
Black Labradors: description, character, content and list of nicknames

Black Labradors: description, character, content and list of nicknames
  1. Description of the breed
  2. Character
  4. Features of the content
  5. Feeding rules
  6. Breeding
  7. What is the name of the dog?

Black Labrador is a very beautiful and effective dog, among all retrievers it stands out for its rich color. In addition to the original and attractive appearance, these dogs are very obedient and sociable. Black Labradors are less common than whites, so they attract more attention to themselves and their owners. Easy care, friendly character, beautiful exterior - all this makes the black Labrador popular and beloved among dog breeders.

Description of the breed

Black Labrador Retriever has the following appearance characteristics, according to the standard:

  • an adult dog grows from 54 to 57 cm in height;
  • body weight varies from 25 to 40 kg, depending on whether it is a male or female;
  • the color is pitch black, the chest may be white;
  • other variants of suits are unacceptable for a black Labrador: variegation, spotting and tanning are discarded;
  • wool of a thick type, harsh, short, with a dense undercoat, long-haired representatives are rejected;
  • the tail is not too small, thickened at the base, tapers towards the tip, all covered with wool, should not be bent to the sides;
  • the body looks strong, powerful.

Among the advantages of the breed, the following are noted:

  • not capricious in care and maintenance;
  • calm, peaceful, friendly character;
  • the nervous system is strong;
  • do not belong to "idle";
  • do not show aggression, get along well with children, animals;
  • the size of the dogs is large, but they are well kept in a city apartment;
  • excellent companions.

Among the minuses are noted:

  • the puppy can chew on many things, but this nuance is eliminated by training and attention to the dog;
  • not suitable for protection, protection;
  • too gullible;
  • prone to allergies.


Black Labradors are the most balanced and calm of all the representatives of this species. They are stable from an emotional point of view, but at the same time they are very active and energetic. They love to run through puddles, lie in the foliage. This can cause some inconvenience.

This breed has a deep and sincere affection for the owners, they willingly go on a journey and love to frolic. The activity of the breed is quite high, in addition, the Labrador will require attention to itself - it is hard for him to be alone. In the event of separation from the owners, they greatly yearn, it is so difficult for them to adapt that they may refuse to eat. They treat children very well, they love to play.

You can safely leave them with the children in the same room and not worry that the children will bring the dog to the "white heat". More than tolerant of cats, do not conflict with them. Labradors are very affectionate by nature, they are grateful for the attention shown and are ready to give it themselves. Incredibly loyal and emotional.

Despite the fact that the dog is non-aggressive by nature, if necessary, it will defend its owners or children. The Labrador's friendliness is amazing. This breed matures rather slowly, they become mature dogs only by the age of three, and before this age they are just adolescent puppies. Even after growing up, they remain curious and cheerful. The great advantage of the breed is its balanced nervous system and psyche. It is not easy to piss off such a dog, but to drive it to a bite or attack is impossible.

Labradors love water and are great swimmers and divers. They are well trained, as they are distinguished by obedience and love to please the owners.

An important point - the Labrador will treat all family members with love and respect, without singling out the owner.


There are several varieties that stand out within the Labrador breed. English and American Labradors differ the most.

  • English. The body is set lower, in addition, the dog is stronger in appearance. The paws are thickened, short, the head is very powerful, the chest is wide. They are calm, good-natured, happy to serve the owner. The hunting skill is not lost. Dogs are distinguished by their vigilance, swim well, and are reckless. The British grow up a little faster, they are well trained, socialization is easier for them.
  • American. This trend is represented by leaner dogs, they are taller, their legs are longer, the skeleton is much lighter. Sports skills are better developed, they are more efficient, active and dynamic. They are more aggressive. Stubborn and confident, so parenting is more difficult than British

Labradors are not differentiated by type of coat. Long-haired puppies are discarded. Any waviness of the coat is considered a defect; it should be straight and short, slightly elongated on the tail. That is, Labradors are smooth-haired by standard. However, in the group of breeds, there are representatives with an elongated coat. This is a retriever, they are often mistakenly considered to be a type of Labrador.

