How to remove plasticine from clothes?

Plasticine is a fairly popular material for the creativity of children and their parents. The brighter its color, the better, because the crafts are more colorful. And the more colorful the crafts, the more vigorous the dyes used by the manufacturers, the more difficult it is to remove the plasticine stain if this sticky material is not where it should be (on the fabric of a T-shirt, shirt or trousers). We are considering ways to remove plasticine from the surface of the fabric.

Required Ingredients
If you have small children, you just need to keep in reserve a few tips on how to remove various kinds of stains at home. This article will be useful material in your piggy bank. From it you will learn how to clean plasticine from clothes, as well as how to remove a stain left over from plasticine, because these processes are interconnected.
It is impossible to immediately wash off the plasticine. Your actions include several stages of getting rid of plasticine from clothes. They consist in removing:
- large pieces of material by hand;
- freezing the product;
- washing away stains.

In order to bring the clothes back to their original form, you can use:
- hydrogen peroxide solution;
- ammonia;
- vegetable oil;
- baking soda;
- laundry soap;
- kerosene.
Often, procedures for getting rid of unpleasant greasy plasticine stains from clothes are carried out by heating, stain removers or dry cleaning.

Initial actions
Do not run straight to the washing machine or wash the stain by hand. This can lead to a bigger problem: more plasticine will be absorbed into the fabric.To begin with, try to remove the plasticine mass from the clothes as much as possible. If there are large, sticky pieces of plasticine that can be easily removed by hand, remove them without using additional tools. Only remove with your hands what is easily detached from the fabric.
If there is a smeared plasticine stain in front of you, which has practically “grown together” with the fabric, do not try to scrape it off with a knife or razor, otherwise you may ruin the fabric.

Removing plasticine
Let's consider several methods of getting rid of the sticky plasticine mass from textiles.
Method one
After manually disposing of the material from plasticine, it is worth freezing. Send the stained garment to cool: place it in the freezer in a plastic bag. After about 40-50 minutes, you can take the thing back: the plasticine mass is frozen. Next, you need to act quickly, otherwise the plasticine will warm up and again become a sticky substance. You need to take a knife and try to scrape off the frozen plasticine with the blunt side of the blade.
You should be able to do this without any problems, since frozen plasticine loses its plasticity and hardens. The pressure on the blade should be moderate: chafing of the weave of textile threads is inadmissible.

Method two
You can freeze stubborn material in another way. In order not to tamp the crumpled item into the freezer, you can do the following: lay the product on a flat surface, take a metal bowl and fill it with ice, then put it on the soiled part of the clothes, leave it for a while, wait for the ice to melt, remove the bowl. Now you can easily clean the clay.
Do not ruin the fabric by wielding blades, because this method will not freeze the material as if the item were in the freezer.

Removing the stain
Now you are faced with a new task: you need to remove the mark left on the clothes from the plasticine mass, which in appearance resembles a greasy stain. In fact, this is a trace of paraffin, which is a constituent of plasticine. To get rid of it and wipe it off, you can use one of the good old proven tools:
- Hydrogen peroxide solution or ammonia. A solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia is suitable for removing traces of plasticine, including from white clothes. To prepare it, you will need 100 ml of warm water and a few (3-4) drops of ammonia (peroxide). Dip a piece of cotton wool or a cotton pad into the prepared solution and blot the stains. Then you can send the item to wash.
- Vegetable oil. Another way to remove a paraffin stain is to wipe it with vegetable oil. The oil will help remove the paraffin, but after that you will have to look for a solution to remove the oil stain. If this nuance does not scare you, you can use this advice: apply a small amount of vegetable oil on a napkin and dab the stain left over from plasticine. To wash away the oil trail, soak the stained wardrobe item in soapy water and dishwashing detergent, and then simply wash the item in the washing machine, choosing a setting according to the type of fabric.
- Baking soda. Baking soda can also help in removing the hated stain. First, take a basin, pour warm water into it and add a small amount of powder there: you need to wet the stain in soapy water. After that, sprinkle it with baking soda, rub its powder well into the surface of the fabric (an old toothbrush is suitable for this), leave it for 15–20 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water and wash it by hand or in a washing machine. Do not rub in the powder unnecessarily: this can disrupt the structure of the fabric.

- Laundry soap. This tool for dealing with plasticine stains can be found in every home. You will need a fairly concentrated solution.Make a solution from 1/3 of a bar of soap and 3 liters of warm water: grate the soap, add it to warm water, stir and put the soiled clothes in the soapy mass. Leave it in the tank for 40-50 minutes. After this procedure, you can wash the item.
- Kerosene. Another "grandmother's" remedy is kerosene lotions. Everything is extremely simple: you need to take kerosene, dip a cotton swab or cotton pad into it and rub the kerosene into the stain. After that, you need to leave the thing unattended for a while, let it "brew" for a few minutes, then wash the soiled wardrobe item. The smell of kerosene is vigorous, but it will disappear after washing with powder and conditioner. Be careful: you should not wash this thing together with other linen, it is better to wash the item of clothing soaked in kerosene first by hand, and then send it to the washing machine, putting the machine on a gentle mode, focusing on the type of fabric.
You should not apply kerosene to white fabric: this can ruin the thing, forming a yellowish spot on the surface of the material.

The heating
You can use an iron, napkins or white paper to remove the stain remaining from the plasticine. Spread the item on a flat surface, place a sheet of paper or napkin on the stain and iron it with an iron. Replace the paper, when it gets dirty, iron it again. Turn the garment over to the inside and do the same on the other side of the stain, then just wash the garment.
Be careful not to damage the fabric. Use a medium heat setting on the iron: at a medium temperature, the stain will disappear and the fabric will not be damaged.

Industrial stain removers
If the above methods could not help you or do not want to spend time and effort on homemade recipes for getting rid of plasticine stains, you can use a special stain remover to enhance the cleaning effect before washing. Now on the market there is a wide range of these products for different types of fabrics in color and composition.
Considering the composition and color of the damaged item, get a stain remover that is right for your case, and proceed according to the instructions for use.

Dry cleaning
The last way that our article will offer you is to contact the professionals. This method has two positive sides:
- Dry cleaning specialists know exactly how to get rid of a stain. They will take all the trouble on themselves, you do not have to deal with this, although not difficult, but time-consuming process.
- Professionals know exactly how to clean a thing by removing plasticine and stains without damaging the fabric. In particular, you need to think carefully about using this particular advice when it comes to delicate fabrics and expensive items.

Plasticine is a rather tenacious substance due to its composition. From heat, it becomes plastic and easily adheres to various kinds of tissues. In this case, the manufacturer or the composition of the trademark material does not matter: all varieties require accuracy in work, even if their degree of plasticity is different.
Do not neglect the preliminary preparation for modeling. It is much better to prevent unsightly stains than to eliminate them.
If the kid is engaged in creative work at home, dress him up in clothes that you do not mind getting dirty in case of plasticine embarrassment. If the child is modeling outside the house, prepare an apron and special arm ruffles with elastic bands that will save clothes from unforeseen circumstances. If the plasticine is in the wrong place (for example, on a favorite blouse or a child's trousers), do not delay the elimination of the problem: immediately proceed to eliminate the accident.
If you act in hot pursuit, you will have a much better chance of removing the stain, saving the thing you love. If you postpone the removal of the stain for a while, there is a great risk that the stain will remain on the clothing. Instill neatness in your child: this will help to avoid these problems in the future.

For information on how to clean the fabric of plasticine, see the next video.