a lion

Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the Snake

Characteristics of a Leo man born in the year of the Snake
  1. Personality description
  2. What are they like in friendship?
  3. Behavior in love
  4. Relationship to marriage
  5. Career and business
  6. Compatibility

The Leo-Snake man is a very interesting person with high intelligence and erudition. Such people are distinguished by natural charm, which attracts a large number of people to him. What else the characteristics of this combination of signs tell us about, we will find out in this article.

Personality description

The Leo man, born in the year of the Snake, has a gentle and patient character. He can be described as a sincere and generous person. The representative of this horoscope is not forgiving, but it will not work to use his trust endlessly, since he can show temperament.

Such people always speak the truth in person. Excessive straightforwardness often offends and confuses others, which negatively affects the relationship of the Leo-Snake with other people. It is difficult to get along with such a person, as he is prone to arguments and moralizing.

The representative of this horoscope is distinguished by great intelligence and logical thinking. The young man strives for self-education in order to be savvy in any matter. Self-confidence and knowledge allows such a person to achieve universal respect.

The Leo-Snake man has a cheerful and cheerful character. He knows how to interest the interlocutor and liven up a boring conversation. The young man is philosophical about adversity, which allows him to easily experience any troubles.

You can turn to such people for help in difficult moments of life and be sure of receiving practical advice. Natural wisdom enables men to be good counselors and leaders.

Leo-Snake is a fickle personality.At some point, from a balanced and positive person, a man turns into a capricious and stubborn boy. Such inconstancy pushes the young man to change the situation, and therefore at some point he can be lost from sight.

The need for change often brings these people to different places. Frequent moving and traveling prevent men from finding their destiny and achieving a stable existence.

The character of the Leo-Snake man largely depends on the elemental affiliation of the eastern sign. For example, the Black Water Serpent is prone to compassion and wisdom, but does not like to follow the rules. But the Green Wood Snake knows how to correctly assess its own strength and is distinguished by its leisurely and thoughtfulness in everything.

The Yellow Earth Snake is somewhat slow and secretive, and therefore personifies loyal and calm people. They do not like changes, and therefore do not need a frequent change of environment. The White Metal Snake, on the other hand, seeks new sensations in everything.

Such a man is inclined to take risks and often finds himself in difficult situations.

What are they like in friendship?

The Leo-Snake man is distinguished by a complex character, which prevents him from acquiring friendly relations. Such a person does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, and therefore always speaks the truth in person. This quality repels many people from the personality, but those who remain can be sure of the sincerity of such a friend.

Such a young man takes friendship with great seriousness. He will always come to the aid of a friend and will not look for excuses in order to avoid unnecessary responsibility. You can rely on such a person in any business and always count on good advice.

To make friends with a representative of this horoscope, you must have an active and easy character. People who are pessimistic and overly calm do not attract impulsive individuals. Leo-Snake will not be able to find a common language with a person who has pronounced leadership qualities and has a quick temper.

Behavior in love

A young man born in the year of the Snake under the zodiac sign Leo completely dissolves in a love relationship. He tries to please his beloved in everything and is ready to do everything to maintain this connection. The desire to be with a girl all the time can affect a guy's relationship with family and friends.

It's always easy and fun with such a partner. An optimistic disposition attracts the opposite sex to a young man, and therefore he never suffers from a lack of attention. Thanks to perseverance and patience, such a person is able to win the heart of any girl.

This combination allows you to get a frivolous guy who can date several women at the same time. If he feels sexual attraction to a lady, then he will almost certainly be able to seduce the chosen one.

Rarely does a girl see the true goal of a partner and sincerely believe in the purity of their feelings.

Relationship to marriage

The Leo man, born in the year of the Snake, dreams of a strong and close-knit family. He needs spousal support and protection in difficult times. If the head of the family sees a sincere attitude from the household, then he will do everything to provide material support for his relatives.

As a wife, the Leo-Snake man chooses an interesting and versatile personality with whom there is always something to talk about. It is the ability to choose an educated companion that allows a young man to achieve a happy marriage.

A representative of this horoscope will become an ideal husband and father if the spouse shows respect and caring attitude in marriage. It is important for him to feel loved and desired, otherwise the marriage will be doomed to disintegration.

Career and business

Building a career is not the goal of a Leo-Snake man's life. It is much more important for him to realize himself in society and show his importance. The desire to occupy a high position can force such a person to choose a demanded profession, which ultimately will help to find a high-paying job.

To achieve financial well-being, such people are willing to work tirelessly. They become especially stubborn when they start their own family.

The desire to provide his wife and children with a comfortable existence allows the Leo-Snakes to achieve high earnings.


The Snake-Leo man will pay attention to a girl with a pleasant appearance, who knows how to behave in society. She should be different from other women and have her own "zest", as beauty and education do not always cling to such men.

The Snake-Leo youth has the greatest compatibility with girls born in the year of the Dragon, Rooster, Goat, Monkey or Cat under the zodiac sign Leo, Pisces or Gemini. Relationships with such ladies are reliable and stable. For such a man, the intimate side of the relationship is important, and it is the girls of this combination that are able to satisfy a partner in bed.

The psychology of the Leo man's behavior in love is presented in the video below.

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