pieces of paper. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the design (buy envelopes, colored paper, foil, etc.). But don't overdo it. Clues are not the gift itself. They shouldn't overshadow the real end goal of the quest.
  3. After the tasks themselves are ready, you will need to properly hide them - from the first to the last. If the search for the treasure will take place at home, then here the clues can be hidden in vases, cupboards, coffee cans, flower pots, an oven, a washing machine, a book, an armchair, a salt shaker, duvet covers and pillow cases. There is a huge amount of places in the apartment, the main thing is not to get lost in the abundance of prompts ourselves and not to cross the first and last tasks in a random way. Otherwise, everything will be mixed.
  4. Don't overdo it with the number of scraps., five to ten tasks will be enough, since a quest of twenty puzzles will turn out to be boring and can take a day.
  5. The riddles themselves don't have to be very difficult., you should not add mathematical equations there, unless of course your husband is a genius of mathematics. It is better to make the tasks simpler, so it will be easier and more interesting for your husband to join the game and get excited. But do not forget about the tasks that you have to think about, otherwise the whole quest can be solved in half an hour. And this will not be so interesting!

Quest ideas

To make your loved one remember the holiday, you can involve relatives and friends in the adventure (for example, on a wedding anniversary or anniversary - 30 years). Let's take a look at how to host this event at home and outdoors.


In fact, there are a lot of ideas for quests at home. The main thing is to think in advance where to hide the tips and how to make them yourself.

Here are just a few examples.

  1. Option with a balloon with a note inside. Very unusual and bright.
  2. A little romantic option, but a romantic man will be pleased to receive a stuffed toy, in the paws of which a mysterious note with a hint will be hidden.
  3. If you know fortune cookies, it will not be difficult for a good housewife to place a clue in one of these cookies. The key is to make sure your hungry husband doesn't eat your carefully planned breakfast tip.
  4. Your husband will be pleased to receive audio or video guidance.
  5. You can find a task in a completely unexpected place, for example, in a microwave oven or refrigerator. Just imagine your husband's surprise when he sees a rebus note on any product! The game has begun!
  6. An interesting start to congratulating your husband can be done on social media. There are many opportunities on the Internet for such options. You can type a riddle text in your husband's account, send him an SMS on your phone, or even call him after leaving the house. In this case, the voice may not even be yours, but masculine, if you ask your brother, father or close friend to call. Here he will be surprised!
  7. Try to use the entire area of ​​the apartment, do not avoid the corridor, balcony and bathroom. The better the next clue is hidden, the more interesting it will be for the husband to look for it.


This version of the game is more difficult than home, but more interesting. An open space such as a park, summer cottage, nature or just city streets is a huge scope for creativity.

But here you cannot do it alone, so it is better to call your friends, relatives and acquaintances for help.

Or friends can be helpers not to you, but to your husband in search of the coveted gift. This will make the adventure more fun and exciting.

You can use any outdoor objects (within reason):

  • mailbox;
  • wood;
  • sand;
  • gazebo;
  • bus stop;
  • swing;
  • barbecue;
  • fence;
  • automobile.

Here you can place tasks, and as for the car, your husband will sooner and more comfortable get to the places of new clues if you decide to place them away from home.

Overview of assignments

It is important to decide what you want to get from the script in the end - a cool competition with a gift at the end, or a game for adults that only you and your husband will know about?

It is from these goals that you need to build on when coming up with tasks.

  1. A certain number of letters can be spread out on the floor, from which the husband will have to form a word or sentence.
  2. You can use the good old crossword puzzle, make it yourself, circling the "key word" with a bright felt-tip pen. It is this guessed word that will serve as the starting point for the coveted gift.
  3. You can place hints outside the frames with photos or mark the places where the next hint is hidden with crosses.
  4. In addition to the letters in a chaotic order, which were mentioned above, you can go further and cut the image into several parts. This will create a puzzle that your husband will have to put together in order to get to the next task with a hint.
  5. If you do not want to be too "wise", then you can give the very first task, hidden in the envelope, personally into the hands of your husband. You can ask someone from your family for the same.
  6. Another interesting option is to use a bathroom mirror, where you leave your first message in the form of a glued envelope or a lipstick lettering.
  7. An ordinary courier can also transfer the first task by agreement and for an appropriate payment.

What can be hidden in the very first message? The text may be something like this: “Dear, I wish you a happy (birthday, February 14, New Year, wedding anniversary). I prepared a present for you and hid it in a safe place. To get it, you need to complete all the tasks that you will receive. Good luck! I love you too".

The street provides other opportunities, here too you can think of many options.

