
Organization of quests at home

Organization of quests at home
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Plot ideas
  3. Drawing up assignments
  4. Preparation of props
  5. Ready scripts

Everyone remembers that unusual feeling when they receive a gift from family, friends or loved ones. However, today the banal transfer of a box packed in a bright wrapper does not bring great joy. That is why donors come up with different ways of presenting a presentation, and the most popular option is a quest.

Features of the organization

Quest is a new generation game that allows you to create a unique atmosphere for any event. Interesting riddles and unusual tasks will make a company of people escape from everyday problems and fuss. Correctly composed quests require players to show their intellectual abilities, ingenuity, and, if necessary, show their physical form.

Surely many remember how, in childhood, competitions were held in the camp, where it was required to perform various tasks as part of a fictional journey. This principle has become the foundational genre of computer games. However, now it is very often used in real life. But don't assume that creating a quest will turn out to be an easy job. This type of game requires special preparation.

As clearly the program will be thought out, such will be the success of the game.

To date, many companies have been created that are developing scenarios for quests. But it is much more interesting to come up with the plot of the game and prepare the necessary attributes with your own hands. Especially if the quest is carried out at home.

However, for a quest at home, the organizer will have to work hard:

  • come up with a theme;
  • write a script;
  • compose riddles and make props.

There are a lot of ideas for quest topics. This can be solving a terrible secret for a corporate party, looking for gifts or finding a way out of a closed room.It all depends on the organizer's imagination. The number of tasks for quests must be at least 8, and all of them must correspond to the level of knowledge of the players. In simple words, ask riddles that are solved by experts of the program “What? Where? When? ”Is not recommended.

Each task usually takes 5-10 minutes to complete. This time is quite enough for a player or a whole team to solve another riddle or find the necessary evidence for investigation.

As for the team, the quests are supposed to use the potential of about 12 people. However, in order to play at home, it is necessary to consider the possibility of a team assistance consisting of a maximum of 3 people.

According to most event agencies, home quests are easier to design. Any available items can be used as props. Of course, you will need to make some investments, but they will be minimal. And what is remarkable, the players do not need to go anywhere - the beginning of the game and the whole process takes place in their native land.

Usually, quests are created by parents for young children. It is much more interesting for kids to receive a gift by showing their skills and knowledge. But similar quests can be arranged for a spouse.

Plot ideas

Today you can buy a ready-made quest or order a plot script. However, this approach is most often used by companies for corporate events or a festive party. For home play, it is preferable to show independence.

Creating the plot of the game with your own hands, you need to show special meticulousness. A quest for a loved one may involve a task from the couple's personal life. Also, children can arrange a game for dad and mom. In such an interesting way, a man can make a present for his girlfriend or wife.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to independently find an idea for the quest program, and in order not to get into a mess, it is proposed to get acquainted with 5 variants of plots that are very popular.

  • Quest with notes. In this case, everything is very simple. The first note is in a conspicuous place, it contains a task or riddle. After finding the correct answer, the player advances to the next clue. To play with notes of such riddles, it is worth making about 20 pieces. The result of the game is finding a gift.
  • Quests with a map. Interestingly, this game is ideal for small houses and apartments. It is necessary to draw a plan of the apartment on a sheet of paper, indicate with crosses the places where artifacts or hints are hidden. After finding all the clues, you need to connect them together to get a clue where the gift is hidden.
  • Photo quest. This idea is best suited for corporate events. But if you complicate the task a little, you will be able to use this idea at home. Friends and family members must be divided into 2 teams, give them cards with marks where the riddles are hidden. The team finds a riddle, guesses it, then looks for the guessed object in the same location. After finding, the artifact is photographed on the phone, and the team is sent to the next search point. The winner will be the team that is the first to provide the organizer with answers to riddles in the form of photo images.
  • Quest with arrows. The idea of ​​the game is very simple, in fact, suitable for young children. Arrows are drawn on the floor where the child needs to go, find and solve the riddle. Then move on.
  • Quest with riddles and puzzles. This game is perfect for intelligent adults, lovers of anagrams, puzzles and riddles. Each new answer leads players to decipher the main riddle, thanks to which they will be able to get a prize.

