a lion

How to choose a stone for a Leo?

How to choose a stone for a Leo?
  1. Select by date of birth
  2. Mascot stones
  3. Matching stones-amulets
  4. How to wear it correctly?
  5. Stones to avoid

Representatives of the fire sign Leo with their royal inclinations are bright and extraordinary people. So that they can fully demonstrate their best qualities and gain protection from external negative influences, Leo needs to choose jewelry with stones that are suitable for energy.

Select by date of birth

The zodiac sign Leo is under the auspices of the Sun. The representatives of the fire element themselves seem to be illuminated by the golden radiance of the luminary, have a passion for everything beautiful and noble, be it clothing or a prestigious area in the city. Power, full self-realization is important for Leo. And they will try to do everything to achieve what they want. Such people love to be the center of attention, value declarations of love, do not tolerate loneliness. They have to constantly work on themselves so as not to turn into an empty person with exaggerated demands.

These bright, optimistic personalities are best suited for stones of a gold or orange hue.

These add emotional and physical strength. It is believed that both precious and semiprecious stones are suitable for those born in the sign of Leo. Natural types of tiger's eye also become a worthy decoration for Lions. A huge number of different stones correspond to the constellation. They should be selected as talismans and amulets based on their meaning. It is usually associated with the date of birth of the representatives of the sign. The stones for people who were born in one or another decade of the leadership of Leo in the zodiac are different.

First decade

Those who celebrate their birthday from July 23rd to August 3rd should choose stones such as tiger's eye, moonstone, or rhinestone.

Second decade

For those born from the fourth to the twelfth of August, beautiful things with pomegranate, amber, onyx, opal, golden topaz are more suitable. Great attention should be paid to Leos born in the second decade of the influence of the corresponding sign, should be given to products made of amber.

Third decade

This period includes those who were born from the thirteenth to the twenty-second of August. As a decoration, they should purchase diamond, ruby, garnet, emerald, sapphire, hyacinth, zircon, tourmaline, alexandrite, topaz.

Mascot stones

If something is missing in life - good luck, health, love or money, Leos can get a thing with certain stones. The meaning of a talisman is to achieve a specific task. Nature is quite capable of endowing a person with magical weapons for this.


Amber is one of the main stones of Leo. This is a kind of clot of solar energy that neutralizes the negative impact from the outside and thereby creates a favorable atmosphere for Leo, allowing the most cherished dreams to come true. The representative of the fire sign sardonyx will make you lucky. This stone of yellow-brown color with whitish translucent tints, somewhat similar to agate, will give courage to the representatives of this sign and help to win in the fight against far-fetched fears, attracting good luck to the life of its owner. Gossipers and envious people will not be able to break through the energy of sardonyx. This will allow Leo to implement his plans without hindrance.


Many stones intended for the zodiac sign Leo have health benefits, among other things. So, if you wear a piece of jewelry with an emerald as a pendant, its owner will be able to make his memory stronger, and earrings with this stone will help remove fatigue from the eyes and contribute to improving vision in general. It is also believed that the emerald overcomes insomnia, it does not have nightmares. In addition, it prevents the development of infectious diseases.

In order to have a child, it is good for Lionesses to replenish their collection of jewelry with a little thing with carnelian or jasper. Surprisingly, in the representatives of this sign, such a stone evens out the menstrual cycle. Malachite is suitable for strengthening the immune system. It will also tune the functioning of the spleen.

The kidneys and pancreas will begin to work smoothly.

Supports the immune system ruby. He will also be able to normalize blood pressure and increase vascular tone. Jewelry with rubies will help overcome heart disease and wounds. It is also a wonderful remedy for depression. Ruby helps the brain work more clearly.

The beautiful green stone peridot will relieve Leo from problems with a cold. It will also be beneficial for eye health. Wearing the jewelry around your neck can help overcome asthma and spinal problems. Pomegranate can be used to treat lungs. Surrounded by gold, this beautiful stone becomes useful for pain in the head, throat, as well as for normalizing body temperature.


In order for love to appear in Leo's life, he must also choose an ornament with a pomegranate, which just symbolizes love. The stone sharpens passion, helps to build relationships with loved ones. This is a family talisman that is most beneficial for mature and passionate Lionesses with great fortitude. In addition, the action of this stone sharpens the following abilities:

  • understand the essence of a specific human nature;
  • manage the behavior of another person.


To solve the money issue and attract wealth to his house, Leo is advised to have hematite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz or jasper with him.Hematite will tell you how to find a common language with colleagues in order to implement some kind of project that can bring material well-being. With this stone, Leo will be able to achieve significant financial results. Pomegranate will tell you how to get a boss's chair and, thanks to your perseverance in the workplace, come to high income.

Carnelian, which is called the family stone, will have an impact on the financial success of Leo, who managed to acquire a wife and children. The tiger's eye will protect Leo from the evil eye and help the talents of the representative of the fire element to manifest, which will lead him to financial well-being. Jasper will give Leo courage and good mood. This will be able to significantly approach material stability - bold actions in the business field will provide the desired result.

Topaz is considered the stone that attracts financial success. But he comes only to people who have the makings of a leader. So the properties of topaz are very well suited for people born under the constellation Leo.

With this stone, intuitive abilities are enhanced to help anticipate the actions of business partners and turn events to your advantage.