  1. You can draw a real treasure map, like the pirates, or make this map from photographs of places where riddles will be hidden. As soon as your husband finds the first artifact, some kind of intermediate gift may await him to further stimulate him to go to the victorious one. By the way, the theme of the quest may not necessarily be pirate. Maybe your husband is more interested in racing, aliens or computer games? One of these scenarios can be realized.
  2. If the husband has a car, then he can easily move around the city on the already prepared map, where his friends, relatives and acquaintances will wait for him in certain places with one or another hint. The husband will receive a note where he will have to complete this or that task, and in the end he will receive the coveted gift. Simple, but no less fun!
  3. A great idea for a photo quest for the street. It is mainly suitable for those who have a summer cottage or house with a plot. You can take a picture in advance of this or that familiar place (for example, a bench), but from an unusual angle, for example, it will be a fragment of it. Or the usual photo of the gazebo will be greatly increased in size. The more “abnormal” or blurr the photo is, the more interesting it will be for the husband to guess where the next riddle is hidden.

Ready script

Here is an example of a ready-made quest to please your beloved husband on a holiday.

  1. You can hand over a note with a secret inscription that the husband will soon expect a gift if he makes an effort and finds it. And this game begins in the hallway.
  2. Then the husband goes into the corridor, where there is a mirror, on which another note is attached, where your lover needs to conquer the highest mountain of your apartment, where the second clue will be hidden. And you hide the note itself somewhere on the top shelf of the cabinet or, perhaps, inside the chandelier. In any case, you need to give your husband a little "sweat".
  3. The next task, which he finds at the top of the cabinet, will contain an unambiguous hint of the refrigerator, perhaps in a poetic form: "if you are hungry, open the cabinet cold."
  4. He will find the next task in the refrigerator, but there will be not only another note, but also a delicious cake as a reward for completing tasks. The note will contain a drawing of a car, which will serve as a signal to the husband to check the car, devouring a delicious cake on the go.
  5. Again, wet wipes or a set of fragrances can be put in the car as an intermediate gift. In the next note there will be an inscription that the prince must save the next message from the clutches of a dangerous beast (here we mean any pet that you have), if not, skip this point and move on to the next. Or you can use some suitable soft toy (for example, a dragon) for this purpose.
  6. In the next message he finds, he will see a pleasant note where it will be told that the prince should go to the waterfall. Naturally, the husband will go to the bathroom, where you will be waiting for him. The bathroom can be decorated with candles, filled with aromatic oils. But that's not all. In the end, you will give your husband the coveted gift prepared in advance. And what it will be is up to you to decide.

We select a gift

The purpose of the quest is not to find a gift, but to find it. Therefore, in order for the husband not to be disappointed, the gift must correspond to his needs and interests.

  1. A brazier, branded fishing rod, rubber boat, fishing or hunting uniform will suit a fishing husband or hunter.
  2. An athlete husband will surely be pleased with a gym membership, tickets for a match of his favorite team, a simulator, sports equipment, a bicycle, roller skates, table mini-football.
  3. If the husband likes to get out into nature, then a tent, a sports jacket, a car refrigerator will come in handy.
  4. If your husband is a great connoisseur of your kitchen, then the best gift for him will be your favorite delicacy, prepared by you personally, for example, Napoleon cake or other equally outstanding desserts. By the way, candles with the song "Happy birthday to you!"
  5. A practical husband will appreciate gifts such as a toolbox, a drill, or a new ladder. Not very romantic? But on the other hand, there will be so much gratitude in the eyes of your husband. In addition, the latest models are available to facilitate any repairs.
  6. A gamer husband will love a game console or virtual reality glasses. If you delve deeper into this topic, you can also find mini-keyboards, various gamepads or joysticks.
  7. For a husband who is an amateur photographer, any technique related to photographic equipment is suitable - a lens, a tripod, a lens. The husband will certainly appreciate your desire to help him in his business, support is worth a lot.
  8. If your husband works hard, you can please him with a trip to the spa for massage and other relaxing treatments. Men love it too. And if the budget allows, then you can take your loved one on vacation. For example, in Bali or Thailand!
  9. No one canceled gifts such as gift editions of books, chess, brushes and paints and other collectibles. If your husband has a hobby, you can always add to his collection.

To make the quest even more interesting and exciting, it is better to prepare intermediate gifts. A husband in search of a prize may get bored, and the little gifts found will not only cheer him up, but also give him new strength to search for the main prize. You can please your husband with such little things:

  • T-shirt (with a cool inscription or his name);
  • a set of small chocolates or a kinder surprise;
  • a case for a mobile phone;
  • a keychain for keys to the car;
  • beer glass;
  • mug with a funny inscription.

It must be remembered that a gift in a quest is not only something material, but also emotional. For example, having solved all the riddles, the husband finds himself in a restaurant surrounded by family and friends.

And to all this gets a cake with candles.And do not worry about a modest budget, the gift does not have to be expensive, much more important is the care and attention that you show to your husband by arranging a quest in his honor. It is much easier to go to the store and buy a gift, and it is not at all easy to organize a whole adventure on your own, in which a huge amount of love will be invested. You can be sure: your husband will definitely appreciate your every effort, and he will never forget such a holiday!

How to organize a quest at home for your husband, see the video.

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