How to wash a knitted garment to make it shrink?

Unfortunately, many knitted items lose their ideal shape and stretch over time. Basically, such a problem can be encountered after regularly wearing a sweater: the sleeves become stretched, deformation appears on the elbows or neckline. Of course, in this case, you want to return the former state of your favorite product. Therefore, we will talk about how to wash a knitted thing so that it shrinks, and how to do it correctly at home.

Causes of deformation
Before you fix any problem, you need to know exactly the reason why it has arisen.
The reasons for the deformation of knitted sweaters and hats can be very different:
- First, it is improper care and improper washing... Many people make a mistake and wash wool together with clothes made from other fabrics. At the same time, the product is washed in the washing machine using a mode that is completely unsuitable for washing woolen items. Thus, a sweater or other piece of clothing is deformed and loses its original appearance.
- Secondly, the cause of deformation can be improper drying... For example, if you dry a sweater on a clothesline, it can stretch out so that it will be unpleasant to wear later.
- Thirdly, the reason why the woolen thing is deformed may simply be sloppy wearing of favorite clothes... In addition, such products are deformed due to improper storage, for example, if a sweater or dress is constantly hanging on a hanger.

Whatever it is, if your favorite thing has become stretched, it can be saved. The main thing is to know the rules of shrinkage.
As a rule, knitted products that use natural woolen threads without the addition of acrylic or synthetic ones deform faster and lose quality.
Shrinkage rules
It is easy to return your favorite clothes to their previous look and it is not necessary to specially buy expensive powders or other detergents. Any of you can do this at home.
In order for a knitted thing from a stretched product to become the same again, you need to remember some rules for shrinking such things:
- you must know the exact composition of the woolen product. This is easy to do, since all information should be on the tag;
- the degree of shrinkage of a particular woolen thing depends on the temperature of the water in which it will be washed;
- information about the comfortable temperature, which method and in which mode the product can be washed, can also be found on the tag;

- remember that too hot water softens the fibers, and from rapid rotation, for example, during washing in an automatic machine, knitted and woolen products become smaller;
- knitted clothes, in order for them to sit down, can be washed in the washing machine or by hand;
- in order for the stretched woolen hat to return to its previous size, it will be enough to dry it in the usual way after washing. That is, without the use of a towel;
- before drying, in no case should you shake the thing, otherwise shrinkage will not occur and the thing will remain stretched.

The ways
There are different ways to wash knitted clothes: by hand or using a washing machine. It is quite possible to wash a knitted thing by hand so that it shrinks. The main thing is to follow some washing rules.
In addition, a woolen product such as a sweater can be washed even in an automatic washing machine. The main thing is to choose the correct washing mode and the optimal temperature regime.
Whichever method of washing you choose, it is important to remember that it will be best if you use a special gel or liquid powder, which is intended for washing woolen items. It is better to refuse from the usual powder and opt for a liquid detergent.

Machine wash
Many modern washing machines have a special mode for washing woolen items. If there is no “Wool” mode, then you can select the “Delicate” wash mode or the “Hand wash” program. Remember that the duration of the cycle should not be more than forty minutes, otherwise you run the risk of rubbing the thing and thereby ruining it.
As a rule, the recommended temperature regime for washing knitted and woolen items is thirty, maximum forty degrees. If you want to achieve shrinkage of the product, then wash it at fifty to sixty degrees.
As mentioned above, it is best to use liquid powder for washing woolen clothes. In addition, softener should be added so that the garment does not lose its softness after washing.
Do not wash other things together with a wool product, as they can harm, ruining the expected result. In addition, you can put the product in a special bag, which is designed for washing delicate items. Thanks to this, for example, the knitted sweater will not be damaged during the spin cycle.

By the way, as for spinning, you shouldn't set more than 500 revolutions... This medium spin setting will help to achieve shrinkage. If the result after the end of the spin cycle does not suit you, the spin can be repeated again.
And one more little secret that will help to achieve high-quality shrinkage. When the wash process is over, immerse the garment in cold water. Ice cubes can be added to the same water. The product should be left in such water for ten minutes. This method helps the fabric to recover, as the wool shrinks better from sudden changes in temperature.
If you do not have a washing machine or you are afraid that it may ruin your favorite knitted item, then use the manual washing method, which is also effective and will definitely help to restore the item.
Be sure to check the label that is on each product.There you will find recommendations regarding the temperature at which the item can be washed.
Compliance with these simple rules gives the desired result and helps to restore knitted clothes that have lost their original appearance.

