Leo Compatibility

Compatibility of Lions and Gemini in personal relationships and at work

Compatibility of Lions and Gemini in personal relationships and at work
  1. Description of the signs of the zodiac
  2. General compatibility
  3. Will they find mutual understanding in friendship?
  4. How will everything be in love?
  5. Will family life work out?
  6. Relationships at work
  7. How to win and keep them?

People born under the sign of Leo and Gemini will find it interesting to be together. However, these partners can not only communicate and have a good time together, but also create joint projects.

Description of the signs of the zodiac

The governing planet, more precisely, the star Lions, is the Sun, which is responsible for the expression of everything that a person has in his soul. Therefore, these people are sincere and have a developed sense of pride and pride. Gemini Ruler - Mercury, a planet that makes you want to study at a university, communicate with people and do business.

Leo men strive for personal growth, love power, the most important thing for them is to demonstrate their work or creativity. Also, the constellation makes a man a lover of publicity, he does not like to spend time alone, he needs communication almost constantly. All men of this sign are naturally ambitious and believe in themselves, however, as they achieve their goals, some become more successful, others less. The realization that they are not omnipotent occurs at the age of 30-40, during this period they can master different spheres of activity, trying themselves in everything. If one thing does not work out, the fiery personality will not be discouraged and will take on a new one.

The weak influence of the planet Saturn makes them uncritical to themselves, which prevents them from studying for a long time. They can take courses or even master the profession through videos and immediately declare themselves to be high-level specialists.Oddly enough, often the ability to guess the client's needs helps them mask their incompetence, and very soon Leos become real masters of their craft.

Men prefer to change partners frequently. Only that woman who will give him the opportunity to show his best qualities next to her can become permanent.

In Leo women, the constellation is the ruler of the 5th house of the horoscope, which is responsible for such areas of life as creativity and raising children. Therefore, women of the Leo sign, unlike men, do not strive for power and frequent change of partners.

Life values ​​of "lionesses":

  • finding a job that will help them express their abilities;
  • creating a family and having children.

Although the behavior of the "lioness" can be imperceptible that she is eager to marry, because she behaves emphatically officially and almost does not flirt with men. This is due to the fact that the "lioness" will enjoy the attention of either the man who significantly surpasses her in social status or the one who will take care of her for a long time.

Such a woman does not belong to the category of seducers ruled by Venus, she does not believe in her ability to charm anyone. It is important for her to feel that the man really likes her.

The sign of Gemini is influenced by the planet Mercury, thanks to which a man is formed inquisitive and sociable. However, the cunning of the mind and the ability to always get out of a difficult situation often forms an irresponsible and fickle nature. Gemini men prefer to work with a free schedule. The best positions for them are those where you need to teach a lot of theory: lawyer, teacher, doctor. However, Gemini men are often drawn to areas where you need to intensively communicate with clients: corporate sales, advertising, recruiting, real estate. The Gemini man considers professional growth one of his priorities, the main thing for him is profit. Material independence is associated with freedom of movement.

One of the main goals of the men of the sign of Air in life is to move from country to country and work on a free schedule.

Girls, ruled by the element of Air, always think about how to make a profit, but it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing for a long time. Gemini has a tendency to lead a double life, this is how the duality of the sign manifests itself. For example, in the morning she can be a diligent student, and in the evening - a stripper at the club.

The choice of profession of a woman of the sign of Air is unpredictable, because the main thing for her is earnings, and natural curiosity makes you try everything. Depending on the type, the girl can be more demonstrative, or maybe more modest. For some Gemini, the profession of a teacher is suitable, and for others, a secretary. It all depends on the desire to be in sight. However, the girls of this sign love a bright image. This is due, firstly, to the weak position of Saturn in the sign, and secondly, to curiosity.

A girl can buy original clothes and accessories in a second-hand store or at a sale, a girl's intuition for promotions and discounts always works, so she can dress beautifully almost for free.

The most common shy woman of this sign can transform into a sexy woman in one evening. The ability to quickly change the image is a consequence of the duality of the sign - intuitively, the signs of Air feel that reincarnation is beneficial.

General compatibility

Common features of Lions are the desire to receive recognition, the desire to demonstrate their personality, a heightened sense of their own worth. Gemini can use these features. The most common types of Fire signs are painters, engineers, fashion designers and actors. This is due to the desire to see the fruits of their labor and to receive the admiration of society. Gemini can belong to any profession.

Leo men often choose construction-related professions.And this is no coincidence, because the construction of a structure is the implementation of a project that benefits others. Leo takes pride in his participation in this process.

At the construction site, Lions occupy positions:

  • architect;
  • engineer;
  • construction manager.

Such people work a lot, so they have no time to visit guests and clubs. This type of Leo does not need a stormy social life, this is associated with an easy attitude to novels at work. Gemini working as lawyers and managers are compatible with them. A relationship begins with a man and a woman communicating in a friendly manner. Office romances quickly spill over into relationships outside the office.

If the Gemini girl fell in love with Leo, who holds a serious position in construction, then most likely he will help her in her career.

