This User Agreement (hereinafter - the "Agreement") is an offer to the Internet user (hereinafter - the "User") to conclude an agreement on the use of the services (hereinafter - the "Services") provided on the website (hereinafter - "Site").
1.1. The User's use of the Site and Services is governed by this Agreement.
1.2. Local law applies to this Agreement and the relationship between the Site and the User arising in connection with the use of the Site and Services.
1.3. By registering on the Site or using the opportunity to post any information or any materials of any nature (hereinafter - Information) on the Site, view information on the Site or any other functionality of the Site or Service, the User expresses his unconditional consent to all the terms of this Agreement and undertakes to comply with them. If the User does not have unconditional consent to all the terms of this Agreement, the User undertakes to immediately stop using the Site and Services.
2.1. Full access to the Site and Services, including creating a User profile, posting Information, familiarizing yourself with more complete information about other users, sending messages, is possible only for a registered User.
2.2. The user is solely responsible for the safety of his username and password and has no right to transfer or provide them to third parties. All actions performed on the Site using the username and password belonging to the User are considered to have been committed by the User.
2.3. The User undertakes to comply with the following conditions and restrictions when posting Information and otherwise using the Service:
2.3.1.Information (including any materials) posted by the User must not violate copyright, trademark rights, means of individualization and / or rights to other intellectual property belonging to third parties;
2.3.2. On the Site and when using the Services, it is prohibited to perform actions aimed at misleading other users;
2.3.3. Within the Site, it is prohibited to post Information and comments that violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties (including the posting of photographs and videos, the main object of which is a person, if this person did not consent to posting on the Site his photograph or video with his participation, and materials of an advertising, erotic, pornographic or offensive nature).
2.3.4. Within the framework of the Site, it is prohibited:
- Propaganda of violence, racial, gender, national, religious discrimination;
- Use of obscene language;
- Doing business in any form, including: advertising goods and services, Internet resources and other products, including in nicknames, avatars, signatures, as well as sending advertisements through private messages. Any correspondence with other users through private messages for the purpose of obtaining commercial benefits is prohibited;
- Creation of more than one account by one User;
- Posting on the Site of other information that, in the opinion of the site administration, does not correspond to the mission, values, thematic policy and goals of the portal;
- Disrespectful attitude towards interlocutors: a rough transition to personalities (an indication of the profession, nationality, position held, physical defects, mental disorders, a qualitative assessment of the interlocutor's personality, a rough description of his actions, negative discussion of personal qualities and other forms).
- Discussion of political issues that are not directly or indirectly related to the topic of family, motherhood and childhood.
- Announcement, propaganda, hidden advertising in any form of the following topics: contraception, abortion, alcohol and tobacco, loans, horoscopes, fortune telling, spiritual services, computer games, suicide (suicide), narcotic and psychotropic drugs, pedophilia, pornography.
2.3.5. The user agrees that the Site Administration, represented by the moderators, reserves the right to delete any materials, as well as block or delete user profiles without giving any reason.
2.3.6. The User's actions must not violate the rights of citizens, other users of the Site, including the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, honor, dignity and good name. In particular, the User does not have the right to collect, organize, store or distribute in any way information posted by other users of the Service, as well as provide third parties with the opportunity to perform these actions using the access to the Service provided to the User.
2.4. The User agrees that the Information posted on the Site is available to other users, both directly on the Site and by broadcasting by various technical means with a link to the original source (using mailing lists, RSS, embedcode, etc.), in to the extent in which the User left the Information on the Site.
2.5. The User agrees that the Information (any part of it), access to which is not closed or limited, is considered publicly available and does not require compliance with its confidentiality regime.
2.6. The User agrees that by posting or distributing any Information through the Site or its Services, he allows it to be used by the Site and Internet users (including unregistered users of the Site) in accordance with this Agreement free of charge, indefinitely, if such use does not contradict the legislation ...In this case, the User must independently assess all the risks associated with the use of information posted by other users, including an assessment of their reliability, completeness or usefulness.
2.7. The user agrees that the Site Administration has the right to allow third parties, including publishers and ad networks, to post advertisements on the Site. In this regard, the User agrees that any of such third parties have the right to place cookies on the User's computer in order to identify the User's computer every time these companies send online advertising to the User. At the same time, the User has an understanding that the Site Administration does not control the use of the User's cookie file by third parties when placing advertisements. The user has the right to prohibit the use of his personal information by third parties to distribute advertising. Such a ban does not affect the ability to view advertisements on the Site.
3.1. The user is solely responsible to third parties for his actions when using the Site and Services, including for the fact that they comply with the requirements of the law and do not violate the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. The User, independently and at his own expense, undertakes to settle all claims of third parties related to the actions of the User when using the Service.
3.2. The Site has the right, without notice, at its sole discretion, to remove all or part of the Information posted by the User, in particular if the User posts Information, comments or other actions that do not meet the requirements of this Agreement on the Site.
3.3. For violation of the provisions of this Agreement and other applicable documents, it may block the User's access to the Site and Service and / or delete the User's profile without prior notice.
3.4. The Site is not responsible for the use by third parties of the Information posted by the User on the Site, including its reproduction and distribution, carried out both within the Site and the Service, and in other possible ways.
3.5. The site does not check, change or assume any obligation to control the content of information posted by users within the Site and Services, and does not guarantee and is not responsible for its accuracy, legality, quality, as well as the degree to which the information meets the specific requests and needs of users. Service.
3.6. The site is not responsible for the content that does not belong to the Site, links to which may be present in the Information and does not guarantee their availability, correct operation and compliance with the declared subject matter.
3.7. The Site does not compensate for any damage, direct or indirect, caused to the User or third parties as a result of the use or inability to use the Site and / or Services.
4.1. By registering on the Site or using the opportunity to post any information on the Site, the User confirms his consent to the processing of personal data.
4.2. The User's personal data is processed in accordance with the Personal Data Processing Policy (
5.1. The Service is provided by the Site "as is". The Site does not guarantee the compliance of information and Services with the goals and expectations of the User, their uninterrupted and error-free operation, as well as the safety of the User's profile posted by the User on the Information Site.
5.2. All claims related to the use / inability to use the Site and / or Services should be sent by e-mail:
5.3. The Site has the right to change the text of this Agreement and / or any other terms of use of the Site and Services at any time without notifying the User.In situations not described in this Agreement, the administration has the right to act at its own discretion.