How to remove plasticine from carpet?

With the advent of children in the house, the life of adults is changing dramatically. In addition to new skills in caring for a baby, parents gain experience in a wide variety of areas. As the child grows up, new hobbies appear, the results of which can negatively affect the furniture and the environment of the child. One of the problems that parents often have to face is the sticking of plasticine on the carpet. It is important to know the basic techniques of this procedure in order to effectively remove the viscous colored substance without leaving stains on the carpet.

Basic rules for deletion
To remove plasticine from the carpet at home, you can use folk remedies or household chemicals. It is recommended to start with more gentle options and, if they do not help, use more aggressive drugs. Before getting to work, it is important to examine the plasticine that has fallen on the carpet. If it is a waxy variety, it will be the hardest to deal with as it will stain the carpet.
In the case of the water option, it is enough to wait a couple of hours for the mass to dry and clean it off the surface.

To make the removal process safe for the carpet, it is worth adhering to the following rules:
- do not clean the mass with sharp objects, so as not to damage the pile or base of the product;
- do not use household chemicals with chlorine, which changes the color of the fibers and leaves stains;
- after wet cleaning, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the carpet surface to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- in the struggle for the cleanliness of the surface, it is better to use any one agent, a combination of different options can negatively affect the carpet coverage.
If immediately after the plasticine adhered to the carpet, it could not be completely removed, it is recommended to use folk methods for cleaning the surface.

What can be cleaned?
Depending on what type of plasticine you have to deal with, you need to apply different methods of struggle. If it is a soft, waxy variety, then it will be quite difficult to remove it from the pile, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely wipe it off in one go. Thanks to the use of methods of exposure to heat and cold, improvised means in the form of soda, salt, vinegar, soap and other options, you can wash the mass from the carpet with maximum efficiency. If the baby was playing with modern water plasticine, and he got on the carpet, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to peel it off right away, it is better to wait a while until the mass becomes solid and can be easily peeled off the surface.
In order to quickly and effectively remove plasticine and stains from it from the carpet, it is important to know what methods can help with this, and how exactly the process of cleaning the surface from a foreign object takes place.

Soap solution
The simplest and most effective method of dealing with clay sticking to the carpet is to use soap. It is recommended to use laundry soap and dishwashing detergents, as their symbiosis affects the treated surface as deeply as possible.

The process of working with these components looks like this:
- you need to prepare a container in which the components will be diluted;
- Laundry soap is grated and poured into warm water, where a few drops of dish soap are added;
- the contents of the container are mixed until the consistency becomes homogeneous;
- using a washcloth, the soap composition is applied to the contaminated place, wetting and saturating it well;
- cleaning is carried out with a soft bristle brush. You need to rub the carpet gently, without strong pressure, working from the bottom up;
- when the contaminated area is treated, it must be washed with clean water and dried thoroughly.
With a quick response to the situation, it is possible to remove the plasticine by this method on the first attempt, but if the mass has lain on the surface for several days, then there is the likelihood that this area will need to be washed again with a soapy mass.

Regular ice can help to cope with plasticine on the carpet. Due to the effect of low temperature, the sticky mass becomes hard and it is easier to remove it from the pile. To quickly and effectively get rid of a foreign object on the carpet, you need to follow a series of steps:
- find a whole plastic bag and put a couple of ice cubes in it;
- place ice on a contaminated area, leaving for 20 minutes;
- clean off the hardened mass with a spatula or a brush with stiff bristles.
An alternative to ice can be snow if you have it close at hand. Having poured a small snowdrift on the soiled area and after waiting 10-15 minutes, you can also remove the frozen substance with a hard object.

As soon as the main part of the plasticine has been removed, it is necessary to wash the carpet with any detergent, which will restore the product to its normal appearance and color.
Baking soda
Particular attention should be paid to cleaning light-colored carpets, as stains are much more noticeable on them than on colored or dark products. If plasticine got on a light carpet, then it is recommended to get rid of it with the help of ordinary baking soda.

In order not to stain the carpet during the removal of foreign matter, it is necessary to clean in the following sequence:
- apply a soapy solution to the contaminated area, moisten the surface well;
- pour baking soda on plasticine and areas around it so that it completely covers the problem area;
- with gentle movements, begin to rub soda into the carpet, mixing it with a soapy solution, when a uniform consistency is obtained, leave it on the surface of the product until it dries completely;
- using a brush, remove the dry remains of soda substance and plasticine;
- use a vacuum cleaner to remove all small pieces.
If a colored stain remains on the carpet after cleaning with soda, wash the surface again with soapy water and dry well at the end of the work.

Salt and vinegar
You can fight fresh plasticine that has fallen on the carpet with salt and vinegar. If the mass did not have time to eat into the pile and most of it was collected immediately, then you can cope with the rest with the help of salt:
- a small amount of salt is poured onto the problem area;
- using a damp cloth, the salt is gently rubbed over the surface;
- using a washcloth, you need to rub salt into the pile of the coating and leave for 5-10 minutes;
- wash everything off the surface with water.

If the use of salt does not give the desired results, you can enhance the effectiveness of the product by adding vinegar and powder to it. All ingredients are taken in the amount of one teaspoon and mixed in a common container until a mushy state is obtained. With the resulting mass, you need to rub the carpet, wait until it is completely dry and remove dirt with a stiff brush.

Removing plasticine may not be the most difficult task, especially if the mass has already hardened and left the surface of the carpet without any problems, much more trouble arises with the elimination of stains after a foreign object. The simplest but at the same time effective tool that can cope with this task is medical alcohol.
To remove the stain from the pile, you need to wet a rag in alcohol and rub the problem area well. This should be repeated until the dirt is completely removed from the surface.

How to remove with chemicals?
To get rid of plasticine on carpet, it is recommended to immediately use folk remedies, bypassing chemicals. But if you cannot clean the surface in any way, then you should turn to more powerful compounds. Carpets should be cleaned with specialized means of proven brands. Otherwise, it is recommended to test the composition on an inconspicuous area to see the effectiveness of the product and the condition of the carpet after using household chemicals.

Popular and effective products can be used to remove plasticine marks from carpet.
- "Vanish" for carpets - allows you to remove any pollution, including plasticine. To obtain the result, the foam is diluted according to the instructions on the package, it is applied to the stain and kept until dry. Using a stiff brush, you need to remove all unnecessary from the surface and vacuum the carpet with high quality.

- Solvall spotter - this liquid solvent allows you to remove the remains of plasticine, if you apply it to the stain and leave the composition for 5 minutes, then collect all the sticky mass. With the help of a paper napkin, excess moisture is removed from the surface, and the use of a brush allows the pile to return to its usual position.

- Spray from "Amway" - cleaning liquid that is in the can. To clean the carpet of plasticine, you need to shake the can and spray it no closer than 20 cm from the surface. After 15 minutes, you can brush off the sticky mass with a soft brush. If stains remain on the carpet, the same manipulations must be repeated.

- "Antipyatin" - a powdery composition that is diluted in water and applied to the problem area. To ensure the best result, it is recommended to remove the clay from the carpet surface as much as possible, then apply the foam compound to the stain and rub it with a brush. After cleaning, wash the carpet area with clean water and leave to dry.

Any work with chemicals requires compliance with safety standards. To use household chemicals for cleaning carpets, it is necessary to provide ventilation of the room, work with gloves and do not allow the composition to come into contact with mucous membranes.If you do everything correctly and according to the instructions, then the desired result will not be long in coming, and children's pranks will not affect the state of the carpet in any way.