If a Gemini man is caring for a woman of the elements of Fire, he will make her quit or take a vacation, because the "lionesses", tuned in to a romantic mood, completely change and they want to do something new.

Actor is one of the most popular professions for representatives of the fire sign, because they adore attention, as well as changing images. They can get acquainted with Gemini both while studying at a theater university and on the set. The most common jobs for Gemini are acting assistants, screenwriters, and PR managers. They have a thick contact book. Lions begin to need Gemini's help in organizing samples and filming, and go to parties together.

If the actress has a fiery temperament, then the elegant young man Gemini will often compliment her and introduce her to useful persons. Gemini men in the acting environment are fickle and prone to adultery, but "lionesses" are not angels either. In this pair, violent passions can boil.

Fashion designers reign in the world of fashion, Gemini models are suitable for them. Being around, they cannot get carried away with love or romance for a long time, business interferes with the relationship. Therefore, if a model meets a fashion designer of the fire element, then a new collection should be expected from him. Models with a fiery personality are created to shine on the catwalk, photographers of the Gemini sign can find an approach to them, who not only admire beauty, but can also keep an interesting conversation.

There is nothing more pleasant for Lviv than to see the objects of their creativity, to feel the recognition of people. This is why the artists and photographers of this sign love to organize exhibitions. The irrepressible energy of Mercury gives Gemini a talent for writing. Gemini can find an approach to Leo, telling about their understanding of his work, he adores when someone appreciates the talent in him and understands the meaning of the works. After all, it helps him to know himself. Gemini in the profession of a journalist or writer are disinterested, but they have a sharp mind and can make a real business project out of the fruits of the creativity of a fiery personality.

Will they find mutual understanding in friendship?

Leo and Gemini are the personification of stability and lightness. The sun sign can be lazy, does not have clear plans for leisure, does not seek to have fun on its own, because it feels self-sufficient. He is interested in doing his hobby or just relaxing. The representative of the element of Air is always on the move, he is looking for novelty: concerts, exhibitions, trainings, trips to the countryside. Gemini is actively exploring the world and can invite Leo to participate in their plans.

The entertainment of friends may seem trivial, but they are not bored together, because Gemini love to joke, and Leo ignites with wit and begins to be creative. Friends love watching movies together and throwing parties.

Women of the air sign are practical and ask Lviv friends for help: get a job, make a company in a club, make a photo session, help with repairs. Leos are generous and do not refuse those whom they consider to be friends.Although such a phenomenon as the friendship of a Leo with a girl is rare, because he will still show his sexual interest, and if he is refused, the friendship will end. The Fire sign is proud and hates it when his feelings and attraction are ignored.

If a Gemini man is friends with a Leo woman, then this is a friend or brother's girlfriend. Gemini and Lions have a great time together in large companies, cook, drink beer and go out into nature to eat barbecue.

If these are two girls, then they often discuss personal life. The friend of the air sign is trying to arrange dates for the Lioness, inviting men to meet her. This often turns into incredible parties, but when the "lioness" gets married and gives birth to a child, the friendship fades away.

How will everything be in love?

The relationship between the signs of Fire and Air is built not only on feelings and physical attraction. For them, the determining factor will be whether the lovers are connected by a common territory where they can see each other. Gemini adore light flirting during fleeting meetings, this is their strong point. Lions get turned on more when they have the opportunity to hunt down their "prey" and demonstrate their skills and talents in front of it. There can be several scenarios for the development of love relationships.

Students will always have topics of conversation. Asking Leo for help with his studies is one way to find an approach to him. If Leo is one of the excellent students, and the Gemini girl approaches him, asking him to help her with a certain subject, then he will pay special attention to her.

The guy of the Air sign will notice the student of the fire element himself, he will show interest through attempts to speak and witty remarks. It's easy to bond with Gemini by inviting them to a study-related event.

The same comfortable situation for acquaintance can be created at all kinds of trainings and courses. Common topics of conversation, as well as the opportunity to go somewhere after school, create room for the development of relationships.

An office romance can begin if the air sign feels attracted, and he knows how to shorten the distance masterfully. The Gemini man himself will invite the "lioness" to a cafe and spend after work, he will also provide minor services. Can acquaint with colleagues, help with the report, recommend to the boss. If Leo's boss is embarrassed to show his interest in the Gemini girl who works for him, then she can take the initiative into her own hands. But the main thing is not to invite your boss for a drink after work, you just need to pay compliments. If you do this every day, then the man will start to want such a girl.

Leo and Gemini love companies, but other people can interfere with them. The Fire sign girl can be scared away by the fact that a man is flirting not only with her, she will walk with someone arm in arm, indifferently looking at the windy boyfriend.

Leo men will most likely be disappointed if the girl immediately tries to get close, this is due to the fact that Leo wants to be recognized first, and then loved. And Gemini girls in companies often lose self-control and, seeing a handsome man, begin to seduce him. Long distance communication strategy will work better with Leo. Mysteriousness in a pretty girl is an incentive to conquer.

The representative of the sign of Air refers to physical intimacy with a grain of curiosity; as a protection from intimacy, he jokes and talks a lot. However, ostentatious indifference is a desire to maintain a distance and not show that friendship has grown into a love relationship.

