Varnishes for manicure

How to remove nail polish?

How to remove nail polish?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to choose?
  3. How to remove without liquid?
  4. Recommendations

A beautiful manicure is a daily necessity for every girl. However, sometimes it happens that an important meeting or date is scheduled, and the nails are not in such perfect condition as we would like.

The easiest method is to update your manicure in the salon, but it should be borne in mind that the master may not have time for this, especially if you called spontaneously. In such cases, you need to be ready to remove the old varnish yourself, and it is not always necessary to do this only with the help of sawing or a special liquid.


Today, most girls prefer to use persistent gel polishes, which adhere perfectly to the nail plates for 3 weeks, and sometimes even longer.

It should be noted right away that it is best to remove such coatings from a good specialist who will minimize the risk of injury to the nail and completely remove the old layer.

Nevertheless, there are home methods, the most popular of which is to wrap the marigolds with a cotton pad soaked in acetone and then seal them in aluminum foil.

Girls who apply regular polish have more options at home. If you have nail polish remover at hand, there should be no problems, you just have to follow a certain sequence:

  • Wash the hands;
  • examine them for the presence of various wounds - if any, treat them with peroxide and seal them with a plaster for the duration of the procedure;
  • moisten a cotton swab with liquid, apply it to the nail plate for a few minutes;
  • after the specified time, carefully wipe off the remaining varnish;
  • wash your hands again and grease them with cream.

It should be borne in mind that there are a lot of nail polish removers, but each of them has its own pros and cons. Before making a purchase, you need to study some of the nuances of the choice.

How to choose?

The first thing that experts advise to pay attention to is the composition. Products that contain acetone, as a rule, are an order of magnitude cheaper than liquids with any of its substitutes. Acetone has its advantages: for example, it wears out quickly, removes varnish well. But do not forget about the disadvantages: frequent use of such a substance leads to deterioration of the nail plate, and the vapors inhaled when cleaning the nail can be harmful to health.

The best solution would be products containing amyl acetate.

This component is less aggressive, it does not harm the nails. However, it will take a long time to erode, which will cause a thin film to appear on the plate. In addition to the main components, the masters recommend buying liquids with vitamins, essential oils, herbal extracts, and calcium. All of these will contribute to the health of your nails.

An additional factor when buying a product is also the form of its release. To date, you can remove nail polish:

  • liquid;
  • gel;
  • cream;
  • pencil;
  • napkins;
  • sponges.

Nail polish remover is always the right choice. But only for the home, because a loosely closed lid in a bag or bag will provide leakage and an unpleasant aroma of all things nearby.

If you often remove polish at work, it is better to get a gel - such a purchase will not leak at the wrong time.

Girls also leave good reviews about special creams for removing old coatings. They allow you to quickly erase the varnish, but a significant disadvantage is that after application there will be greasy spots on the nails. You will have to additionally wash your hands and degrease the plates.

Pencils have also proven themselves very well, however, they will not be able to completely remove the coating. For this purpose, you can take special napkins - they do not emit unpleasant odors, quickly and effectively remove varnish. The only negative is the price. In addition, there are also sponges that allow you not to worry about the presence of a cotton pad. But keep in mind that after the first use, the sponge will become unusable.

Consider the best tools tested by modern women of fashion.

  • "Severina". This product can be either liquid or gel. Does not injure nails or leave unwanted fragrances.
  • "Smart enamel". Perfect for thin and weak nail plates. The composition includes vitamins and many useful minerals.
  • Orly. Orly nail polish remover is the perfect choice for those who hate the smell of acetone and who are unhappy with the greasy stains of amyl acetate.
  • Sally Hansen. There are different series of nail polish removers - you can purchase liquid for both regular and depleted nail plates.

How to remove without liquid?

Sometimes it happens that the nails need to be quickly put in order, but there is no nail polish remover at home. Do not despair - there are other methods of how to quickly and easily wash off the varnish.

Important: it is not recommended to use aggressive agents: gasoline or paint thinner. At best, the skin around the nail will turn yellow, at worst, you will get toxic poisoning.

Household methods

The most common and popular way to remove varnish is to rub it off with rubbing alcohol. Alcohol, like acetone, removes old coatings very well.

But do not get carried away - with frequent use, the nail will begin to thin, and the skin will be dry.

Hydrogen peroxide also helps a lot. The removal method is the same as for conventional liquid nail polish remover. In addition, if there is no alcohol or peroxide at home, you can soak your nails in a strong alcoholic drink. After 15 minutes of the procedure, the varnish should come off easily.

Vinegar is also a good solution.Due to the acid contained in it, such a tool will effectively clean the nail plates. Pour vinegar into a bowl and squeeze half a lemon into it. You need to keep your fingers in such a mixture for 15 minutes, then you can remove the varnish with a cotton swab. You can dilute vinegar not only with lemon, but also with ordinary carbonated water.

Washing in hot water gives good results. From high temperatures, the varnish begins to exfoliate, and then quickly falls behind the nails.

However, to get the desired effect, it will take a long time to wash, and hot water does not have a very positive effect on the skin of the hands.

Instead of such a long technique, you can use toothpaste in the bathroom. A spoonful of white paste is applied to a cotton wool and vigorously rubbed the nail. It will be much faster if you add baking soda to the main ingredient.


Among the cosmetic methods of removing the coating, the first place is taken by the proven staining with another varnish. The plan of action is simple - you need to quickly paint over the nail with another varnish and erase it literally in a couple of seconds. The disadvantage of the idea is that the old layer will not quickly "give up" and after cleaning it will still have to be washed off in hot water. Some experts say that if you soak your nails in a soapy solution before the procedure, the rejection of the varnish will be more effective.

Another method of removing coatings is by applying hairspray. The product must be applied to a cotton pad, and then vigorously rub the nail plates.

It should be borne in mind that such a solution is not suitable for pregnant women and allergy sufferers, since the varnish on the skin can cause severe irritation.

You can also try spray deodorant instead of hairspray. Like other products, it is applied to a cotton pad and then to the coating. The technique cannot be called completely safe, since most deodorants today contain aggressive chemicals and their systematic inhalation can cause negative reactions in the body.

Finally, the last option is to use perfume. Spray a cotton swab with perfume and rub your nail. This technique is slow-acting, but the result can still be achieved. Colognes are also good. It is important to take into account that the basis of the perfume should be alcohol, not oil, otherwise the effect will not work.


    Here are some tips that nail service masters share.

    • Try not to use "home" techniques too often. Use such measures only as a last resort.
    • To remove the coating with another varnish, select products that dry slowly. Otherwise, you will already get two layers, and, therefore, twice as much work.
    • Don't forget about allergies. Lightly treat your wrist before use - if there are no negative symptoms, you can apply.
    • Never file or nibble on the flooring, as this will severely damage your nails.

    In the next video, 6 life hacks are waiting for you on how to remove nail polish.

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