Leo Compatibility

Union of Leo and Scorpio: compatibility in love and friendship

Union of Leo and Scorpio: compatibility in love and friendship
  1. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac
  2. Friendship behavior
  3. Compatibility in love relationships
  4. Secrets of a harmonious marriage
  5. Relationships at work
  6. Child-parent relationship
  7. Possible conflicts

Two strong signs with obvious leadership inclinations. Aggressive predators, clawing and stinging, reclaiming leading positions and defending their interests. Leo is a proud military leader who moves through life with victorious grace. Scorpio is the treacherous goddess of retribution at the behest of the stars themselves. From the outside it immediately becomes clear to whom the role of the commander is assigned in this pair. Even Leo himself, imperious by nature, will not have doubts about his primacy, but on this he will burn out ... Since Scorpio in a female guise does not play on pride. With her, one can be sure of only one thing: she will use her poisonous sting against anyone who hurts this pride.

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio, with all her actions, will prove to the fiery Leo that he has no power over her. Happiness in such a union depends on the wisdom of Leo. Only he in this union is given to bypass sharp corners and sweetly lie in the name of a common future.

In turn, Scorpio is silent under his deaf shell of alienation or sticks, like a sting, piercing words right into the soul of a partner. It is diplomacy that will help Leo, since suppressing female aggression by masculine is an absolutely losing strategy.

And Scorpio needs to remember how regal Lions favor flattery. Nothing hurts his proud soul more than the indifferent attitude of his beloved to his success.If the next victory in the name of her is not appreciated, Leo will win again, but enjoy the triumph on the other.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

Leo man

The Leo man was born in the period from July 23 to August 23. He has a hot summer temperament and a sea of ​​charm. The representative of the summer horoscope sign knows their value and gladly flaunts them. The more admiring eyes around, the more the vain Leo amuses himself.

Initially, he is ready to rush into a relationship, so it will not be difficult to attract him "on live bait". An enthusiastic whisper at a candlelit dinner, adoration in the gaze - and the formidable beast becomes like an affectionate kitten. He will show love violently, not skimping on gifts and bouquets, arranging surprises and passionate confessions. But the romance with Leo also has a reverse side of the coin - extraordinary jealousy. His partner must belong to him entirely. Leo himself wants to decide how she looks, with whom to communicate and what to do. Interrogations will touch upon even elementary time intervals. If, on leaving, he was informed that they would be back in an hour, then a delay of even 10 minutes would be subjected to a meticulous minute-by-minute analysis. All thoughts of the chosen one, and even her pensive glances into the distance, will be subjected to control.

Family life with Leo is a path through roses, accompanied by a divine scent and pain from sharp thorns.

Leo's husband will not let his companion pursue her own professional career. Instead, the spouse will prefer to involve her in addiction and conquer her with lavish gifts. The wise wife of Leo will take on a submissive appearance and with affection will keep the head of the family in the pride. He will not want to hunt if he has his own purring kitty nearby.

Absolutely all Leo men are economic and skillful. Fixing everything that does not work on the shoulder for people born under the sign of Leo. Repair work is a joy to him, not a burden.

Men born during this hot period are distinguished by an impressionable nature. They are real aesthetes and connoisseurs of everything beautiful. This applies to female beauty to the full. But Lions most often marry women from lower social strata. Deliberately hoping that the spouse will be grateful for this choice all her life.

Lions are in no hurry to give offspring. Usually they have small families, limited to one child. Leaving for another family is also characteristic of passionate and addicted Leos. But the children of such fathers simply adore and forgive them a share of inattention and any insults.

Scorpio woman

Scorpios are born between October 23 and November 21. Such women are unusually attractive by nature. They are everywhere surrounded by fans. Even without being distinguished by special beauty, they attract men like nectar to bees. Many representatives of this autumn zodiac sign became famous in the political sphere thanks to their own intelligence and charisma. It is customary to call such women fatalities.

With a completely imperfect appearance, a Scorpio woman is seductive and sexy. She proudly emphasizes her femininity with manners and outfits. Most of the women who have repeatedly led the ratings of the sexiest beauties in the world were born under the sign of Scorpio.

In sex, they have no taboos and no limits. They are risky, relaxed and willing to experiment. But the Scorpios' household is of little interest. They are too ambitious for a routine life.

Courage and business acumen lead them to the heights of their careers, the desire for power does not remain just a goal. Often, women of this sign make such progress in their work that men can only bite their elbows and take second positions.

A pair of a Scorpio woman will only be such a man who is noticeable against the background of other admirers. She needs a strong, intelligent and purposeful partner. The lion would have made her a fitting frame. In addition, such women are able to be loyal with all their souls in response to self-love. Flattery-loving Leo owners will appreciate it.

But as much as Scorpios know how to love, they are also capable of ardently hating. They will certainly avenge their betrayal. This vengeful sign never forgets insults to anyone.

Possessing a special passion, the Scorpio woman demonstrates her to the chosen ones. She hides real emotions behind feigned coldness and emotionally opens up only when she begins to trust people. And her trust is not so easy to gain.

