Varnishes for manicure

How to dilute nail polish?

How to dilute nail polish?
  1. Reasons for thickening
  2. Folk ways
  3. Special means
  4. Prevention of thickening

When creating a manicure at home, every girl is faced with the fact that the varnish becomes too thick over time. Most women throw away such special coatings, because when using thickened products, it becomes difficult to create a beautiful manicure.

But you can save it by using proven methods of dissolving varnish at home.

Reasons for thickening

Before starting to solve this problem, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the possible causes of product thickening.

The main reason for the drying out of the varnish and its thickness is the constituent element formaldehyde contained in it. It is added without fail, because it is necessary so that the varnish dries faster when applied to the nail plate. Expensive varnish coatings contain less of this fixer.

There are other reasons why varnish can thicken quickly.

  • Frequent use. When creating a manicure, the bottle with decorative products is open for a long time, which leads to the evaporation of the solvent component, as a result of which the lacquer coating thickens.
  • Rare use of varnish. In the case of rare use, delamination of the constituent components occurs, as a result, the consistency of the special coating becomes thick. At the same time, products of low quality in such conditions are capable of thickening within 30-60 days.
  • Improper storage. In a room where it is very warm and there is a lot of sunlight, the varnish can thicken. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for storage.

Folk ways

To cope with the problem of thickening nail polish, girls resort to folk methods. There are a huge number of life hacks that can restore the thickened coating of the house. Consider popular products that can be used to dilute decorative products in a matter of minutes.

Clear nail polish

To dilute dried products, manicurists advise the most gentle method. Ordinary transparent varnish can be used as a dissolving element. When mixed, the colorless special coating pulls the colored components from the decorative varnish onto itself, and after application fixes them on the nail plate.

This method of dissolving varnish is enough for only a few stains, so in the future it will need to be constantly repeated. The disadvantage of using a colorless special coating for diluting dried products means that when the ingredients are mixed, color saturation is lost.


The most popular method of thinning varnish is the use of special products containing acetone. These include nail polish remover, which can be purchased at any specialty store. It is enough to pour a little of this product into the tube with the products and shake well.

Some women breed a decorative coating using pure acetone, only in this case it is necessary to strictly observe the measure of adding this ingredient. There is a risk of damage to the skin and nail plate, and intoxication of the body from exposure to chemical vapors can occur. With prolonged use of such a coating, the nails may acquire a yellow color, and will also exfoliate and break.

For ½ bottle with decorative coating, add ¼ part of acetone. The same ratio will be with the use of nail polish remover, which does not contain acetone.

Before using the above methods of dissolving varnish, several factors should be considered. When adding products with acetone, the applied products will be erased in a fairly short time, and the drying time will increase. And also if the ratio of the special coating and the solvent agent is incorrect, there is a risk of damage to the product, because gaps will form during application.

other methods

The above methods of dissolving special coatings are not very practical, because when using them, certain proportions should be observed. There are also other home varnish thinning variations available.

  • Micellar water. The thick consistency of the nail polish can be thinned with micellar water. In this case, 1 teaspoon of water is required for 1 bottle of coating. Stirring must be done with a brush. After thorough mixing, the bottle should be closed and left for 8-10 minutes so that the water has a final effect on the consistency of the product. The advantage of using such water is harmlessness, and it also does not affect the color saturation of the decorative coating.
  • Hot liquid. In order for the dried decorative agent to acquire a liquid consistency, it can be heated. To do this, you need to pour water into the container and lower the bottle there for 1-2 minutes, after which you immediately need to start applying a special coating on the nails. As soon as the varnish has cooled, it will need to be heated again. It is strictly forbidden to lower the bottle in boiling water, it can explode under the influence of high degrees.
  • Metal balls. Some manufacturers put special balls in a bottle with a decorative agent, which, when shaken, allow the contents to be thoroughly mixed. Only this action must be performed constantly so that the coating does not stagnate.

Special means

The best option for thinning decorative coatings is to use specialized formulations made by manufacturers.Basically, each manufacturer of a certain varnish model also produces a reducing agent for this coating.

These solutions are very convenient to use, and the result can be expected within a few minutes., moreover, this tool does not change the color saturation. Therefore, when buying a varnish, many experts recommend immediately purchasing a restorative agent, so as not to resort to radical measures in the future. By the way, the thinner can be used both for gel products and for decorative coatings based on acrylic.

Specialized mixtures for diluting decorative products are equipped with dispensers, and also have detailed instructions for use in the kit. Basically, one bottle of varnish will require a few drops of solvent.

If, after thorough mixing, the product does not become the desired consistency, you can add a couple more drops of the diluent. Excessive amount of diluent will not dissolve the varnish, but, on the contrary, will ruin the varnish coating, because it will turn out to be too liquid.

The specialized thinner should be stored in places where there is no direct sunlight and no fire, since alcohol is a component of the product. Do not store products in the refrigerator, otherwise the solution will eventually lose the ability to restore the varnish special coating.

Prevention of thickening

      It is quite difficult to restore the original condition of the varnish, therefore, to prevent this problem, certain rules and recommendations must be followed.

      • Correct storage conditions. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, the consistency of the decorative coating for nails will become thick. Therefore, it should be stored in rooms where there are no such conditions.
      • Before closing the tube it should be saturated with oxygen, that is, blown into the bottle. This will prolong the life of the varnish.
      • Cover cleaning. After prolonged use of the varnish, a large amount of coating accumulates on the lid, which dries over time. As a result, a gap is formed that allows air to penetrate inside the bottle, which leads to rapid drying of the contents. Therefore, after each use, you need to clean the lid and brush with specialized products or acetone.
      • To prevent the decorative coating from drying out, it must be shaken periodically for two to three minutes. This should be done before each use.
      • Buy high quality products, because it contains less formaldehyde, which means that it will last a long time. You shouldn't buy large bottles if you don't use them all the time. It is better to buy a small tube of varnish that is used in a short time, which means it will not have time to dry.
      • Storage of products should only be carried out in an upright position.

      If you follow all the above rules and recommendations of specialists, you can avoid some problems with the varnish coating, as a result of which you will not need to resort to folk methods of diluting decorative special means.

      For more information on the reasons for the thickening of the varnish and on how to return it to the desired consistency, see the video below.

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