a lion

Characteristics of a Leo woman born in the year of the Pig

Characteristics of a Leo woman born in the year of the Pig
  1. Characteristic
  2. Family and work relationships
  3. How to win sympathy?

A girl born in the year of the Pig under the zodiac sign of Leo is full of contradictions. But is her character so unambiguous? Consider all the features of such individuals.


From childhood, people with the Leo-Pig combination have a very eventful life. They combine a craving for adventure and a subtle mental organization, masculinity and vulnerability. They are very versatile and talented individuals. They can achieve equal success both in the spiritual and material aspects of life. Leo possesses pragmatism, intuition and strong-willed qualities of a leader, while the Pig endows them with idealism, unpredictability, and romanticism.

In general, those born in the year of the Pig do not strive to prove something to someone, they value inner harmony and unity with nature. Such women are able to dramatically change their goals and their whole lives, change jobs, city and even country in an instant. At the same time, they are not able to go “over their heads” and would rather be content with secondary roles in everything than make a deal with their conscience and principles.

Outwardly, Leo-Pigs are very pleasant and attractive, they easily find friends both among their own and among the opposite sex. They are very much appreciated by those around them for their cheerfulness, endless positiveness and the ability to always support loved ones, to help friends. These women are not afraid of problems, they headlong into solving them, no matter how difficult they are.

Family and work relationships

In the family, women born in the Year of the Pig value personal space and freedom very much. And this feeling of oneself and the world cannot be changed by any, even the most beloved and loving man.They perform all household and marital duties, but at the first opportunity they gladly go to a concert or exhibition instead of cleaning or ironing. At the same time, Leo is one of the most loyal partners among all the zodiac signs. They are able to follow the principles of monogamy throughout their lives, but this is true only in the case of lingering feelings. If love has passed - Leo-Pigs will be the first to leave the "sinking ship", nothing will hold them back.

Relationships with children are not always good for these women. Very often, Leo mothers study their child too scrupulously for flaws and are prone to negative assessments. However, working on yourself will smooth out these negative character traits.

In their careers, despite their pronounced leadership qualities, Pig Leos often become performers. They don't have a manic desire to climb the career ladder.

The financial position is stable, but this sign is prone to rash and large spending, so it is better if a professional or a close relative helps manage finances.

How to win sympathy?

The Leo-Pig woman appreciates sincerity and simplicity in men. In order to attract the attention of this sign, you do not need to do anything supernatural - a bouquet of flowers, in time for a compliment, will be enough, and the Lioness will no longer take interested eyes from the man. However, such women are not always able to discern a potential groom right away, so some assertiveness and consistency should be shown. Boars are very fond of compliments and willingly make them themselves. It will not work and deceive the Pig woman, they feel a lie a mile away and immediately break off relations.

Lionesses-Pigs are looking for nature. They are not limited either in their potential or in aspirations, which allows them to realize themselves in almost any area. They are honest, real, open, have their own unshakable principles and appreciate the same qualities in the people around them. Life next to such a woman will not always be easy, but it will certainly turn out to be interesting and bright.

For the nature and compatibility of the Leo woman, see below.

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