Features of the content

Black representatives of the breed do not present any difficulty in grooming the coat, it is not easily soiled, frequent bathing and cleaning is not required. Black Labradors are less tolerant of heat and walking in direct sunlight. It is better to choose groves, forests, parks, shade for walking. Most often they are played with in the evening, when the heat subsides. Heavy breathing is a reason to take your dog home, give it a drink and keep it cool. Regular hygiene is nevertheless very important, regardless of the coat.

  • Water procedures. The animal is washed as needed, otherwise the natural protective layer of wool and skin will be disturbed. In this case, only special shampoos and products are used. Be sure to get your pet a terry towel, the water should be at a pleasant temperature. Since the dog is an excellent swimmer, these events should be organized for him in the summer, in open water.
  • Nail care. This necessary procedure is grafted onto the puppy from an early age. Use a nail clipper once or twice a month.
  • Combing out. If the animal sheds, it is necessary to comb it daily, in other periods - at least 2 times a week.
  • Dental care. They are cleaned with a special brush and product. Give your pet bones with fluoride on a regular basis.
  • Eye, ear care... The auricles are examined regularly, and a couple of times a month they are cleaned of wax. The eyes are treated twice a week with a special eye care product.
  • Antiparasitic treatment - according to the season, annually.
  • Vaccination. According to the schedule, general or individual, it is mandatory. Once a year - examination by a veterinarian.

The importance of regular grooming procedures is undeniable, as they allow you to monitor the health of the dog. If you notice suspicious symptoms: inflammation, pus, smell from the mouth, lethargy, poor appetite, go to the doctor immediately.

Keeping a Labrador retriever is not too troublesome, but requires some knowledge. Even before the puppy appears in the house, you need to make sure that there are no things in sight that he can spoil or swallow: wires, antennas, small objects. It is best to cover smooth floors with rubber or other rugs. Prepare everything your dog needs in advance: bowls, toys, combs, collar, leash, sleeping place.

When you bring the puppy be as attentive and affectionate as possible in the early days. Let him lick his hands, caress. In the first month of adaptation, he will need all your warmth and love, do not scold or beat the dog. Usually, puppies are taken when they reach 1-2 months, at this age, the care of them falls on the breeder.

It is very important to learn not to take out a bad mood on your dog. From the first days, take care of the upbringing of the baby, be consistent, but calm. The puppy should not be left alone for long. He can ruin a lot of things, and he will also be very bored. From two months, the puppy is taught to walk, provided that the vaccinations are made. The first walks in time should not exceed a quarter of an hour. At 3-4 months, the puppy will already begin to walk, not only for the sake of defecation, but also for the sake of the walk, physical activity.

Socialization begins introduce your pet to other purebred dogs, walk in places where there are people. New stimuli should appear gradually in the puppy's life. By 5-6 months, the dog will already have mastered the command "walk" if you say it every day before walking.

Labradors can be quite hostile to the idea of ​​walking on a leash, so from the first days the puppy is accustomed to a leash and a collar. At 5-6 months, the dog should already feel calm on a leash, not twitch too often. While walking, fix the commands "to me", "fu". These are the basic things a puppy needs to learn by 7-8 months. In a year, a Labrador with systematic training already knows almost all the main teams.

After you have achieved complete obedience from the dog, you can proceed to training. It is very important to bring up a Labrador without emotions, not to get angry, not to beat him. Demandingness, consistency and calmness are the main allies of the owner. Use praise, encouragement.

It is very important that all family members adhere to the same rules for the puppy. If one person prohibits something, and the other permits, the result will be disastrous. In addition, an adult dog will not only do what he was forbidden at the age of a puppy. Don't wait for him to grow up, it doesn't work with dogs.

All commands should be given in the same way, punishments should follow the misconduct, but only if you catch the dog on the spot. Hindsight punishments don't work.

Feeding rules

You can feed Labradors with both ready-made dry food and natural products. The owner himself chooses which type is more convenient for him, but breeders recommend using dry food, as they contain the required amount of all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. It is a balanced diet that is very easy to use.

When purchasing a puppy, ask what it was fed and organize for the first time an identical meal, gradually replacing it with a more convenient one.

Labradors eat dry feed mixtures well, their advantages are obvious:

  • no need to cook;
  • proportions are balanced;
  • there is already a vitamin and mineral complex;
  • matched to the breed, weight, age, type of activity;
  • can be used by amateurs.

