Leo Compatibility

Leo and Libra compatibility in friendship and love

Leo and Libra compatibility in friendship and love
  1. Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac
  2. Friendship compatibility
  3. Behavior in love
  4. Will the marriage work out?
  5. Possible conflicts

Both sexes, born under the air sign of Libra, are distinguished by exquisite manners and high feelings. The combination of fire (Leo) and a large amount of air (Libra) always gives an unpredictable effect - such a situation can lead to both a big outbreak of passion and a real thermonuclear explosion. In any case, the relationship between Leo and Libra can hardly be called peaceful and cloudless, because passions and emotions always boil in their hearts.

Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

Leo and Libra do not always show perfect compatibility, although when they meet, there is no limit to the delight of each other. Both representatives of different signs are often distinguished by considerable modesty and shyness. Libras are always charming and creative, next to Leo they cannot but be fascinated by the image of the king of beasts. Gradually, there is a transition to courtship, which can be touching and sensual.

Leo and Libra, above all, love to draw attention to themselves when they are in society. Sometimes for them it becomes a vital need, without which they cannot exist for a minute - such escapades for quite a long time allow them to unwind and forget about boredom. However, for both there is a danger of material difficulties that can significantly spoil the existence of each.

Libras are always in search of a compromise, which means that they are characterized by the presence of doubts and many questions. They often begin to think that Leos are behaving too radically.

Libra most often likes to be in the “stalls”, to watch the play of Life in a dark hall, only occasionally, at the most crucial moment, they go on stage with important statements. This is often at odds with Leo's behavior, which is used to having a lot revolve around him.

Leo, both a girl and a guy, often reigns in the hearts of the opposite sex. Leo is accustomed to reverence and recognition, he cannot arrange petty everyday scenes about unwashed dishes or an unmade bed. The sign is ruled by the fiery element, therefore its representative is restrained and dignified, although, when necessary, he can quickly and radically solve even difficult tasks.

A man of this zodiac sign has the following qualities:

  • Confidence in your strength;
  • calm contemplation of difficulties, the ability to overcome them with inimitable grace;
  • sincere delight in the partner's success;
  • a lot of positive energy;
  • vanity and a desire to amaze with unusual effects;
  • enviable persistence in achieving and implementing their plans.

Leo can add polish to any business, to this he teaches his other half in every possible way, which becomes an equal partner in any of his undertakings.

It must be remembered that Leo always makes final decisions on his own; in this area he is not used to consulting with anyone. Leo looks personable, he has a mind, courteous manners, therefore, in business or in the service, everything goes well for him.

Leo women are in many ways similar to men, they are characterized, first of all, by:

  • desire to achieve perfection in everything;
  • strong imagination;
  • striving for material wealth.

Lions always try to dominate in family life, they should often be upset, they try to "pick up" absolutely all undertakings for themselves. In a sense, they can even be called totalitarian. Chief Lev knows how to lead a large team, he is professionally aware of production cycles, he knows his employees well. He knows how to control himself and achieve high results, rallying large masses of people around him. He tries to use the talents and abilities of his subordinates to achieve the most effective result. Leo is an excellent organizer by nature, he can brilliantly organize a party in a restaurant for 200 people or hand over a very complex technical project ahead of schedule.

Lionesses are very curious and cannot pass by some "incredible sensation", this quality can be called a weakness, because, using it, young ladies can be manipulated. The vanity of Lionesses is also known to everyone, they cannot help themselves if they sing ballads under the windows and give them at once a million scarlet roses. These ladies are patient, but only to a certain extent; if the misunderstanding is repeated, their patience comes to an end, and then a real scandal of a universal scale arises.

Leo women know how to present themselves, they closely follow fashion and know how to wear beautiful expensive things with inimitable elegance.

Libras are always in harmony with themselves, they contemplate the world around them, reacting positively to the events taking place. In appearance, they seem impassive, even indifferent, but in fact, a hurricane of emotions and passions is bubbling in their hearts. This is often associated with internal indecision and Libra hesitation. They are not sure of themselves and do not always know what and how to do the right thing, how to react to this or that event. Libras are fanatical and sociable; they can make friends everywhere, establishing contacts with all walks of life with equal success.

Libra men:

  • often fall in love;
  • they are distinguished by increased sensitivity;
  • contemplative view of the world and slight distraction;
  • kindness and desire to live in peace with anyone.

Libra men easily charm the representatives of the opposite sex, but they do not know how to fight for their beloved, for them it seems the height of absurdity.

As a rule, he is guided by the motto: “You cannot be lovely by force,” so if his chosen one leaves for another, the Libra man washes his hands and only sighs sadly. He sees no reason to impose on his beloved. More than anything, such people value balance and harmony in the soul. Libra men can be great dads, watching and caring for their offspring as well as their wives.

    Libra women are also very similar to men:

    • they know how to dress stylishly;
    • they always make sharp jokes;
    • they are often sarcastic, but malice is alien to them;
    • Libra is characterized by measured gestures and gait.

    Libra girls are well versed in high fashion trends and are able to try on various dresses and underwear for hours. Making a splash at a party or a nightclub is "real life" for them. Often the weaker sex, born in late September and early October, is attracted by external tinsel, excessive showiness.

    At the same time, girls are well versed in such branches of art:

    • painting;
    • cinema;
    • poetry and prose;
    • philosophy and public speaking.

    Unmistakably, with elegant ease and inimitable humor, they can analyze a work of art, giving it an objective and accurate assessment. Libra women easily captivate many men with their charm, they have hypnotic abilities.

