a lion

Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the Rabbit

Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the Rabbit
  1. general characteristics
  2. In work
  3. In friendship
  4. In love
  5. In family

general characteristics

The characteristic of the Leo-Rabbit is quite interesting, since it combines many absolutely contradictory features. Rabbit calm and unrestrained laziness can be abruptly replaced by lion's assertiveness and ambition in almost everything. This happens in his life, at work, in the love sphere.

Such a contradictory and wayward character makes Leo-Rabbit a very interesting conversationalist and versatile personality, with many hobbies.

Today he can read Russian classics by the fireplace, and tomorrow he can jump down from a two-hundred-meter bungee.

Charismatic Leo with his charm, developed intellect and exquisite good manners can conquer anyone. From others, in turn, he expects only a positive assessment, absolutely does not perceive criticism.

In the company, he is quite tactful and talkative. Easily achieves respect in society, achieves its goal.

The main feature of the Leo man is a pronounced selfishness, which becomes stronger over time. A lion born in the year of the Cat is cunning and quirky, very fixated on himself, his appearance and needs, therefore he often leads a healthy lifestyle and has a rather extravagant appearance.

Very independent, independent, brave, decisive, hardworking and at the same time stubborn Leo is successful in almost any business.

In work

In professional and educational activities, he goes to a clearly defined goal and always achieves it, no matter what it costs him. Such dedication makes him a good specialist, who is appreciated by his superiors and gives him a quick career growth. The Leo Cat cannot be denied cunning and ambitiousness, he will easily wriggle out in any difficult situation or avoid problems.

By nature, Leo is a leader, which has its advantages in his career development., but here too much emotionality interferes, which is difficult to cope with. Often men find themselves in rather unusual and creative professions, since they have many interests, and they are constantly improving themselves. The desire to earn money is motivated by a love of luxury and delicacy. Men are quite sociable, sociable, mobile. Having started work on any project, he will always finish the work he has begun.

In friendship

Rabbit-Leo values ​​friendship very much, is a person who has many good and reliable friends, he is the same. He is kind-hearted, if someone needs help, he will gladly provide it. Leo is noble, fair and straightforward. In a conversation, he is correct, he can give good advice. In the circle of friends, in various situations, he is guided only by his own conscience.

Easily makes new acquaintances, he has friends from different walks of life and of different ages. Often spends time in noisy companies or in a quiet, cozy place for conversation.

Receives support and approval from friends.

In love

Leo's love can be divided into three periods - this is at the beginning of the relationship, when Leo is already used to the girl, in the family.

At the first stage, a man is quite independent, persistent, independent. His choice will be the girl who will give him reciprocity, he is not one of those who will strive for years. His ideal is an intelligent, well-groomed, interesting lady. Leo loves to intrigue and observe the object of his attention. If the Rabbit feels cold in relation to himself or the girl simply ceases to be interesting to him, then Leo may disappear, without explaining the reasons.

When the relationship becomes more serious, an independent and strong Leo turns into a vulnerable and gentle kitten that needs to be cared for. The man becomes more open, vulnerable, so patience, affection, attentiveness, reciprocity are required from the girl. Of course, one should not forget about his personality, because Leo loves very much when he is praised.

Equally important will be the coincidence of interests and hobbies of partners, because doing things they love together brings them closer together, otherwise Leo will move away both physically and emotionally.

Rabbit-Leo appreciates freedom in love, it does not need to be limited, driven into any framework and protected in communication with other people. Leo will not be able to get along with a jealous person. A special role here is assigned to the fact that this zodiac sign needs the attention of not one person, but many. Therefore, such a need often creates a problem in the relationship and can be the cause of conflict and even a breakup, the initiator of which will be a man. For a girl, Leo should be one and only and unique.

He does not like it when something is demanded of him and presented with a fact.

Due to excessive emotionality, the Rabbit can end the relationship, which he will regret later, but it will be too late to return everything.

In an intimate life, he loves to bask like a cat and have fun, is very passionate and sensitive. Appreciates romance, the setting in which a date or evening takes place. For him, the presence of music, candles, incense is important.

According to the Eastern calendar, ideal compatibility with Cat, Dog, Horse, Goat and Bull, and minimal compatibility with Monkey, Rooster, Rat and Tiger

According to the Western calendar, it is ideal with Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries. Poor rapport with Libra, Aquarius.

In family

Rabbit Lions usually marry at a mature age, because freedom is important for them. Marriage is not always a plus for him, because Leo loves publicity, so often he is not ready to be with one girl, he needs freedom, jealous spouses are not for him.

In general, he appreciates and loves his family, takes care of children, is attentive to his wife, rarely provokes quarrels if he is honored. He tries to please and builds relationships with his wife's relatives.

Leo wants to be proud of his wife, so the wife should not only deal with the family, but also have a hobby.

The wife should not interfere with the Rabbit's hobbies, this is important for him.

Even loving his spouse, Leo often pays attention to other girls, often having romances, so she needs to be on the lookout and constantly surprise her partner. You should not be at home all the time, this state depressing an active and versatile Leo.

A joint outdoor activity or any kind of travel will bring closer and strengthen the relationship.

If the Leo-Rabbit does not find harmony, then soon selfishness will prevail.

You will learn more about the Leo man in the following video.

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