Friendship behavior

Friendly communication for Leo and Scorpio is an interesting enterprise that turns out to be strong and rich and trusting. Naturally, mutual reproaches and a clash of ambitions are not excluded, but, having overcome everything, these two signs will become the most bosom friends. They will learn a lot from each other and, thanks to mutual support, they will grow spiritually.

Friends Leo and Scorpio come to the rescue at the first call, have common goals and interests. Both Leo and Scorpio are distinguished by composure and self-confidence, and at the initial stage of friendship, they enter into a struggle for primacy. But if you try to be loyal and flexible, friendship will prevail.

As a friend, Scorpio is devoted and loving. Leo will certainly understand this, the main thing is to do it on time. Scorpio rarely makes mistakes, particularly in relationships with people. At the level of intuition, he subtly feels who to bring closer to his heart, and who to expel out of his life. He does not recognize the average, preferring to divide everything into "black" and "white". Either hate or love. No halftones.

Scorpio does not consider it necessary to demonstrate a desire to lead, but for Leo this is fundamental and he does not hide it. Only patience and restraint will they achieve harmony in relationships and come to understanding.

Compatibility in love relationships

In love, the Leo guy and the Scorpio girl again turn into fighters for leadership. A strong and confident Scorpion will immediately desire to conquer the brave hunter Leo. Sparks between them arise immediately, just like the connection on the physical and spiritual levels.

These two are accustomed to going towards the goal and achieving it, and this quality in them is stronger than that of the other signs of the zodiac. They need love and know how to love themselves. The developed imagination of Scorpio will be useful to them in the intimate sphere, despite the fact that Leo can be more attracted by the manifestation of care and attention.

The union of Leo and Scorpio is ambiguous. The latter can use the sting at any time. He is characterized by vindictiveness and rancor. But Leo is not afraid of anyone. He does not consider it necessary to be careful with Scorpio, since he is used to declaring his intentions directly.

Leo's creed: pride, courage, self-righteousness. Scorpio, on the other hand, requires respect for himself. And Leo respects only if he is in love with all his heart. Scorpio suits Leo for a harmonious and happy life. But for this, both of them should learn to listen, and not dictate their point of view. Leo and Scorpio compatibility is very likely provided that they share the best with each other. The temperament of a Lioness can also attract a Scorpio fan. A guy born in November is used to achieving what he wants, so he will never give up on a predator. Will do everything to conquer her.

The lion is responsible for the one he has tamed and will never forget it. Scorpio is drawn to Leo, there is something to learn from him. The wisdom of the zodiacal "king of beasts" will help a couple stay on any wave of love relationships.

Secrets of a harmonious marriage

The Leo man will take care of his "pride" even with a strong half in the form of a Scorpion. The husband from him always turns out to be responsible and prosperous. A strong-willed and ambitious Scorpio woman in family life is able to “surrender” the right to leadership. But only if Leo acts wisely and without pressure. Otherwise, she simply will not tolerate.

As lovers, these two are compatible in any way. If this is a Leo woman and a Scorpio man, the passion between them will seethe constantly. And even help them put up with mutual ambitions.Both the Scorpio woman and the Leo man are compatible. The married life of two strong-willed individuals balances on the brink, at the dawn of a relationship. But over time, they will settle down and show understanding, appreciate mutual loyalty and heal in absolute well-being.

Relationships at work

On the business spectrum, Leo and Scorpio complement each other wonderfully. Moreover, it does not matter whether they are colleagues, partners or a boss and a subordinate. Everyone in tandem is active, proactive and tenacious like a professional.

Linked by one goal, Leo and Scorpio will increase momentum and success at great speed. Mutual support in any endeavors will make them a strong tandem. Only rivalry can sow problems between them. Fruitful labor is possible only if they are wisely subdued.

If a Scorpio woman acts as a boss, and Leo works under her supervision, the option is not very successful. In this pair, there is excellent mutual understanding, but successful cooperation is possible only if the boss of the Scorpion tries on the image of a "caring mother" in relation to the Leo man.

In the subordination of Leo Scorpio, a woman is ideal! Leo is an innate leader, and the subordinate Scorpio does not mind being in the protective shadow of a strong boss.

Especially if she will be distinguished from the rest of the employees. And such a valuable workforce always has something to praise for.

Child-parent relationship

Scorpio mother - Leo child

Between the two, there is tremendous affection, tenderness and love for each other. But sometimes sharp quarrels occur between them. This is not surprising, because we are talking about two strong signs, used to controlling the situation. Mom considers it necessary to intervene in all the actions of the Leo child. He is sick of it, because he simply cannot stand pressure and has his own views on everything.

They quarrel violently and for a long time, and reconciliation again turns mother and child into best friends. Without scandals, their life would be ideal, and besides, you can live in harmony, as long as the mother stops pushing the Lion.

Of course, mother Scorpio puts pressure on her offspring with the best of intentions. Sometimes she manages to bring up in children what she could not once receive for herself. But it is better to support and encourage Leo, then he will achieve more and, most importantly, the desired.