    Friendship compatibility

    A pair of Leo and Libra is a tandem that is not so rare; They are often linked by friendly relations. During their acquaintance, they are unconsciously attracted to each other, although these people are very different. Libra generates more harmony and balance. Often, both Libra and Lions amuse each other's original manifestations of character. In any case, a friendly attitude remains, for which one can express gratitude, first of all, to Libra, who cannot but create around themselves harmony and the correct world order.

    Close friendships can develop between Leo and Libra, the reason for which is very simple: they complement each other perfectly and at the same time have many similarities. Libra recognizes Leo as a leader, but this is only an external image. Often the Libra has intellectual power and potential, and is able to calculate the situation many steps forward. Leo knows and appreciates these qualities that he himself does not possess.

    Thus, a completely organic alliance is being formed, which allows successfully solving economic problems and a career. Libra can always support in difficult times, find the right friendly word, Leo, due to his impulsiveness, sometimes makes mistakes and from this falls into depression, and the consolation from Libra is always useful.

    The friendship between Leo and Libra is always a harmonious, almost idyllic union that finds its imitators. The general pastime is never boring. These two signs, united by bonds of friendship, are able to create strong families on their basis, in which there can be no disagreements or omissions.

    If we are talking directly about the friendly relations of men, then Libra gives good advice, and Leos use it, bring it to life. In friendship, Ladies Lionesses create a festive atmosphere around themselves that others will enjoy. Cheerfulness, creativity - these are the qualities that create a holiday, allowing you to enjoy the company of a woman of a royal sign.

    Behavior in love

    If a man was born under the sign of Libra, then he is always able to conquer a Leo woman with his original appearance, his rich inner world and refined intellect. The Leo woman can only be a goddess, and if you treat her like that, then she opens her arms, showing sincere feelings.In a love relationship, a Leo woman is able to be a faithful and loving friend. If the relationship does not go far and is not too serious, then it is better for flirting than a Leo woman, no one can be found.

    After a while, the young lady begins to notice that the Libra man treats all the ladies who pass by in life in a similar way. Inevitably, jealousy and irritation appear in her heart. In this case, a friendly and loving union may be in jeopardy of collapse. To restore the status quo, you should understand each other, explain yourself, try to forgive. Only after the relationship has been cleared up, Leo and Libra can be in love with each other again with renewed vigor.

    The combination of personalities born under the signs of Fire and Air is always interesting, and if feelings fully mature, then they cannot fade away for a long period of time. This type of relationship is called a senior and junior partner.

    Leo and Libra do not just love each other, they are compatible and find many common points in each other. To say that partners merge souls in friendly and loving relationships would not be a great exaggeration. Libra, inclined to find beauty in everything, will observe productive vitality and royalty in their chosen ones. Leo will be happy to use the creative inclinations that are in each of the Libra. Air sign representatives are always happy to share their creativity if they are appreciated and given their due.

    The union of Libra and Leo is destined for physical compatibility, which makes it possible to get maximum pleasure, realizing its full potential. Lions tend to forget themselves in love, they need some restraining factors - Libra acts as such a "brake", because they never lose their heads even in the outbursts of passion.

    Ideal friendships and loving relationships can last for quite some time, but there are problems under all circumstances. Everything cannot be perfect even in such strong unions as Leo and Libra. The latter can be sarcastic (especially ladies), which always annoys Lions.

    If the sarcasm continues to grow, then there is a real threat that a conflict will break out, which could lead to a breakdown in the relationship.

    Will the marriage work out?

    In family life, the union of Libra and Leo can be compatible and lasting, because it is based on friendship and mutual understanding. People of the opposite sex, born under these signs, are always drawn to each other. They are often creative and artistic and look irresistible. However, Leo women should behave more circumspectly and more restrained so that the Libra man, frightened by their harshness, does not back down.

    In a marriage relationship in the status of husband and wife, you should not abuse the trust of the Lioness, because if she starts to be jealous, then she will surely take revenge. If Leos decide to do something, then they will certainly realize their plans.

    Libras are often dreamy and not always even first-class projects can be implemented under their supervision. The division of labor between husband and wife is most often the following: the Libra man creates creative projects, and the Lioness woman implements them, building practical prerequisites and conditions for this.

    The marriage between these two wonderful signs has the brightest horizons, it is important only at the very beginning to find the correct algorithm for the development of relations. They should be based on mutual understanding, spiritual interaction, a desire to help each other.

    In marriage, when all sharp corners are "frayed", Leo and Libra have almost perfect compatibility. Minor obstacles and misunderstandings are dispelled, in the end, these two have too much in common - the couple loves to travel, relax in the company of people who are interesting to them. Often, both spouses like to visit public places, various cinematic forums and concerts.

    Possible conflicts

    Reviews about the union of Lions and Libra are most often favorable, but you should definitely remember: Leo is prone to narcissism, therefore, completing wonderful grandiose projects, he requires indispensable recognition and admiration for his exploits. For a while, he “turns bronze”, becomes a living monument to himself, before which one must sing praises and adore enthusiastically.

    At this moment, it is best for Libra to silently step into the background so that Leo can collect the harvest from laurel wreaths of deserved glory. Leo cannot be without narcissism (at least occasionally), and it is better for Libra not to contradict, not to get into the position of "offended lover". It is even more dangerous to find out any relationship with Leo on these sweet days for him, otherwise the stormy scenes will not keep you waiting long.

    Leos need to remember that pushing Libra is a futile business, it is impossible to break or bend them. They will only withdraw into themselves, while such an important element of the relationship as trust will disappear. Within all Libra there is self-sufficiency and the spirit of freedom, this should be remembered and not abuse their patience.

    For more information on the compatibility of Lions and Libra, see the next video.

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