How to wash knitted items?

Knitted items made of cotton and other materials are always in fashion, they are worn not only in winter, but also at other times of the year. Clothes with fur are especially beautiful. However, not everyone knows how to properly wash such products so that they always look beautiful and neat.
If knitted clothes are not properly taken care of, they will lose their shape and cease to be beautiful. When washing, you need to take into account certain recommendations, otherwise you can ruin the thing very badly. Some people prefer to seek help from specialists and take their clothes to dry cleaning.
However, washing it so that it does not shrink is quite possible on your own.

It is recommended to wash delicate items (especially handmade) by hand. So you can keep the look of a sweater, sweater, hats or other knitted items for a long time. Remember the following guidelines:
- It is better to use cold or warm water for washing. If washed in hot water, the product will look worse and wear out faster. The best option is to wash at 40 degrees.
- These items also need to be rinsed in a special way. Rinse the garments several times, then add vinegar to the water (one tablespoon). This way you can restore the threads that were used for knitting, and also restore the color of the clothes.
- Knitted clothes are not resistant to mechanical stress. If you decide to clean the item by hand, do everything very carefully, do not rub the item too hard. Soak it, wait and wring it out carefully, you cannot twist such clothes.
- It is recommended to opt for special soft agents. Today the stores offer a wide range of similar products.To wash delicate items, it is worth purchasing mild detergents - they are enough for a long time, they allow you to achieve remarkable results with sufficiently cold water.
- Many people add baby soap to the water, or rather, its shavings. Some people use regular liquid hair shampoo. Remember that the liquid must completely dissolve in the water.

Operating procedure
Do not wash knitted clothes too often, it is recommended to do this no more than once every few months. The procedure should be as follows:
- Dissolve a suitable product in warm water and shake to create a lather.
- Put the product in a basin (it should hide under water), wait a while, fifteen minutes is enough.
- Remember the product carefully. Remember not to do this too much, the clothes can be deformed.
- If the water darkens, pour in new water (remember to dissolve the detergent in it).
Detergent needed rinse thoroughly from the knitted garment. If it remains, the structure of the material may be disrupted. You can use a conditioner - this tool will make the thing very pleasant to the touch, soft.
Place the garment in the sink after washing to allow the water to drain. Then put the clothes on a terry towel (it should be big enough), create a roll out of it. Then it will need to be gently squeezed out. After that, take out the item and place it on a dry towel.

Let the garment dry to speed up the process, sometimes turn it over.
Clothes that are made from down, mohair or angora are especially delicate. They need to be handled as carefully as possible.
For information on what home remedies are for washing warm clothes, see the next video.
Get rid of stains
If you need to remove a stain on a certain area of the product, be guided by the following rules:
- It is better to clean the material from the inside out. For maximum convenience, lay the product on a flat surface.
- Don't rub the stain, just press gently on it.
- It is much easier to get rid of new pollution. Try to remove stains while they are still fresh - this can be done much faster. You can slightly soften old dirt using glycerin.
You can buy stain remover at the store, but some people prefer DIY products.... Coffee Tea removed using water and ammonia. The same tool helps to cope with ink, stains from grass. Talc helps to cleanse the fat.
If you need to get rid of traces of blood, rinse the product in cold water. Table vinegar works well if you need to remove fruit juice from the material. If the contamination persists, create a stronger product: Mix salt, ammonia and vinegar.

Helpful hints
Before washing a garment with a high collar, you will need to prepare a little. Overcast the collar using a thread that is strong enough. After washing, it will need to be removed. With this thread, you will avoid deformation, stretching of the neck.
You can wash lipstick from a knitted product using regular alcohol. Dip a cotton swab into it and saturate the material with the agent several times. Once the stain has completely disappeared, place the garment in fresh air to ventilate.
Before washing, try to find out if the material is of high quality. To do this, take one thread and place it in a soapy liquid. Then it will need to be rinsed and wrapped in a white napkin.
If a trace is visible, use vinegar when washing to fix the color - it will need to be added to the water (two spoons are enough).

It is better to wash knitted items with your own hands, but if you still decide to use a washing machine, consider certain recommendations:
- Washing in a typewriter should be carried out in a special mode (for delicate and knitted items).
- A bag must be used for washing. It will protect your clothing from damage.
- Use special products - they are sold in many stores. To understand the assortment, you can consult with sellers, read consumer reviews.