Labrador puppies at 2 months: characteristics and content

The Labrador is primarily a hunting dog, but this does not limit its service capabilities. The animal can become a bloodhound, guide, rescuer. In addition, he is a wonderful, cheerful friend who gets along well with both adults and children. Such valuable qualities and beautiful appearance made the breed popular and in demand. But before you have a puppy, you should learn how to properly care for him and what includes his upbringing.

What puppies look like
Labrador puppies look like plush, well-fed bears. Kids are curious, cheerful and active, a little awkward and funny.
If everything is in order with the dog's health, then:
- the puppy is interested in toys, other animals;
- his movements are devoid of stiffness, she moves easily and freely;
- the baby is brave, sociable, does not get scared and does not hide if hands are stretched out to him.

If the puppy is a boy, it is almost always slightly larger and weighs more than the girl. Puppy sizes at 2 months:
- height at the withers - 30-32 cm;
- head diameter - 29-32 cm;
- weight - 7-8 kg;
- chest circumference - 30-32 cm;
- muzzle circumference - 20-22 cm;
- muzzle length - 4.5-5.5 cm.

In accordance with the standards, the color of a thoroughbred puppy can be:
- black, including the eyelids, nose and lips;
- brown (chocolate) color.
- special features of fawn labradors - with light coat (white, sandy, yellowish, red), the eyelids, nose and lips have black pigmentation.
However, it is impossible to predict with accuracy what the color of the puppy will be, based on the color of the parents' coat, and this always remains a mystery and a likely surprise for the breeder.

The character of the dog
What is good about the breed is that the Labrador is a dog suitable even for those who are not particularly versed in dog breeding. This is an intelligent, obedient and affectionate animal, lively and spontaneous, while his intuition is extremely developed, so the pet can understand a person without words.

Of course, the behavior of a purebred dog is primarily influenced by upbringing, but also by the pet's full understanding of its purpose. Idleness and lack of movement may not be the best way to reflect on the character of the Labrador. But by nature it is a friendly, courteous and cheerful dog that gets along well with adults and children.

Care and maintenance rules
They begin to educate and accustom the dog to order and hygienic procedures immediately. She must have her place. A bedding can serve as a bed, which is an elastic mattress covered with a warm bike or fur. Puppies sleep peacefully in a place where they are warm and comfortable, so you can take them a corner of the room where there are no drafts.
During the first days the dog may whine, but you cannot take it to bed.

Labrador care consists of the following procedures.
- The animal is taught that the toilet is outside.... The first time they take out for 5-10 minutes, walks follow immediately after eating. Over time, you will have to walk for 2 hours, providing the dog with maximum physical activity.

- The puppy must be examined daily. - the ears are cleaned once every 2 weeks, once every 7 days they wipe the eyes with a veterinary tonic.

- Special bones are used to clean teeth. - so the pet gets pleasure and at the same time removes dental plaque.

- Claws are cut as they grow - up to 2 times a month. Later, if the dog lives in an urban environment, it grinds them down on the asphalt itself. Some Labradors bite off their claws on their own, if they interfere with their walking, then the owner's job is to undermine the uneven edges.

- After walks, they are taught to wash their paws. When the puppy grows up, he may well jump into the bath and put his paws under the stream of included water.

You need to wash your dog with shampoo 3 times a year, but bathe without detergent - much more often.
The puppy can be immersed in a bathtub full of water by a third, and allowed to splash in warm water, making sure that no liquid gets into the ears, eyes and nose of the animal. Then the baby is wiped and allowed to dry in warmth, gently combed out. This procedure is beneficial for the health of the baby's skin and coat.

Can I feed homemade food?
The proper nutrition of a two-month-old Labrador depends on its appearance and state of health, including in the future. With a balanced diet, the puppy is vigorous, active, in a good mood, its coat is shiny, and its weight is gradually increasing.
Do not be alarmed if the baby does not seem too well-fed - this is better than extra pounds that prevent the normal formation of joints and tendons of the limbs.

