Laser hair removal

All about laser hair removal for legs

All about laser hair removal for legs
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Preparation
  3. Technique of the procedure
  4. How many sessions will it take?
  5. Further skin care
  6. Review overview

The problem of excessive hair growth in some areas of the body is familiar to every woman. Laser hair removal is a radical method of combating hair on almost any part of the body. Follicles are destroyed by highly targeted radiation with high energy density.

During the procedure, melanin is influenced, which absorbs light waves, which allows you to get rid of most of the unnecessary hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser hair removal takes place in a beauty parlor or clinic using a special apparatus. A preliminary consultation is carried out to exclude the presence of possible contraindications. Various types of lasers are used, which differ in wavelength and ability to penetrate the layers of the skin. The most popular are alexandrite and diode. The latter is the safest possible, penetrates deep into the skin and destroys hairs of any color.

The procedure is carried out solely for aesthetic reasons. However, laser hair removal has a number of indications. Experts recommend resorting to the procedure in such cases:

  • body hair grows quickly and abundantly;
  • there is no possibility to use other methods of dealing with hair on the skin;
  • there is an ingrown hair problem.

Laser hair removal can be done by people of any gender over the age of 18. The procedure is not performed for adolescents. Removing too much hair can trigger hormonal disruption in an unformed body. As a result, there will be even more vegetation.

In rare cases, a specialist can carry out the procedure after 16 years only with the written permission of the parents.

Everyone knows that laser hair removal is absolutely painless. This is a general rule for all types of procedure. However, girls use this method of dealing with excess hair not only for this reason. The procedure has many benefits.

  • There is no mechanical effect, so the problem of ingrown hairs disappears. The hair follicle simply dies off, and after a while a new one appears in its place.
  • The laser has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This prevents skin irritation. Moreover, the epidermis layer is not damaged, which means there is no risk of infection.
  • The subcutaneous tissue is practically not damaged. There are almost no bruises or bruising after the procedure.
  • If we compare laser hair removal with other methods of combating vegetation, then the result lasts much longer.

The procedure cannot be called ideal or universal. Still, there are a number of contraindications and disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the high cost. This is due to the fact that laser hair removal requires high-quality equipment and a qualified specialist. There are other disadvantages as well.

  • The session lasts quite a long time, since the processing is done pointwise. The procedure itself can take an hour or more.
  • For a complete treatment of the legs, a large number of sessions will be required, since some of the follicles are in a dormant state. On average, one visit to a beautician allows you to get rid of 20% of the hair roots on the legs.
  • The laser removes hair for a long time, but not permanently. The procedures must be carried out systematically. One cycle is enough for 2-3 years. During this time, hair growth is gradually restored.
  • If a specialist does not work properly, burns or age spots may appear on the skin.
  • When dealing with gray or very light hairs, the laser is often ineffective.
  • During menstruation, you should not carry out the procedure. During this period, pain may be observed.

The choice of a specialist and a clinic should be taken as responsibly and carefully as possible. Be sure to consult in advance so as not to put yourself at risk. Laser hair removal has a number of contraindications.

  • Diabetes mellitus in the active stage. Impaired carbohydrate metabolism can cause wounds. The top layer of the skin will regenerate too slowly.
  • While taking antibacterial medications. The procedure can be carried out only 2 weeks after the end of treatment.
  • Hormone therapy. This treatment can strengthen the hair and improve its growth. Epilation will be ineffective.
  • During pregnancy and lactation. The reason lies in the change in hormonal levels.
  • The presence of malignant tumors.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Infectious and viral skin lesions on the legs. In this case, the laser will lead to a deterioration in health.
  • Active phase of tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system during decompensation.
  • Diseases of the blood.

Laser hair removal is one of the safest hair removal procedures. However, practice shows that even such a procedure has some side effects. Legs look red and swollen right after the session, this is normal. The negative effects disappear within 24 hours. With improper hygiene, folliculitis appears. This is an inflammation of the hair roots. If you immediately go to sunbathe, then burns will form on the skin. Small rashes such as hives can impair the experience of the procedure in the event of an allergy. Such events are extremely rare, but they do happen. Dark-skinned girls or those who use lightening medications may develop age spots. If the specialist is incompetent, has chosen the wrong length and frequency of the laser, then the hair will begin to grow more actively.

The worst consequence of laser hair removal is scarring.This will not happen if you trust competent specialists and a proven clinic.


Carrying out the procedure for the first time is always exciting. To achieve maximum results, you need to prepare for laser hair removal. Detailed recommendations should be given by the specialist who will conduct the session.

