Dog breeds similar to Labradors

Labradors are very popular for their many benefits. Consider breeds similar to Labradors, the similarities and differences between them.

Labradors are docile and kind dogs. They are very well trained, trust people and have excellent hunting qualities. Such animals can accompany blind people, treat autistic children, and search for people. Labradors are very hardworking and helpful to humans. There are breeds related to the Labrador.
These dogs have similar qualities, however, all breeds have their own unique characteristics.

Golden retriever
Golden retrievers are also called golden retrievers. These dogs are especially similar to Labradors, and people who are completely ignorant of breeds are very often mistaken for one for the other. However, there are still differences, and they are very significant. Golden is lighter than a Labrador, it is less sturdy and stocky. The coat of golden retrievers is slightly curly, it is longer and softer. Brown and black golden do not exist, such dogs are only golden, fawn.
As for character, there are also differences. Golden Retrievers are calm, intelligent, and Labradors are simple, spontaneous. If you throw a stick into a river, dogs will notice a significant difference in their behavior. Golden will first think about how best to run after a stick, assess the distance and many other factors, and the Labrador will rush to run almost immediately. As for hunting - Goldens are only suitable for ducks, and Labradors are more versatile, they can also bring hares.

Chesapeake bay retriever
These are the only American retrievers. Because their coats are coarse, thick and short, and their ears are quite high, they are better at carrying heavy prey and working in the cold than Labradors. The Chesapeakes are very hardworking, but at the same time they are quite willful and stubborn, therefore, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to the education and training of such dogs.
The Chesapeake Bay can fend for itself, but it is not aggressive towards other animals. Ordinary people almost never acquire American retrievers: they are more suitable for experienced hunters.
In our country, representatives of this breed are very rare.

Curly-coated retriever
This breed is called the Curly. Curly Coated Retrievers are the oldest. It is a cross between an Irish Water Spaniel and a Newfoundland. Relatives of these dogs are also Labradors, Poodles and Setters. Curly Coated Retrievers are less outgoing than Labradors. They are more restrained, calm.
Curly dogs perform well as guard dogs and are wonderful hunters, like all retrievers. Their coat is brownish or black. The coat is a large number of hard curls.
People who are serious about hunting tend to prefer brown curly dogs because they are more difficult to spot on the shores of lakes and rivers.

This breed appeared relatively recently. The official organizations of dog handlers have not yet recognized her. In such dogs, a variety of breeds are combined: curly-haired retriever, poodle, labrador and others. Labrodoodles can be called ideal: from poodles they got a wonderful hypoallergenic coat that does not fall into tangles, from Labradors - an absolutely balanced nervous system. Such dogs were bred specifically for blind people prone to allergic reactions.
Labrodoodles come in a variety of colors, from black, silver to light brown, creamy, white. These dogs are miniature in size and standard. When choosing a pet for his children, Barack Obama especially singled out the Portuguese Water Dog and Labrodoodle. As a result, he nevertheless opted for the first option, but Labroodles still immediately became very popular.

Scottish retriever
This dog is also called a toller. She looks like both a golden retriever and a labrador at the same time. The task of the tollers is quite difficult: they lure the ducks so that they are within a shot distance, and then they bring the killed birds. Nova Scotia retrievers have appeared relatively recently, but at the same time they have already gained very great popularity in European countries, especially in Scandinavian ones. Tollers are rather low (the height at the withers is up to 50 cm).
Nova Scotia Retrievers can be kept in an urban setting, however, it should be borne in mind that usually the character of such a dog is rather difficult... The owner of the toller will have to work hard to convince him to constantly follow the same commands. The training of such an animal should be varied and multifaceted.
The dog is very intelligent, but cannot stand monotony.... Tollers are indifferent to strangers (Labradors are usually more sociable and friendly).
Most often, such a puppy chooses one person in the family and considers only him the owner. In Russia, representatives of such breeds are rare.

The flat (straight-haired retriever) is very similar to the Labrador. The size of these dogs can be called average: their height at the withers does not exceed 60 cm. Straight-haired retrievers were known in European countries even before the introduction of Labradors. These dogs were often started by hunters.At the beginning of the 20th century, flatts were a little pressed by Labradors and Golden Retrievers, however, such dogs began to gain great popularity again, because they are lightweight and compact.

Flatcoated Retrievers are less prone to articular pathologies than Labradors. They are not very aggressive, but they have a wonderful guardian instinct. Mini-copies of Labradors were also bred: they appeared as a result of inbreeding and deliberate experiments of breeders.
However, they did not gain much popularity, because they had many diseases due to defective genes.

Long-haired setters and Nova Scotia retrievers look like Labradors. The coat of Golden Retrievers, which are the closest relatives of Labradors, closely resembles the slightly curly, soft and fluffy coat of setters and tollers. We can say that Newfoundlands are also very similar to Labradors. Newfoundlands resemble their body structure and proportions, but at the same time such dogs can be called simply huge, they are much larger.

For the features of Labradors, see the following video.