For men

Every woman loves to make gifts to her man. And not only for your birthday, but just like that. A correctly composed quest will help to present a present in an unusual form.The man does not even have to go outside - the area of ​​the apartment is quite enough to send him on an exciting journey of tasks and tips.

To make the game interesting, you need to hide the treasured pieces of paper in the most unusual places. For example, you can inflate balloons, put small rolls of paper inside.

Hide notes with compliments in 9 balls, and in 10 balls - a task with a hint.

Subsequent tasks can be hidden under a plate, in sweets, in a closet with bedding, where a man rarely looks. It is worth noting that when creating a quest at home, you can use all the rooms, even the balcony.

You can start the gameplay in the most unusual way. Write a message on the mirror or send an SMS message from another phone. If possible, you can send the first riddle by courier.

For women

Unfortunately, not all men have such a great imagination to arrange a quest for their beloved. But if you try, you can turn giving a gift into the most extraordinary adventure.

Composing a quest for women is much more difficult. First, they know all the nooks and crannies in the house. Secondly, they are much smarter and smarter than their chosen ones. Accordingly, the riddles should be more difficult. That is why the main task of the organizer is to find a place where the surprise can be hidden. And then come up with a sequence of actions, thanks to which the woman will pick up the long-awaited present.

There should be hints along the entire search path. But not straight, but figurative. It is necessary to think over the sequence of each note, otherwise the beloved will achieve the goal by bypassing several tasks.

As for the riddles themselves, women are very fond of poetry. Accordingly, they will play with great interest a game where the clues are presented in poetic form. Of course, you can find simple quatrains on the Internet, but by showing imagination, you will be able to compose rhymed lines based on a specifically compiled interior of the house.

Drawing up assignments

It is difficult to organize the quest on your own, but it is possible. The main thing is to follow all the rules of preparation and not give yourself away in anything. The main and most important part of creating a quest game is to correctly compose the riddles. Their difficulty should correspond to the potential and intellectual capabilities of the players, especially when the game takes place within the walls of the house.

Encrypted messages, puzzles, rebuses can be used as tasks to obtain the following tips. When it comes to family play, it is preferable to use memories of happy moments in life.

By the way, a home quest is an ideal excuse to spend the day with family and friends, while forgetting about work and other problems.

Preparation of props

Having hidden the gift in a secret place and composing a script, you can start preparing the props. Many self-taught organizers use regular sheets of paper for a printer, on which they can either type out a prompt text or write it by hand.

Professionals in their field, who regularly develop quest topics for various events, advise you to be scrupulous about this issue. The props in the quest are the very sheets on which the tips are indicated. And in order to fully immerse yourself in the game and feel all the unusualness of the gameplay, it is preferable to use notes specially prepared in the typography. They may resemble burnt parchment, papyrus. A more budgetary option involves the use of high-density colored paper.

Ready scripts

Those who have no experience in creating a quest storyline should familiarize themselves with several ready-made game options.

Gift for a man

In the first case, it is proposed to consider an interesting option for giving a gift to the husband from his wife. The present itself is hidden in the microwave in advance.

Morning is coming.The beloved wakes up, goes to the bathroom, and a message awaits him on the mirror, where the words of congratulations are written. At the bottom of the note, through the postscript, there is a hint where to look for the next task. For example, in a washing machine.