  • You cannot use other methods of hair removal 14 days before the session itself. We are talking about the use of wax, sugaring and other methods.
  • The hairs should be 1–2 mm long, but not more. Therefore, you can shave your legs 3-4 days before the procedure.
  • Dry skin is more prone to burns and inflammation. Therefore, no alcohol-containing products should be applied to the legs 48 hours before epilation.
  • Do not use any new cosmetic products 3 days before the session. This will eliminate the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Prepare for laser hair removal in advance. A month before the procedure, you must not sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun. If the epilation will take place in the hot season, then before going outside, you should use a cream with UV protection.

Technique of the procedure

Laser hair removal is becoming more and more popular every year. This method can be used to remove hair from any part of the body. Most often, women want to treat the thighs, legs, buttocks or legs completely. The procedure is carried out in stages.

  • A qualified beautician evaluates the condition of the skin and hair. This allows you to calculate the duration of the session and the strength of the laser action.
  • A special product is used to cleanse the epilation area from sweat and various impurities.
  • If the skin is delicate, then a lotion or cream is applied to reduce sensitivity about 20-30 minutes immediately before the start of the session. The procedure is painless, but slight discomfort is possible.
  • The beautician gives the client special goggles. This will protect your eyesight from laser flashes. Moreover, it makes it easier to feel relaxed and calm during a long session.
  • The device turns on and epilation starts. The beautician directs impulses to the desired area of ​​the skin and acts pointwise on each follicle.
  • The pauses between flashes are used to apply the cooling gel. For this, the device has a special attachment.
  • After the procedure, the skin is treated with a moisturizing and soothing cream.

How many sessions will it take?

Laser hair removal of the legs is carried out in courses. This is due to the fact that it is simply impossible to process all the follicles at one time. The main course of leg hair removal consists of 3-5 sessions. Experts recommend 4-7 reps to completely stop hair growth. There must be breaks between sessions, often the procedure cannot be done.

When removing hair from the thighs and legs, it is recommended to wait 6-12 weeks between epilations. The exact terms are set by the cosmetologist. The number of hairs, the depth of the follicles, the duration of the anagen period and other information are taken into account. The hairs on the thighs and knees have to work the longest. At the same time, the legs practically cease to worry women after 3-4 sessions.

It should be noted that if the beautician calls for the procedure to be repeated in 2–4 weeks, then it is worth changing the master. Too frequent sessions can lead to negative phenomena.

Experts assure that you need to wait at least 5-6 weeks. This is how long it will take for the hairs to grow back to the desired length.

Further skin care

The laser procedure acts on the hair root, but practically does not damage the epidermis. However, proper post-treatment care is essential. After epilation, the beautician will definitely list all the rules.

  • It happens that after the procedure, light burns remain. In this case, the next 5-7 days, you should use restorative drugs. Panthenol products are usually recommended.
  • For 14 days, moisturizing and nourishing creams must be applied daily. This will prevent peeling and drying out of the skin.
  • Do not use solid soap while taking a shower for 3-5 days. You should replace the usual products with soft gels or foams.
  • Do not use products that contain retinol and glycolic acid. They are simply prohibited after laser exposure and can cause complications.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for 3 weeks. It is also forbidden to visit the solarium. If you neglect these rules, then serious burns will appear. In the summer, you should cover your legs or use special protective creams.
  • It is forbidden to go to the sauna or bathhouse for 14 days. Even the shower and bath should be warm. Hot water will seriously damage skin that is already stressed after epilation.
  • It is worth noting that with deep exposure, it is necessary to avoid the ingress of water on the area that has been treated for 7 days.
  • The first week is not worth visiting open water bodies.

It is impossible to take antibiotics, hormonal and psychotropic drugs both in preparation for the session and after it for 4 weeks. Using an exfoliator, hard washcloth, or scrub will lead to irritation and rashes. You should also leave active massage for another time. Alcoholic drinks can interfere with the recovery process. Do not use them within 3-5 days after the procedure.

The first week will also have to give up active sports. Excessive sweating can irritate sensitive skin. During the course of laser hair removal, it is forbidden to use other methods of removing hairs from the root. So, you will have to give up the epilator, tweezers, wax and sugar paste. You can shave your legs after the procedure. Oily creams and a variety of heavy ointments should be set aside. They clog the pores of the laser-treated areas of the skin. The result is inflammation, acne and even acne. These simple rules can help your skin go through the recovery period faster.

Review overview

Girls often decide to carry out laser hair removal and are usually satisfied with the result. The procedure takes about an hour. Over the next 2 weeks, the hair falls out by the roots, the skin becomes sensitive. Many people claim that immediately after the procedure there is a burning sensation, but by the morning of the next day it passes.

It happens that the laser leaves burns as a result of incorrectly selected power. Usually, painful sensations go away rather quickly if panthenol is used regularly. The pigmentation disorder will remind you of burns until a fresh tan lays down. If the skin is sensitive, then this complication cannot be avoided.

However, in most cases, the girls simply went to another salon for the next procedure and no longer faced burns.

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