
All about the profession test pilot

All about the profession test pilot
  1. Features of the profession
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Important qualities
  4. Skills and knowledge
  5. Education
  6. Prospects and career

There are such professions that, despite the high level of salaries, are quite rare, but at the same time are in demand. These include the profession of a test pilot. Not every person can master this specialty and devote himself to it. In this article we will try to understand the features and requirements for it.

Features of the profession

The main feature of the profession of a test pilot is that not every pilot, let alone every person, can master it and practice it. Pilots who not only have knowledge and are in good physical shape, but they certainly have experience in flying, become testers. As a rule, these are military pilots, but there are also civil aircraft testers.

They are the first to master all innovations and innovations of aviation. Any innovations in aircraft construction, in flight rules, in observation systems and the like are first checked by test pilots. These are specialists who work with a high degree of risk and a degree of responsibility.

Their task is to check everything related to the operation of the aircraft, to draw up a full report so that the designers can then eliminate the shortcomings. Their mistakes can cost their own lives as well as many people.


The test pilot will not only test the operation of a new aircraft or helicopter, he also takes part in the creation of new aircraft. His participation is mandatory both at the theoretical stage of the ship's creation, and directly at the practical one.

At the stage of developing the theory of creating an aircraft, his duties include:

  • analysis of data on previously operated, but now obsolete machines;
  • assessment of all possible situations of failure of the created equipment, calculation of the necessary measures and actions in this case;
  • testing at stands that simulate certain parameters and characteristics of the future aircraft during flight.

At the theoretical stage, the list of duties of a test pilot is very extensive. This requires him to have a deep knowledge of physics, engineering, meteorology and many other fields.

During practical tests of a new type of equipment, the following can be distinguished among the main duties:

  • perform all tasks and maneuvers provided for by the tests, including failure situations that may arise from the moment of launch until the moment the aircraft lands;
  • when testing combat vehicles, use in action all the weapons provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • upon completion of tests on a particular aircraft, train its entire crew on changes in the operation of the apparatus and all innovations.

Important qualities

Among the personal qualities for a test pilot, the ability to make responsible decisions and understand their consequences is especially important. You need to be a brave person and be able to concentrate in an emergency. However, he must be calm and collected. An important quality is the interest in everything new in the aviation business. The desire to do something better and more effective than it was before is valuable.

A candidate for this specialty must have the qualification of a first class pilot and a diploma with honors from the corresponding university. The age limit for admission to the service is not older than 31 years.

The prospective prover must be in good physical shape and without health problems.

Skills and knowledge

From the above, we can conclude that this profession requires a person to own a large amount of knowledge. But even this will not be enough if he cannot apply them in communication with other specialists or in practice. During his work, the test pilot interacts, communicates and works with a whole team of specialists from different fields. These are scientists, designers, engineers, navigators, even managers and executives. He must be able to prove his thoughts, operate with his knowledge and apply them during trials.

During his service, there may be business trips abroad, so knowledge of at least one foreign language (English) is required. In addition, now they often hold joint military exercises or exhibitions of aviation technology. At such events, it is necessary not only to speak a foreign language, but also to adequately represent and talk about the latest achievements in aviation. With regard to personal qualities and physical fitness, the prover should always adhere to a correct daily routine and exercise. Emotional experiences, lack of leadership qualities, or, conversely, a sharp character are unacceptable in his behavior. After all, his psychological and physical condition directly affects the success of the tests.


In our country, there are 2 educational institutions in which you can master the profession of a test pilot. The first educational institution is located in the small town of Akhtubinsk, Astrakhan Region - this is the State Flight Test Center of the Russian Air Force named after V.I. V. Chkalov. It trains professionals for the air force.

The second institution - the A. V. Fedotov Test Pilot School - is located in the Moscow region, Zhukovsky. This school is mainly engaged in training specialists for design bureaus, experimental aircraft and research institutes. On average, there are about 50 people in Russia - aviation testers.

In the world, 4 more schools are engaged in their preparation - two in the United States, and one each in England and France.

Prospects and career

To become a test pilot, one must not only graduate from an appropriate educational institution, but also have from 3 to 5 years of flight experience. Usually, the total work experience of the test person is 15-20 years, they retire quite early. Test pilots, especially military ones, are always in demand at aircraft factories, in test and design centers. At the end of the assembly of the aircraft or helicopter, before launching it into serial production, the testers perform a factory fly-over.

After the end of their careers, these professionals most often become instructors for recruits. There are those who are recruited as independent consultants in areas not related to aviation and the production of aircraft technology (cinema, mountain tourism, or simply the owners of private aircraft). There is probably no need to talk about how risky and dangerous this profession is.

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