Gemini and Leo are masters of the distance. One gets the impression that partners are having sex not only secretly from friends and acquaintances, but also secretly from themselves.

Lions do not know how to admit their feelings, Gemini develops relationships. They find a reason to communicate more often. For example, they can convince Leo that living together can save money on renting an apartment or it will help get to work faster.Love relationships develop on the principle of mutual assistance, no one is trying to use anyone. One of the indicators of the development of a love relationship is their willingness to help each other.

Leos and Gemini sometimes meet over the Internet. Leos test how attractive they are, and Gemini do it out of a desire to expand their contact list. But such an acquaintance can be unsuccessful, the outburst of passion on the first date will not happen. Leo, after meeting on the Internet, behaves too officially, and Gemini says a lot of unnecessary things. For a love relationship to develop, it will take at least three months of constant correspondence. During this time, curiosity will have time to mature, but you shouldn't rush to have sex anyway.

The longer Gemini dodges intimacy, continuing to communicate, the more this will impress Leo. Fiery men develop a desire to get a mysterious girl, and Leo women need a lot of compliments and even deeds in order to be charmed.

Will family life work out?

Girls of the Gemini sign begin to want to marry from childhood. Marriage with a wealthy man is the dream of any woman of this sign, even if she does not admit it. Gemini girls are not afraid of divorce, so the decision to get married is easy. For them, the registration of marriage is not associated with feelings, but with the desire for financial profit, therefore, they perceive marriage as a way to improve their situation.

Husbands of the elements of Fire are indifferent to the design of marriage, many do not like holidays, so they do not want to arrange a magnificent ceremony. They perceive their marriage partner as inevitable, but they strive not to change and want to live together their whole life. A representative of the fire element can begin to doubt his decision only after a long period of problems and misunderstanding.

Whether family life will take shape depends directly on Gemini. If the air sign wants this, then the spouse will open his soul to him, because he already perceives his partner as a part of himself. Gemini are susceptible to frequent doubts, change depending on the situation and moody.

So that the sign of Air does not get bored, Leo needs to set new tasks for him:

  • apartment renovation;
  • vacation trip and so on.

Several factors can destroy a family union:

  • the influence of friends and relatives;
  • idleness;
  • bad habits.

The partner should make sure that the Gemini are busy with something useful, because they get involved in adventures out of boredom, therefore, if the spouse of the Air sign is left without work, he needs to be motivated for new achievements. A healthy lifestyle will protect the air sign from impulsive behavior, so buying a fitness club membership will benefit your marriage.

Relationships at work

Leos feel comfortable in the status of a leader. He has an innate sense of power, an ability to assign tasks and control deadlines.

Gemini are quite vulnerable and can impulsively quit their jobs or stop going to work.

To find an approach to an employee, the manager must comply with the following rules:

  • communicate with him in a friendly way;
  • forgiving small delays;
  • arrange a corporate vacation;
  • motivate to achieve with the help of bonus payments.

Gemini must use a few secrets for Leo to stay at work.

  • Never act as a Leo. He does not tolerate competition in his field.
  • Give sick leave for any reason. Lions who are sick for the sake of work can paralyze office work.
  • The employee should be encouraged through promotion or hiring subordinates.

How to win and keep them?

Leo is harder to conquer, and Gemini is harder to keep. There is no need to conquer Gemini at all, since these people themselves will flirt and even pester, these are uninhibited characters who can give so much attention that it seems superfluous. However, they are also vulnerable.If in response they receive coldness, they will disappear and switch to something else, and here Leo will become interested. To return the escaped Gemini, gifts or beautiful words are not needed, as well as invitations to travel, he will swallow all this like a fish bait. Gemini needs intrigue and play, so Leo can just say hello. Usually lazy signs of Fire do just that, not wanting to confess their love without a guarantee of reciprocity.

Keeping a Gemini in marriage is possible only with an interesting personality, they are attracted to the achievements of Leo and are happy to do their partner's affairs. If the spouse of the element of Fire even before the wedding was an artist, painter or writer, then the spouses will not be bored, but if he did not have an interesting profession, then after the wedding with Gemini Leo needs to re-discover himself, gaining a creative hobby.

Conquering Leo is difficult. Flowers, beautiful gestures, romantic atmosphere - all this he can take for granted. The best way to find the key to his heart is to compliment his personality. According to reviews, the Gemini achieved the maximum success in seducing Lions, who showed a sincere interest in the personality of the interlocutors, listened carefully to stories about life experiences. In the process of communication, it is important to periodically admire what you hear. But this is only the first stage. At the second stage, the sign of Air can ask Leo for help and admire the result. You should start with small assignments and work your way up to larger ones. Emotions from praise charge Leo with self-confidence, he becomes generous and magnanimous.

The relationship between Leo and Gemini is a fireworks display of events. But they need more communication, humor, mutual assistance, cooperation, travel - thanks to the shared impressions, partners will become truly close.

For more information on compatibility of Leo and Gemini, see the next video.

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