Laser hair removal

All about laser hair removal using Moveo technology

All about laser hair removal using Moveo technology
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How is it done?
  3. Effectiveness
  4. Follow-up care
  5. Review overview

Modern man perceives hair removal as a necessary, slightly painful, but tolerable procedure, which is necessary to maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance. The use of traditional hair removal techniques often ends up with undesirable consequences: redness of the skin, swelling, soreness in the area of ​​exposure. The situation was radically changed by the innovative development of Italian scientists - the Moveo technology. In this article, we will consider everything about laser hair removal using Moveo technology.


The Moveo technique is based on the alexandrite laser, which is one of the most accurate devices for hair removal. The unique handpiece is equipped with a sapphire tip, which cools the skin during use. Such a conductor significantly increases the efficiency of transmission of laser beams to the skin, minimizing their leakage as much as possible.

The HF system, to which the Moveo hand unit is connected, is able to operate with the lowest light density. This makes it possible to painlessly treat the same area of ​​the body several times in one session.

This innovation makes the epilation procedure effective and safe, minimizing all the side effects after it.

During epilation, a laser pulse can be applied in a circular or translational motion. The cooled handpiece occupies an area of ​​the patient's body equal to the size of the palm. The temperature of the follicles is increased until the thermal threshold of their destruction is reached.The effect on the hair occurs smoothly, the rays are localized directly on the hair itself, without heating or damaging the skin.

Let's take a look at a few of the main features that distinguish the ultra-modern Moveo technology from more outdated techniques.

  • Painlessness. A special patented mode has a selective effect on the follicles without damaging the skin in the process. The contact cooling system built into the sapphire tip eliminates any pain and side effects that are common with other epilation machines. The procedure takes place in the most comfortable conditions for the patient and does not require the use of anesthetics.
  • No risk. Moveo laser is able to remove hair in the most delicate and sensitive areas: in the armpits and deep bikini, on the face. During work, the skin does not overheat and does not undergo damage, so the risk of side effects is zero.
  • Speed. The alexandrite laser with the Moveo handpiece is capable of operating at the highest possible speed. The treatment of the selected area of ​​the skin is carried out rhythmically and evenly. It takes 10 seconds to remove hair from the 10x10 cm area. A full course of dynamic hair removal on high-speed equipment, which gives the maximum lasting result, is 5-6 procedures.

Other advantages of the Moveo technique include the following:

  • the possibility of using the technology for all skin phototypes, regardless of the color and structure of the hair - the device removes any hair except gray;
  • the technology makes it possible to carry out laser processing of one area in several approaches;
  • sapphire handle provides an even result on the entire gripped surface of the skin;
  • the tip does not wear out, hair does not stick to it in the process;
  • the procedure is allowed to be carried out at any time of the year;
  • hair removal is allowed before or after sunburn;
  • the skin does not need a recovery period after the procedure;
  • eliminates not only hair, but also from age spots.

There are no significant shortcomings, according to user reviews. The only thing that can scare away - impressive cost of the device. However, it is quite understandable: a high-tech device will last more than one year, regularly performing its direct duties.

How is it done?

The Moveo epilation procedure is performed by a cosmetologist. The specialist carries out a preliminary examination, excludes all contraindications and gives the necessary recommendations. Moveo laser hair removal cannot be used in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding of a child;
  • if a person has diabetes mellitus;
  • in case of violations of the endocrine system;
  • during an exacerbation of infectious and chronic diseases;
  • with varicose veins;
  • if there are moles, inflammation, wounds or rashes in the epilation area;
  • in the presence of cancer.


The Moveo epilation procedure does not require any special preparation. However, to achieve the maximum effectiveness of the technique, experts recommend paying attention to the following:

  • 2 weeks before the first session, you must refrain from any other type of hair removal: sugar, wax, tweezers, electrolysis;
  • before the procedure on the selected area of ​​the skin, you must completely shave off all hair; the degree of cleanliness of the shave has a direct impact on the quality of Moveo laser hair removal;
  • on the day of the session, do not use any cosmetic products (foundation, lotion, powder, etc.) on the laser-treated area;
  • it is advisable not to visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna, beach immediately before the epilation session.

These recommendations are not categorical, but they affect the effectiveness of the procedure.The advantage of hair removal using Moveo technology is that women can perform it on any day of the menstrual cycle.


Moveo laser hair removal is absolutely painless, therefore it does not require preliminary use of anesthetics. A hair removal session using alexandrite rays goes through the following stages:

  • the specialist independently determines the parameters on the device, based on the client's phototype, physiological characteristics of the treated area, hair color and structure;
  • a special contact gel is applied to the selected area, which contributes to the maximum penetration of rays into the epidermis;
  • the beautician applies a sapphire handpiece to the skin and makes smooth dynamic movements of a circular or progressive nature with it; the processed area is 10x10 cm; laser pulses emitted by the handpiece heat the hair follicles, leading to their complete destruction;
  • upon reaching the maximum energy level, the device emits a signal sound, which indicates the need to move to the next part of the body to be laser treated; a high-speed device allows you to treat the armpit area in 20-50 seconds, the lower leg - in 4 minutes;
  • after completing the procedure, the doctor removes the remaining gel lubricant.


A few days after the procedure, "false" hair growth occurs. This effect occurs due to the fact that dead hairs begin to emerge from the hair follicles. After 10-15 days, they begin to fall out. After the first Moveo hair removal procedure, more than 30% of the hair that was exposed to the alexandrite laser disappears from the skin. To consolidate the result obtained, the procedure must be repeated several more times. The number of sessions in each case is individual and determined by the doctor.

Subsequent repeated procedures get rid of those hairs that at the time of the first session were at the initial stage of development ("dormant" hair) and have not yet begun their natural growth cycle.

Follow-up care

Despite the fact that hair removal using Moveo technology is as safe as possible and does not cause negative side effects, cosmetologists advise not to neglect the basic rules of skin care after exposure to infrared rays, namely:

  • after the procedure, it is advisable to wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural, hypoallergenic fabrics that do not irritate the skin;
  • epilation on especially sensitive skin can lead to slight redness, which disappears in the shortest possible period of time; moisturizing cosmetics that have a calming effect on the skin (extracts of chamomile, calendula, high-quality olive oil, and so on) will help speed up this process;
  • the skin after the procedure becomes more susceptible and sensitive to external stimuli, therefore, immediately after the session, one should not take a hot bath, actively rub with hard towels, use cosmetics containing alcohol;
  • it is undesirable to visit gyms immediately after laser hair removal: increased sweating during active loads leads to clogged pores.

Review overview

User experience with Moveo hair removal technology is overwhelmingly positive. According to the clients of beauty salons, this procedure is the most effective in comparison with other methods. After 2-4 sessions, many have completely got rid of unwanted hair. Patients consider the indisputable positive quality of the procedure to be its painlessness and safety: this type of hair removal allows it to be carried out on tanned skin, which makes it possible to use the services at the height of the summer season.

In the reviews, people note the opportunity to get rid of hair of any color and type.A preliminary consultation with a doctor allows you to customize the device as accurately as possible for each client individually.

In negative reviews of this technology, clients note the failure to achieve the expected results, the low efficiency of the method. The explanation for this may be one: non-compliance or ignorance of all the recommendations and advice of a specialist that they received, as well as an incomplete course of treatment.

Laser hair removal using the Moveo method allows you to completely get rid of unwanted hair in the shortest possible time. The innovative technology has a number of undoubted advantages that distinguish it favorably from other methods.

Clients appreciated the invention of Italian scientists, recognizing it as one of the most effective to date.

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