It is very important to choose a premium food from a reputable manufacturer, as Labradors are prone to allergies. Puppies are fed 4 to 5 times a day, adults - twice a day. The daily portion is divided into equal parts.

If you decide to feed your Labrador with natural products, you need to take care of vitamin supplements as well. For 1 kg of dog weight, 30 g of protein food is needed. The rest of the diet consists of fruits, vegetables and cereals - no more than 20% of the total.

Consider what products can be safely given to a Labrador:

  • lean meat, pitted: beef, veal, chicken, turkey;
  • fermented milk products, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • purified sea fish;
  • fruits, chopped vegetables: pumpkin, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini;
  • bone meal;
  • vegetable fat;
  • cereals: wheat, rice, buckwheat;
  • offal;
  • occasionally eggs, raw;
  • greens, vitamins.

The following products are prohibited:

  • bones, especially tubular;
  • flour, sweet, baked goods;
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • grape;
  • pepper, salt, spices.

It is strictly forbidden to feed the dog food from your table. Fresh water should be available around the clock. Since Labradors are prone to obesity, overfeeding is highly undesirable. In addition, the dog needs to move enough.


The black color is dominant, so it is quite easy to achieve it when breeding if the parents are of this color. The main thing is to organize the knitting correctly. The optimal age for males for the first event is 18 months, for females - 24 months. The flow occurs in a cyclical manner, approximately once every 6-10 months. There are external signs that determine that the dog is ready for mating:

  • anxiety and disobedience;
  • excessive sniffing of various objects while walking;
  • estrus, discharge, attraction of males for a walk.

However, conception itself occurs with the following symptoms:

  • discharge becomes colorless;
  • if you put your hand on the body of the female, the dog takes a pose for mating;
  • the male becomes uncontrollable during the walk if he senses the female.

The choice of a pair must be approached with responsibility. Ideally, two inexperienced animals are not crossed.

You need to prepare the animal for mating as follows:

  • be examined by a doctor;
  • get tested;
  • to carry out antiparasitic prophylaxis.

On the day of mating, overfeeding is excluded; 3 hours before the event, it is better not to feed at all. High-quality walking is provided, claws are trimmed. It is better to organize the meeting in the territory familiar to the dog.

If it happens in the summer, then not during the hottest part of the day. During the process, which must be controlled, it is not worth showing undue interest or interfering. Fresh water should be available for dogs. The dogs will disperse on their own.

Pregnancy will not become apparent until after 3 weeks: the waist will swell, the stomach will swell, toxicosis may appear. Females carry puppies from 62 to 64 days, if resolution does not occur on day 66, you should see a doctor. The first birth, in principle, is best done under the supervision of a specialist. In general, Labradors give birth easily, with the exception of the first time and the period of old age. The process takes about 5-6 hours. If something goes wrong during childbirth, call your doctor immediately.

The number of litters is different, it all depends on heredity, on average 5-6 babies are born, for the first time there may be one or two.

After the female has resolved, it is necessary to provide her with proper nutrition for the lactation period. She needs at least 4200 calories per day. Make the menu taking into account the following requirements:

  • 30% protein;
  • 30% fat;
  • 1-2% of cellulose, calcium, phosphorus;
  • vitamin A is mandatory.

If your dog is eating dry food, purchase special food for the lactation period.

What is the name of the dog?

Regardless of what sex the puppy you get, he needs to be given a beautiful name. Black Labradors are often called by the nickname Horses, it is considered fashionable, but one should not forget about the individuality of the dog. Nicknames should be suitable for the animal, so proceed from personal preferences and characteristics of the pet. Girls and boys are often referred to by color:

  • Black;
  • Hades;
  • Boomer;
  • Moor;
  • Woland;
  • Noir;
  • Onyx and so on.

Girls are called:

  • Shadow;
  • Bagheera;
  • Blackley;
  • Panther.

Despite its good nature, the black labrador is a graceful, beautiful animal that makes a spectacular impression. Dogs are often named after their favorite movie or literary characters.

For the characteristics of the breed, see the following video.

1 comment

When you call by name, she just ignores!


the beauty
