a lion

Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the Ox

Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the Ox
  1. Characteristics of a Leo man with the qualities of a Ox
  2. Family relationships
  3. In love and relationships
  4. Leo-Ox in the sexual sphere
  5. Which companion to choose?

People born from 23.07 to 22.08 are Leo by horoscope. The years of the Ox are considered: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.

Leo merging with the Bull is a very obstinate person. Obstinacy is a key trait of this person, regardless of gender. Bull-Leo is more carefree and cheerful among all Bulls. But you should never hurt a merry fellow, since a surge of aggression is inevitable. But the bestial anger of Leo is absorbed by the "inner" Bull, which does not allow him to act on emotions.

For personal relationships, Leo, born in the year of the Ox, chooses a positive, balanced and sincere person. He treats the other half with attention and care, you can safely rely on him. In the family, this is the undisputed leader and everyone must absolutely obey the decisions of the head of the family. Family life, according to the Leo of the Year of the Ox, is a palace where his regal habits are fully manifested.

He certainly needs to be the head of the family and everyone should treat him with respect. This fad compensates for the great sense of life and the ability to organize life in the best possible way.

Characteristics of a Leo man with the qualities of a Ox

The noble Leo is endowed with the strength of the Ox, which gives rise to a harmony of character, consisting mostly of positive qualities. This man is not used to panic and cowardice; he fiercely defends his position. He is able to stand up for her with his fists, but he rarely brings the matter to a fight. Leo is balanced thanks to the calmness inherent in the sign of the Bull.

The bull demonstrates many worthy traits: perseverance, endurance, rare willpower. Leo adds from himself the presence of weighty self-esteem, recognition of his own importance for himself.These are ideal qualities for building a brilliant career and a prestigious status in society and in all spheres of life.

Leo has a pronounced sense of purpose and an ambitious character. To his liking, he is a maximalist in everything, preferring only the best, preferably even the perfect. This applies to things and the environment. Such a person seeks to live in luxury, dress in brands and rotate in the beau monde.

At the same time, it is distinguished by emotional stability, loyalty, sincerity and sociability.

A man who was born under the sign of Leo-Ox is aimed at success and strives to lead in everything. Trying to subdue a leader is a thankless task.

Leo-Bull is respected and listened to by everyone. Such a person is excellent at occupying leadership positions, making competent orders, being a representative of a reputable enterprise, and even deciding destinies.

In any case, the guy will not be unnoticed. We are always obsessed with a noble goal, but it should be noted that it is difficult for him to come to a compromise.

Leo-Bulls rarely accept the third-party opinion, preferring to think that their own point of view is the only possible one. Particularly noticeable is the disagreement to a compromise when affecting his personal interests.

The Leo, who was born under the auspices of the Ox, has great potential. Working day and night is his case. Even if you have to do it in not the most suitable conditions. A workaholic who is obsessed with success is willing to do a lot for the sake of perspective. He will never agree to live in poverty. The energetic nature of Leo helps to solve any issues today and now, without throwing away any business for tomorrow.

Such a man always leaves a flattering impression of himself and inspires confidence. Differs in eloquence, but tries to do more than talk about business. Leo-Ox is self-confident, able to deftly cope with difficulties, take risks for more, fearlessly move towards the goal, striving for the maximum possible. This combination of signs "generates" excellent financiers and businessmen.

The Leo man, who was born in the Year of the Ox, strives to be a leader. He is firm and does not agree to compromises, has a bullish tenacity in defending his own interests. The downside is his inability to be loyal to outside opinions. His credo is above the rest for him.

Family relationships

This area of ​​life takes a large place in the life of a Leo-Ox man. He respects family values ​​and often takes them as the framework for organizing life in a marriage union. In order for there to be harmony in a legal relationship, it is important not to make a mistake with your life partner.

This venerable family man in his youth is distinguished by his love. He is even capable of having affairs with several girls at the same time. Moreover, he seeks to understand his girlfriends in order to study female nature and choose the most ideal of them as his wife.

To his beloved, the Leo-Bull guy puts forward maximum requirements. She must certainly be inherent in sociability, intelligence, brightness of appearance and character. In addition, she should praise and pamper her Leo.

Leo of the Year of the Ox and himself is immensely generous to loved ones. Likes to give them gifts, cute surprises, to please them with something pleasant and unusual, to surprise. At the same time, a generous donor can be tough and demand to obey him unquestioningly.

It would be better if he loosened his grip, giving his beloved a chance to realize his personal dreams. Otherwise, a woman can become an infantile follower.

For success, the Leo-Ox has all the makings, but you also need to find time for spiritual self-development.

If Leo-Bull does not feel respect for himself in the family, he will begin to rage. Lack of attention and activity on the part of household members can lead to serious problems.

With his wife, he develops a strong relationship, which is based on friendship with understanding. She receives respect and absolute support from her husband. And for children, he is an authority and a friend at the same time.Such a father will always come to the rescue in resolving difficult issues, even in the adult years of the descendants.

In love and relationships

Here he is no less active as in the rest. The sexual energy of this sign is easily replenished, and its life potential is considered very high. There is one but: it can take years to find a single life partner, which entails a constant change of partners. The womanizer will choose the soul mate in appearance and a subtle sense of humor. For him, these qualities are a priority.

Leo under the sign of the Bull usually becomes a father with many children and loves his offspring. This is a sensual and very passionate partner who can turn the head of any beauty. But he does not show his feelings to strangers. Just as he does not show them until certain times to the chosen one. This greatly distinguishes Leo from other signs, so girls are afraid of rapprochement with him.

But Leo will take the first step on his own, since he is initiative by nature, sociable and energetic. It is better for a partner to trust him completely, putting on strong shoulders the solution of all questions and problems.

Leo-Ox in the sexual sphere

This is a real experimenter and voluptuary. He likes everything unusual and new. Only from changing positions and caresses will he enjoy and not get bored with an inventive partner. Leo's sensuality brings beauty and satisfaction to intimacy with him.

The seething energy brings many bright colors and unforgettable impressions to his intimate sphere of life. If something does not suit Leo, he will leave to look for another girlfriend. Leo is characterized by relaxedness and sexuality, he seeks intimacy and considers sex a necessary component of a fulfilling life. He chooses a partner himself, trying to secretly control his intimate relationship with her.

Which companion to choose?

The complex nature of the Leo of the Year of the Ox disposes him to seek recognition in any area of ​​life. He must definitely learn to be inclined to compromise, to reduce the number of claims to his environment. Better to find an outlet for yourself in the form of a hobby. Then irrepressible energy will be distributed evenly and will not harm anyone with its supply force.

For the psychology of the Leo man's behavior in love, see below.

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