
All about the profession of a military pilot

All about the profession of a military pilot
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Responsibilities
  3. Required qualities and skills
  4. Education
  5. The salary
  6. Career prospects

At a certain stage in life, each of us faces the most important choice - the choice of a profession: after graduation, in the event of a crisis at the current job, in a situation of relocation, change of interests, changes in the state of the country's economy, etc. Some of us choose a career path in connection with necessity, others follow the dream. So, many boys (and sometimes girls) wanted to become pilots. Today in our article we will talk in detail about the features of such a profession as a military pilot.


Generally speaking, pilots are the elite part of the army of any country. People who plan to move on such a career path must meet the most stringent requirements. If we talk about the history of the emergence of the profession, then it happened in 1909, it is this date that is considered to be the year of birth of military aviation. At that time, the aircraft (respectively, and military pilots) worked in the field of intelligence, but everything changed dramatically during the Great Patriotic War.

A military pilot is an integral member of a military aircraft. Today, there are several types of such air transport: fighters, tactical and strategic bombers, reconnaissance aircraft, large-capacity military transport aircraft, helicopters, and many others. dr.

Accordingly, depending on which aircraft the pilot is flying, his professional duties and requirements (both theoretical and practical training) will differ.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the profession of a military pilot, like any other, has its own distinctive features and characteristics.However, such properties are not only positive, but also negative. Accordingly, if you are planning to become a military pilot, then you should evaluate in advance all the pros and cons, in order not to regret your choice in the future.

The advantages of the profession include the following characteristics:

  • respect and prestige of work (military pilots enjoy authority in society);
  • social security (both during service and after retirement);
  • decent wages (material remuneration is higher than the national average);
  • early retirement;
  • active career growth, etc.

At the same time, in addition to the listed advantages, one should also remember about the presence of certain disadvantages. So, first of all, the disadvantages of the profession include:

  • a high level of danger and risk (in the process of performing his duties, a military pilot risks his health and his life);
  • constant travel (they are especially difficult for the pilot's family);
  • living in garrisons, which may be located in the most remote corners;
  • high levels of stress and constant emotional stress, etc.

Accordingly, you can make sure that the positive and negative aspects of the work of a military pilot are almost equal. And this means that you need to approach their analysis as seriously as possible, so as not to regret your career choice in the future.


In the course of his work, the pilot of a military aircraft performs a number of different tasks. The main ones include:

  • operate a trusted aircraft;
  • perform test flights;
  • perform safety precautions;
  • fulfill their duties in accordance with applicable law, as well as internal orders;
  • control of the general condition of the aircraft, the correctness of the operation of all systems;
  • analyze meteorological conditions, etc.

At the same time, as mentioned above, depending on the aircraft that the pilot controls, his duties may differ. It should be borne in mind that a professional military pilot must be able to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Required qualities and skills

In order for a military pilot to perform all his duties efficiently, he must have a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In addition, requirements are put forward for a professional regarding his personal characteristics.

Among the most important professional qualities, it is important to note:

  • knowledge of all the types of military aircraft existing today, their structure and features;
  • land combat skills;
  • understanding the principles of functioning of air defense systems and radars;
  • aircraft control skills (advanced level);
  • knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • knowledge of foreign languages, etc.

The necessary personal characteristics of a specialist should include:

  • a responsibility;
  • leadership skills;
  • courage and bravery;
  • dedication;
  • stress resistance and emotional stability;
  • perseverance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • the ability to make independent decisions and be responsible for them, etc.

A successful combination of knowledge, abilities, skills and personality traits will make you an irreplaceable member of any team, and will also allow you to quickly and actively move up the career ladder and get new titles. At the same time, it is imperative to develop both professionally and personally, because military aviation is not a job, but a vocation.


To become a military pilot and work in the aviation industry, you need to learn all the intricacies of the profession. So, a modern specialist must graduate from an appropriate educational institution, for example, a military university or an aviation school. In addition, you can serve in the army in the appropriate type of troops.One way or another, it is very important to take your education seriously. At the same time, attention should be paid not only to obtaining theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills.

I must say that the learning process, as well as combat training will take a lot of time. At the same time, the very procedure of training for a pilot is rather complicated. Strict rules become part of the life of a member of the state's armed forces, for which you need to be prepared in advance.

The salary

Military pilots receive high wages - from 100,000 rubles. In the event that a person participates in armed battles, then the material reward for his service will be significantly increased. Besides, pilots (as part of the state army) are fully supported by the state.

Career prospects

First of all, it should be said that it is rather difficult to become a military pilot. but if this is your childhood dream and you are willing to put in a sufficient amount of effort, then you can achieve the desired goal. A military pilot is an important employee both in peacetime and in wartime. At the same time, over time, with the acquisition of experience and obtaining the appropriate education, you will rise in rank and, as a result, move up the career ladder.

Thus, it should be concluded that a military pilot is an important and necessary profession. Without such specialists, no modern civilized state will be able to fully function. However, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of this professional path, since it is fraught with a large number of hardships, risks and dangers, respectively, not suitable for every person.

It is important to keep in mind that the specialist has increased requirements for theoretical and practical training.

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