At this very moment, the organizer woman herself joins her beloved spouse and watches with interest as he is looking for a gift. The husband goes to the washing machine, finds the following message, which indicates that a gift has been prepared for him, which he dreamed of for a long time, but he will receive it only after completing a series of quest-game tasks. The first riddle should be written right there. For example:

“He is handsome and cold,

I'm never hungry with him. "

The answer is clear to everyone - the refrigerator. Opening the refrigerator door, the spouse finds a plate of cake with a note "Eat me!" Under the sweetness, meanwhile, lies the next clue - the image of a flash drive. In this case, it is best to use a clipping image from a glossy magazine.

The man, having reached the note, understands where to go, goes to the computer, finds a USB flash drive. Opens a text file written on it called "Happy birthday!". Inside the following text:

“On the one hand, I meet everyone.

On the other hand, I see off

I do not offend anyone.

And I always miss everyone. "

The riddle is more complicated, but the answer lies on the surface - the door

Hidden on the door handle is the following note:

“I don’t sit around,

I watch newspapers for everyone. "

The answer is a mailbox.

Going down to the mailbox, the man finds an envelope where a new riddle is hidden:

“I am at home and not at home.

As if suspended in the air.

The apartment is bad without me.

And the smoker is inconsolable. "

The difficulty of each puzzle increases with the new level. The decoding in this case is a balcony. On the balcony there is the following piece of paper with a hint:

“I have legs, but I don’t walk,

There is a back, but I am not lying. "

The answer is a chair. The following riddle awaits the man under the seat of the chair:

"Sheet, pictures, sentences,

News posts.

Carry on sports, weather forecast.

These are all my worries. "

Of course it's a newspaper. The next riddle lies in the newspaper. There are no stickers, just a specific word circled in black marker. For example, a TV. The man goes to the TV. There is a sticker on the back of it, where the following riddle is hidden:

“The eye looked, I caught the plot.

And he gave it to the tape. "

The answer is complex and at the same time simple - a camera. Now the man needs to pick up his phone and find a close-up photo of the microwave oven in the gallery, which the woman organizer had photographed in advance.

Gift for a woman

Since not all men have a talent for writing poetry, when creating a quest for a beloved woman, you can make tasks in the form of ordinary sentences that require the manifestation of logical thinking. It is advisable to write questions on small postcards.

An introductory letter to the game can be put on the pillow of your girlfriend, indicating that a gift has been prepared for her. However, she will be able to receive a present only by solving a few riddles. Put down the first question at the bottom, for example:

"Has no length, depth, width or height, but can be measured." The answer is time. Accordingly, the next hint is on the clock.

At the next game point, there is a sticker with the indication "Look at your desktop." The woman needs to go to the computer, where a folder with a file is waiting for her, which contains the following riddle. Here you can use any riddles that were popular in childhood, for example:

"A red girl is sitting in a dungeon, and a scythe is in the street." The answer is carrots.

So the next clue is in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

With each stage of the quest, the tasks should become more difficult, and in the third riddle it is recommended to make her remember the math. In the vegetable department, the girl will find mathematical problems for addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, as well as an alphabet with an alphanumeric meaning.

Having solved all the problems, she will be able to determine which letters from the alphabet are in question. Having composed the correct word, she will be able to understand where to look for the next task. Let's say the word "mirror" is obtained. Accordingly, the girl goes to the bathroom.

Here the young man needs to connect to the activity of the game. On the mirror, she finds a test consisting of multiple choice questions. For correct answers, she receives letters, from which she can subsequently form a word that makes it clear where to look for the next clue. For example, a balcony.

She goes there, finds the last task in the form of a grid, which was used to play tic-tac-toe. Each square contains one letter. Accordingly, there are 9 letters in the puzzle. However, it is necessary to make up the only correct word from them, which characterizes the place where the present is hidden. In the last task, the man must clearly think over the lettering so that the girl does not accidentally go to another place.

In fact, it is not difficult and even very interesting to come up with quests on your own. Well, for those who do not have time to do such things, it is recommended to contact a specialized agency, whose employees offer sets for quests, which include a plot, tips and props.

For an overview of the home detective quest, see the next video.

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