Varnishes for manicure

How to remove nail polish from carpet?

How to remove nail polish from carpet?
  1. Fresh stains
  2. Old footprints

In the process of creating a manicure, it sometimes happens that the varnish is spilled, and its drops fall on the surrounding surfaces, including the carpet. The situation is unpleasant, but it can be corrected by using various cleaning agents.

Fresh stains

If the carpet is expensive and the stain is large, then it is better not to risk it and go to the dry cleaner. But the rug may be large, or it may not be possible to remove it without moving the heavy furniture. In this case, you will have to act on your own. It is easier to remove nail polish from carpet if the stain is fresh. If a lot of varnish is spilled, then first you need to remove the excess with a metal or plastic flat object. For this purpose, you can use a regular spoon. Only it needs to be thoroughly cleaned of varnish before each touching the carpet in order to prevent an increase in the size of the stain.

There is no need to hesitate, as the carpet pile begins to actively absorb spilled drops. In addition, some types of varnishes thicken rather quickly.

To remove the remaining stain, use a product that dissolves the varnish well. Traditional nail polish removers are usually excellent at this task. Liquid without acetone is more gentle, but it is not always effective. Modern nail polish removers often contain color-changing additives and can be quite saturated. Do not use colored liquids for light carpets. Acetone will give the best results, but it can be too aggressive to both the coloring and the carpet pile itself.

In any case, regardless of the product used, the test should be carried out on an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor covering.

If the test does not reveal any problems, the product is applied to a clean rag or piece of cotton wool and gently blotted the soiled pile. It is not worth rubbing the soiled place, so as not to increase its area. The process is quite lengthy, especially if the bright varnish has left a mark on the light carpet. Do not pour the product onto the carpet; this will expand the area of ​​contamination. In addition, the liquid can damage the carpet backing. To facilitate work, it is recommended to periodically moisten the stain with water: it will prevent the dirt from drying out. You can finish cleaning with soapy water or a special carpet cleaner.

For white carpets, you can use hydrogen peroxide. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1/1 and the area to be cleaned is moistened with the resulting solution. Then the carpet must be dried and fluffed up. You should be aware that hydrogen peroxide cannot be used on colored carpets due to the bleaching effect of the composition. You can try to clean dark carpet with hairspray. It must be sprayed onto the stain, previously abundantly moistened with water, and wait 0.5–1 minute, and then wipe off the villi with a napkin. You can also apply alcohol to a cotton pad and wipe the stain with it.

Whenever they become dirty, wipes and discs should be replaced with clean ones.

Old footprints

Old stains will take a little more effort. However, in this case, there are quite effective methods. On some types of materials, the varnish can simply be scraped off the villi. If the varnish is not absorbed too deeply, and the pile of the coating is long and thick, then you can try to carefully cut off the dirt. With a large spot, this is not worth doing: it will be very noticeable.

Old stubborn stains can also be removed with nail polish remover. Alcohol is added to it, if available. A small amount of nail polish remover (possibly with alcohol) is applied to a contaminated area abundantly moistened with water. After a while, the varnish begins to loosen, and it must be carefully removed with a thick brush. An old toothbrush will work for this purpose. The bristles of the brush should not slide over the surface of the stain. It is necessary to clean the varnish with a movement from the bottom, from the base of the carpet, up. The brush should be cleaned after each contact with the carpet.

The performed manipulations do not always allow you to completely cope with the problem. Acetone or refined gasoline will help to completely wash the stubborn stain. Before using them, it is imperative to conduct a test: they can wash the paint off the carpet. It should be noted that the cleaning procedure should be carried out with a good supply of fresh air, since prolonged inhalation of vapors of acetone-containing liquids cannot be considered beneficial.

You can try removing the stain with a wide range of specialty cleaning products available at hardware stores. However, you need to carefully read about their purpose and properties. This information is usually found on the packaging.

When using these chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions.

From available tools, you can try to use a wiper. Glass cleaning fluids are generally neutral to carpet color and will not damage the pile. The agent is applied to the dirt and left for 2-3 minutes. Then the stain must be wiped off with a rag or cotton swab. The procedure must be completed by rinsing with cool water, which is moistened with a clean cloth.

For information on how to remove varnish from carpet, see the video below.

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