The small puppy can be fed with homemade food. This is preferable because natural products containing natural nutrients will initially strengthen the immune system and stimulate the full development of internal organs.
True, you need to prepare for the fact that this method of feeding is much more expensive, it takes time to cook, and the baby's teeth will have to be cleaned regularly.

The animal should not be allowed to overeat, for this there is an established feeding rate.
In a day, a dog 2 months old should eat:
- 15 g of meat per kg of mass;
- 5 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight;
- 2 g of fat per 2 kg of mass.
Also, the puppy should always have fresh, clean water freely available; the bowl should be changed regularly.

Foods that a dog needs:
- raw beef, chicken meat;
- raw sea fish;
- boiled chicken eggs;
- porridge in meat broth - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
- vegetables - fresh, quickly boiled;
- greens and fruits;
- milk;
- fermented milk products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.

For a variety of diets, the types of cereals, meat and vegetables can be alternated every day, but porridge is invariably cooked in beef or chicken broth.
Raw meat pieces are also added to the porridge.
Early in the morning, you can give your baby cottage cheese with sour cream, oatmeal flavored with a small amount of honey. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the dog should have a good meal of porridge with vegetables and meat slices. At lunchtime, the animal is given milk, cottage cheese or any fermented milk drink. Boiled eggs are fed once a week. At 10 o'clock in the evening, the pet is offered meat or fish (only raw). In total, a Labrador puppy at 2 months old is fed 5 times a day.

Products that should not be on the animal's menu:
- sweet, including chocolate;
- sausages and sausages;
- potatoes, onions and garlic;
- grape;
- pork;
- chicken, boiled and tubular bones.

It is necessary to ensure that the pet is not allergic to honey and buckwheat porridge - dogs love buckwheat, but often suffer from intolerance to this cereal. Also note: if the baby licks the plate, it means that he is still hungry.
In the future, the Labrador needs clearly dosed portions of food, since the animal is known for its gluttony, a predisposition to overeating, which in the end often leads to excess weight.

Ready feed
The advantage of industrial food is the absence of the need for preparation, the presence of the necessary additives in the feed, and lower costs. However, when buying food from unknown manufacturers, you may be faced with the fact that it contains unwanted components. Only high-quality premium dry food is suitable for Labradors. Preferred luxury brands - Royal Canin, Hills, Purina Dog Chow, Monde Dog.

If the owner decided to choose a mixed type of food, then he should know that the puppy must be gradually taught to use dry food as the main one, at first by soaking the granules in water. Once a day, the baby receives pieces of lean raw meat.
On this issue, a recommendation from a veterinarian will be required after examining the animal.

Training and education
At 2 months old, puppies are prone to all sorts of fears, they can be frightened even by things that have already become familiar to them. At this stage, it is best to avoid any situations that cause them stress and negative feelings, including punishment. You can work with your dog by leash training and teaching simple commands.
Two-month-old Labradors are afraid of loud noises, and it is better to walk with them in less crowded places, for example, in the forest park area, but if not all vaccinations are done, you should walk with caution.

The main commands that an animal are taught from 2 to 3 months are - “To me”, “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Nearby”, “Fu”, “Place”, “You can't”. You can devote no more than an hour a day to this activity, dividing it into 2 or 3 lessons, since the puppy quickly gets tired, and it is pointless to force him to do something. Each correct action is encouraged by a delicacy, stroking, kind words.
If, while playing, the little Labrador bites and does not listen to the command "Foo" and "No", you can moderately strong press it to the floor at the withers.

A two-month-old baby already understands a lot, he is studying his new home, the habits of the owner, the behavior of family members and other animals. And the dog's attitude to people will depend on how the owner puts himself. This is the time to establish contact with the pet, find common interests - with a successful acquaintance, the dog will become a devoted friend of a person, his companion and assistant.

See the following video for tips on caring for a Labrador puppy.