Because you want the fabric to shrink a little, the water you will be washing in should be twenty degrees hotter than the temperature indicated on the tag. A knitted sweater or woolen dress should be soaked in water for half an hour., then rinse them in low temperature water. If necessary, you can add liquid powder or just a little fabric softener to the water.
We strongly advise against using powder or washing soap in hand washing. If no liquid detergent is available, at least baby detergent can be used.
Many housewives also add a little vinegar to the water where the woolen product is soaked. This folk method helps to prevent the appearance of pellets on things.
It is necessary to dry a woolen product according to all the rules, which you can learn about further from our material.

How to dry?
The washing process can go perfectly, but if it is not dried properly, the product can still be damaged. Therefore, it is worth learning a few rules, thanks to which you can properly dry a knitted thing:
- Firstly, you cannot squeeze the wool product strongly., twist it. Thus, you deform it and eventually it will be spoiled again. Leave the washed item on a rack or flat board, without straightening it, in a crumpled form. Let the sweater remain in this form exactly until the water has completely drained from it.
- Second, bring a large, clean towel. It would be nice if it is terry or any other that absorbs moisture. Lay out the washed item on it (but do not stretch it under any circumstances) and roll it together in a roller. As soon as the towel is completely wet and takes away excess moisture, the roller can be unwound. Therefore, you need to repeat this procedure several times, each time using a dry towel.
- Thirdly, in order for the woolen fabric to completely dry out, it must be laid out on a flat surface. First, prepare the surface by covering it with a clean, dry towel. Then lay out the neatly knitted garment and leave it to dry completely.

Also, be sure to check the length of the garment before it is completely dry.
It happens that after washing and during the drying process, things are shortened in length, but this is easy to fix. It is enough that you stretch the length of the garment a little while it is still wet.
After complete drying, it will be impossible to return to the previous length.
Remember that the quality of the appearance of your woolen garments depends on proper drying.

How to iron?
Some woolen items after drying take on an untidy, wrinkled appearance. This is rare, but it does happen. Of course, you don't want to walk in a rumpled sweater or dress, so the thing should be ironed:
- First, make sure the wool is completely dry. Next, prepare it for ironing by turning it inside out.
- Secondly, it is imperative to iron a woolen thing through damp gauze, otherwise shiny stripes will remain on it, which will ruin the appearance of your favorite thing.
- Thirdly, you need to iron woolen products using a special mode, which can be easily installed on any iron. It is not necessary to iron the thing in the usual way, that is, you cannot run the iron on the canvas. Just try to lower the iron on the fabric and lift it up after a few seconds. Thus, you should iron the entire surface of the thing so that it becomes neat again.

How to care?
We hope that with our advice you will be able to restore the presentable appearance of your knitted woolen garment.

In order not to have to restore a damaged wool product from now on, you need to follow some rules for caring for such delicate things:
- remember that knitted items, even new ones, can deform after the first wash. This can happen if you wash the item without following the rules;
- before you start washing a knitted thing, turn it inside out;
- do not wash things in too hot water, otherwise a new woolen item may shrink significantly, after which it will be small for you. You need to wash the product in warm water;
- try to wash woolen things with special products that are designed for washing things of this particular type of fabric;
- keep clean woolen things rolled up in the closet, then they will not stretch and will always look great;
- if you put woolen things in the closet before next winter, then be sure to put special products nearby that will help prevent the appearance of moths;

- it is best to store woolen products in a tight bag with a secure fastener or in a special case where moths will not penetrate;
- if a lot of pellets have appeared on a woolen product, then you can get rid of them with the help of a special brush, which you can buy at any hardware store;
- puffs sometimes form on knitted products, do not rush to cut them. The tightening should be pulled with a needle to the wrong side, so that the appearance of the thing will not be spoiled.
How to properly wash your favorite knitted items can be found in the video instructions.