Laser hair removal

Which is better: laser hair removal or sugaring?

Which is better: laser hair removal or sugaring?
  1. Characteristics of procedures
  2. Comparison
  3. Which procedure is more effective?
  4. What to choose?

All women dream of looking beautiful and attractive, which is why excess vegetation on the body gives them a lot of discomfort. Nowadays, the cosmetology market offers a wide range of procedures, the most popular of which are shugaring and laser hair removal. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Let us consider in more detail what type of impact to prefer.

Characteristics of procedures

The choice between laser hair removal and sugar paste treatment is based on the merits of each type of procedure. The main advantage of shugaring is the predictability of the result. In favor of the laser is the painlessness of the manipulations and the duration of the effect.

However, it should be borne in mind that laser exposure involves at least 5 sessions, therefore, to quickly get rid of the overgrowth, it is better to give preference to paste.

Laser hair removal

The procedure consists in removing hairs using a diode laser. The technique can be used at any time of the year, it is equally effective in areas of any localization. The laser beam acts on melanin. Its energy is absorbed by the follicle and then transformed into heat. At the exit, thermal destruction starts, that is, thermal destruction of the hairs. Laser hair removal is considered one of the most modern and effective methods of getting rid of annoying body hair. It gives a long-lasting, point-directed and high-quality result. The main advantages include the painlessness of the manipulations. If painful sensations arise, then it becomes a consequence of internal factors or a lack of specialist skill.When using a high-quality laser, its energy is absorbed only by melanin, that is, by a pigment; it does not come into contact with the skin itself. Laser hair removal is hypoallergenic, it has a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial effect.

The sessions pass quite quickly, epilation of the axillary zone usually takes no more than a quarter of an hour, and 5-10 minutes is quite enough for the hairs above the lip. Removal of vegetation from a large surface of the body is within 1 hour. The main disadvantage of the procedure is its selective action, as well as dependence on various kinds of external factors. The principle of operation of the laser is to destroy melanin, therefore the procedure is ineffective for owners of thin vellus, light and gray hair. The result of the manipulation can be affected by the physical condition of the person, as well as the intake of certain medications. Do not forget that laser hair removal is a course treatment. It is not recommended to interrupt it in the middle, otherwise the desired effect will not work. Slight discomfort may occur during laser hair removal. In half of the cases, there is slight redness and slight swelling in the treated area. Most often this is the result of professional mistakes of the master, the presence of contraindications to the procedure, or clients' failure to comply with the rules for preparing the skin and postoperative care for it.


Shugaring is one of the types of depilation, that is, mechanical hair removal. It is carried out using an adhesive paste. Caramel is applied against the hairline in the treated area, and then removed in one sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. The skin remains smooth for about 3-4 weeks, after which new vegetation appears. The main difference between shugaring and laser action is that these manipulations are of a different nature. With the help of caramel, depilation is carried out, and epilation is carried out with a laser. That is, in the first case, only a part of the hair is removed, and the follicles remain under the skin, and after a while they form a new hairy structure. When epilation, the follicle burns out, the appearance of a new one and, accordingly, the growth of new hairs does not occur earlier than a few months later.

Hair removal with sugar paste is a widespread method that has many adherents. And there are a number of reasons for this.

  • Availability. You can even carry out the procedure at home, and caramel for removing hairs can be purchased at any store and even made yourself from sugar, citric acid and water.
  • Low cost. Shugaring and laser exposure belong to completely different cost categories.
  • Benefits for the skin. In the process of shugaring, not only regrown hairs are removed, but the upper keratinized layer of cells is also removed. As a result, the skin becomes smoother and more tender.

With all the obvious advantages, sugar hair removal has been and remains one of the most painful options for affecting excess vegetation on the body. It can be difficult for people with a reduced pain threshold or for those with sensitive skin to withstand such "torture".


The main differences between caramel depilation and laser treatment are related to the severity of painful sensations, the characteristics of the effect on the epidermis and the safety of the procedure.


Both techniques have the same functional purpose. Both shugaring and laser hair removal effectively get rid of unwanted hair on the body. The procedures are absolutely hypoallergenic. In both cases, there is a risk of getting burned. When using sugar paste, it is associated with overheating of the composition - this often happens with novice craftsmen. When it comes to laser action, the cause of the burn can be the wrong size of the hairs, since the elongated bristles are very overheated.

Both procedures can have side effects. Most often it is redness and swelling, they disappear within 2-3 hours. If irritation manifests itself longer, this indicates an individual physiological reaction of a person or incorrect actions of the master. In both cases, there is a risk of ingrown hairs, although this is less common with laser treatment. In any case, both internal and external factors can be the reason for this.

Any of the procedures has its own contraindications, they include:

  • exacerbation of neurodermatitis, eczema and psoriasis;
  • large area of ​​skin lesions;
  • purulent wounds;
  • the presence of abrasions and scratches;
  • vascular diseases in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases of the skin.


The main difference between laser hair removal and waxing with adhesive paste is painful sensations. In this regard, laser exposure certainly benefits: clients feel only pleasant warmth on the surface of the skin. During shugaring, pain is inevitable. However, it is only of an episodic nature and makes itself felt when the beautician performs a breakdown.

Another difference is the duration of the effect. So, after depilation with caramel, the hairs grow back after 2-4 weeks. The effect of laser exposure lasts up to 5 years.

Which procedure is more effective?

It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to the question of which procedure is more effective - shugaring or laser hair removal. The result is largely due to individual tolerance, natural shade of hair and skin phototype, since all these factors affect the action of the laser follicle.

In general, the effect of shugaring is more predictable and safe, while the main problem of the laser is an unexpected skin reaction. The laser works effectively only with certain types of skin and hair; this procedure is not indicated for owners of light hair. With all types of hair, there is a risk of partial or even complete lack of results. But if you're lucky, the effect will be much better than with shugaring.

Preparation for shugaring takes no more than 3-4 days; you need to prepare for the laser procedure more carefully and for a long time. And, of course, shugaring costs an order of magnitude cheaper, there are more experienced craftsmen in this area, and the result does not depend on the technique in any way - caramel pastes are sold ready-to-use, users do not need to mix and cook anything.

What to choose?

When choosing a procedure, first of all, you need to proceed from the characteristics of the zone that you plan to treat.

  • Bikini area. The best option would be a laser, and this applies to both the buttocks and the deep bikini area. Processing these places with sugar paste is much more painful.
  • Armpits. Any of the suggested options can be used here. However, the cost and duration of the effect of laser exposure is higher.
  • Hands. Both techniques have a good effect, but the result of caramel depilation is less stable. However, the laser involves at least 5 sessions, and this translates into a very impressive amount.
  • Legs. Either option can be used depending on personal preference.
  • Face. The laser is excellent at removing antennae, but it is only effective for dark and coarse hair. For girls who dream of getting rid of the light overgrowth above the lip, it is better to give preference to shugaring - it can be used, regardless of hair shade and skin phototype.
  • Breast. Both options are acceptable.
  • Stomach. Here you can also resort to any technique, but shugaring has a more predictable effect.
  • Back. Both techniques work effectively, but back shugaring is much faster than laser treatment.

If we compare the monetary benefits from these procedures, then in terms of one-time costs, shugaring is much more effective. However, it will lose over a long distance.The laser operates for several years, and over time all costs will pay off - at the end it turns out that the laser is even cheaper.

Plus, when epilating, there is no need to spend money on post-treatment care products, making the savings even more impressive.

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