Scorpio mother and Leo child lead a very active life; at the same time, they honor their own home and treat it carefully. From childhood, mother teaches a lion cub to order and creates favorable conditions for growth and development around him. She is proud of her offspring and receives love in return.

Scorpio father - Leo child

Father Scorpio is proud to realize that his children have his surname and Leo continues his lineage. Such fathers, in general, are prone to vanity and are happy when children are in leading roles in society.

Both Scorpio and Leo are full of energy and strive to lead. This is easier for the Leo, which partly offends the parent.

It is better if an adult will react to this wisely, without upsetting an overly self-confident child. Otherwise, the Lion will be humiliated and will not forgive the parent for this. The Leo child must be accepted as a legitimate person, reckoned with and given a certain freedom of action.

An adult Scorpio communicates a lot with his son, giving him many skills that are useful for the future. Children of such parents often grow up into successful businessmen and successful in various fields.

Scorpio likes the easy-going nature of the Lion and he really believes in him. But the guys of this predatory sign are characterized by neglect and laziness. Therefore, fathers need to gently help their children so that they overcome all the qualities that hinder them on the path to unlocking their potential.

Mom Leo and baby Scorpio

Leo's mother has a big heart, generous with love. Little Scorpio is always surrounded by her care and kindness. She knows how to feel the child and understand his desire for solitude.

Although she herself is not inherent in this - Lionesses are open to communication and feel comfortable at the center of the company, they are drawn to people.

The thing is that Scorpio does not always make contact, he cannot trust others on the fly. To open up, he needs to feel comfortable. If security is not felt, he will withdraw into himself.

The mother tries to teach the child to be sociable, but for his peace of mind it is better to show the child less to his adult environment.

The lioness persistently directs the Scorpio on the path leading to success, dreaming of bask in the rays of his glory. Her child is the smartest, and she is the most ambitious.

For a Scorpio, it is more important to have freedom of choice, and not to dig into oneself. Well, with such an energetic mother, he will not have time to think about inner experiences.

But sometimes mom becomes too domineering, which is not to Scorpio's liking. If the parent does not give him the opportunity to choose his own path, he will receive anger from the child in response. He will become discouraged and this will only suppress his determination.

This child wants to be sure of what is expected of him, and Leo's mother is so unpredictable that he sometimes cannot understand her expectations.

In general, with such a mother, the childhood of the little Scorpio will be bright and full of pleasant memories!

Leo father and Scorpio child

Father Leo is attractive to those around him with his strength and authority. These qualities of a parent are to the liking of a little Scorpio. So he feels safe and has respect for his father.

True, Leo needs to try not to become a dictator, especially with such a child. Otherwise, the offspring will begin to rebel and even take revenge.

The father should not demand too much from the growing Scorpio. He is already too self-critical and ambitious. Excessive pressure from the father will disturb the child, who rejoices at every opportunity to excel. Especially if Scorpio is a daughter.

The Scorpio likes the idea that he creates his own destiny, but the emotional support of the parent is important for him. Leo's father will be proud of such a son. Moreover, the offspring is more restrained and does not need ostentatious bravado in public.

Both signs have a tough disposition, and they do not need to measure, so as not to risk mutual respect and affection.

Leo, with his characteristic indulgence, perceives the adoration of his heir, and he, in turn, adapts to using it. Sometimes, by flattery, the offspring skillfully achieves what he wants from his father.

Baby Scorpio dreams of occupying a special place in the life of a parent, which is unlikely to happen. After all, Leo is surrounded by so many people that he does not always find time for his son.

Although no one will love Leo more and more disinterestedly than his little Scorpio.

Possible conflicts

Leo and Scorpio win back leadership from each other, barely enter into a relationship. This confrontation brings with it a series of problems. Stubbornness and unscrupulousness in communication between Scorpio and Leo only tests their patience and tickles their nerves. If you do not slow down in time, then misunderstanding will develop into dislike.

The solution to the problem is to stop Leo and Scorpio from demonstrating total control over each other's actions and words. Temperament and intransigence leads to parting, if you do not tame the painful desire to surpass one over the other.

Leo and Scorpio defend the right to leadership, measure their strengths and themselves become an obstacle to creating a harmonious union. Instead of enjoying the brutal battle, this couple will end up with aggression and rejection.

Reproaches and humiliation, attempts to achieve one's own at any cost worsen relations in the union. Each in a pair must be given a mutual opportunity to develop professionally and spiritually. Leo's self-confidence makes Scorpio take a belligerent stance. Their union needs a little gentleness to defeat negativity and irritation.

Compatibility can be increased by stopping the Warrior and Prisoner game. Mutual interest, restraint in criticism and narcissism, minimal exactingness and obsession will attract strong signs to each other.

In love, Leo and Scorpio can fail if they destroy each other emotionally. Indifference is a big problem in this couple living with feelings and passion. Reviews of couples born under these signs indicate that with compromises, there is every chance of becoming a strong and loving couple. The ability to forgive insults and forget the bad will lead to a successful union.

For more information on the compatibility of Leo and Scorpio, see the next video.

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