Matching stones-amulets

If the talisman allows you to achieve certain desires, then the amulet prevents all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. For Lions with their energetic power, the most powerful amulets from an energetic point of view are required. These things should not only prevent evil influence from the outside, but also help the representatives of the Leo sign itself to fight their own weaknesses and character traits that can turn events against them.

For example, onyx will save a representative of the fire element from envy and untruth, which can begin to weave around Leo. An item carved from this stone can be placed on the work table. This will create a welcoming atmosphere in the workplace. Leo will not have to worry that instead of being involved in the implementation of projects, one of the employees will weave intrigues against him.

For Leo the chief ruby ​​will be a wonderful amulet. There is something related between the energy of the representative of such a sign and this stone. Therefore, a person born under the constellation Leo can, if desired, feed on the power of the stone. This will help Leo maintain control of himself and bring the matter to its logical conclusion. This stone is also good for creative representatives of the sign. He will save you from failures in the creative field. Ruby helps you focus on an idea.

For Leo women, these stones help to overcome difficulties and make them softer in character. In addition, it is believed that the ruby ​​will not allow a man with bad intentions to approach the fair sex. Amber will save you from the evil eye and troubles. This stone will calm the representative of the sign and tell you how to start living anew. Jade will protect Leo from an unjustified desire to have power, and will also contribute to maintaining peace in the family and will not allow him to distance himself from the most dear people. The best jade amulet will be a rosary or a figurine made of it.

The solar stone heliodor will give Leo strength and help him move along the intended path. The stone will relieve the mind of confused thoughts, making it possible to avoid the risk of getting into a dangerous situation. Tourmaline will help get rid of fear and anxiety.

This amulet will direct the consciousness of Leo in a creative direction, give confidence in their abilities to those who cannot tune in to a calm flow of thoughts.

Sardonyx will be the protector of the Lion along the way. Will take away someone else's envy and a bad look from him. For the well-being of the family, representatives of the fire element in the house should have a ball carved from this stone. Such a talisman will help Leo restrain his passions and not make mistakes in personal relationships.

Aquamarine will help protect Leo from himself. Under its influence, the lion's anger comes to naught.Such a person acquires diplomacy and begins to calmly perceive what is happening. Aquamarine will help the representative of this sign get rid of external negativity and supply him with the necessary energy when Leo becomes unbearable.

How to wear it correctly?

To make the influence of stones on the life of Leo the most effective, it is not enough to choose for a specific representative of this sign the one that is best suited. It also matters in what color the frame is placed the talisman, on what part of the body it is worn, and also what shape it is given. The most suitable metal for the frame in this case would be gold. It is good if such an edging is made in the form of a star, a solar disk or an image of a Leo. A golden ladybug, eagle or swan with inserts of the corresponding stones will enhance the influence on the spirit and body of a representative of such a zodiac. In this case, the shape of the stones enclosed in metal should be round or oval. In addition to the usual gold for talismans and charms intended for Lions, you can choose:

  • gold is red;
  • bronze;
  • gold plated materials.

It is necessary to abandon the use of silver frames, which reduce the energy of the fire sign and massive frames of gold, interrupting the power of the stones enclosed in such a frame. Leo women are advised to wear amber talismans in the form of necklaces or beads. The garnet is believed to have the greatest impact when it is part of the ring worn on the ring finger or little finger. The jasper ring is best placed on the index.

For men, Lviv, it is better to choose a watch with a round dial as a frame for mascot stones and amulets. This circle will be able to symbolize the sun that protects the sign. A stone in the shape of a ball that fits well in the hand will be a good helper. Such an object can be rolled in your fingers, feeding on its energy and getting the necessary emotional balance.

The stone can also be placed in a keychain so that the talisman is always with you.

Although it is still better for the owner of a magic item to leave it away from him from time to time. Both the owner Leo and the stone have high energy. Therefore, sometimes they need to move away from each other. When choosing a stone as a talisman, it is not enough to be guided by the recommendations on the correspondence of the mineral to the zodiac sign; you also need to rely on your feelings. If there is no soul to jewelry with a seemingly suitable stone, it is better to choose something else.

Stones to avoid

In addition to useful stones, there are those that do not suit Leo at all, conflicting with his energy. Aventurine will be able to confuse the thinking of the representative of this sign, making him indecisive and insecure. This is contrary to the very nature of Leo. Therefore, in order to avoid emotional breakdowns, it is better for a person born under this constellation to stay away from aventurine.

A wonderful turquoise stone can weaken a representative of the fire element too much, pushing him to take unnecessary risks that could undermine his financial well-being and lead to injury. In the presence of this stone, such a person is less motivated to work and the ground for conflicts appears. For women born under the sign of Leo, who wear turquoise jewelry, the ability to conceive a child decreases.

Pearl jewelry is also best left to other zodiac signs. With such a stone, Leo becomes too direct in communication, which does not contribute to the strengthening of business ties and can affect the material well-being of the representative of the sign. Chrysoprase is able to provoke a conflict with himself in Leo, and the blue sapphire makes the negative aspects of the character of Leo women more pronounced. Black opal can plunge a representative of the fire element into a depressive state. For some Lions, the moonstone helps to accumulate internal aggression.

For a Lioness, agate is quite a suitable stone. He improves her character, helps to find the most profitable way to get out of this or that situation and even find happiness in her personal life. White, yellow or green agate will only help their mistress. But black agate is able to direct the bad energy of the Lioness herself against her. So for those representatives of the Leo sign, whose intentions are not too pure, such a stone can do a disservice.

For more information on stones for Leo, see the next video.

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