a lion

Leo woman, born in the year of the Cat

Leo woman, born in the year of the Cat
  1. Characteristic
  2. Relationships and family
  3. Career and money
  4. Compatibility

Women born under the sign of Leo are proactive and energetic individuals who strive to take control of any situation. The eastern horoscope endows the Cat with lightness, serenity, a tendency to laziness and apathy. It would seem that these two signs, opposite in characteristics, will not be able to "get along" in one person. However, Leo and Cat are a unique tandem, in which the representative of the zodiacal and eastern horoscopes complement each other perfectly.


The Leo-Cat woman (Rabbit) is the favorite of society. She wins the sympathy and attention of others thanks to her natural charisma and charm. The developed sixth sense of the representative of the Leo-Cat union helps to feel well the mood and emotions of people, which is why she is never deprived of communication or attention.

The Leo girl, born in the year of the Rabbit, is an interesting and bright personality who is unlikely to agree to the role of a "gray mouse" in society. She used to be in the spotlight. This is a very sociable person. Such a person will be able to find an approach to any individual.

The Leo-Cat woman has the following character traits:

  • neatness;
  • pedantry;
  • perseverance and determination;
  • pride;
  • straightforwardness;
  • hard work.

The Leo-Rabbit girl is the "favorite" of fortune. She is often lucky in life, because luck is always nearby. People belonging to this tandem often win lotteries, cards or other gambling games. They love to take risks and fortune often favors them.

The Leo-Rabbit woman has tact and extravagance. However, in some situations it is extremely difficult for her to suppress negative emotions, which is why she is rude to others.

Because of this, she may have misunderstandings with the second half.

Relationships and family

The Leo woman, born in the year of the Rabbit, is a narcissistic heartbreaker. A girl is able to quickly make a positive impression on the stronger sex. Originality, vivid image, extravagant and deep thinking - these are all that men pay attention to in the first place.

The Leo-Rabbit girl knows how to interest the interlocutor and cause him pleasant emotions. This person is constantly flirting. It is important for her to seem irresistible so that men admire her. Leo-Cat is an intriguer. Often several guys are fighting for her heart at once, and she gives everyone a chance, openly enjoying her position.

If the Leo-Rabbit falls in love, she will remain faithful to her chosen one until a certain time. If a partner ceases to admire a woman's appearance and mind, she will switch without much regret to another - someone who will appreciate her intelligence and external data. Rabbit Lions need constant attention and praise. If the chosen one stops "idolizing" this girl, her feelings will quickly fade away.

In family life, the Leo-Cat woman is distinguished by friendliness and gentleness. Next to her husband, she knows how to remain calm in any situation. Such a woman will compromise and infringe on her interests for the sake of maintaining good "weather" in the house.

In marriage, Leo-Rabbit will continue to flirt with the stronger sex. But this behavior is not at all her desire to have an affair "on the side". The signs of attention shown by men nourish this woman and give her a charge of vivacity and vitality. Despite the flirting, Leo-Cat will never stoop to adultery in marriage.

She will not trade a stable family life for a fleeting attraction.

Career and money

Leo is a zodiac sign for which a career is important. A woman belonging to the Leo-Cat union often achieves success in work thanks to diligence and hard work. For the representatives of this tandem, the financial side is the most important in life. They may sacrifice family or other aspects of life for a career.

The Leo-Cat woman at first glance may seem quiet and balanced, but later many are surprised at her power, determination and developed willpower. All these qualities allow the girl to easily make her way to the heights of her career.

As a rule, the Leo-Rabbit always strives to jump over his head, so low-profile professions are not for him. Such people calculate every step and think in advance about their place in life. They usually make great actors, musicians or singers. They will be able to achieve recognition where artistic talent is important.

Leo-Cat loves to live luxuriously and relax on a grand scale. He does not seek to save money, which becomes the reason for his constant search for additional sources of income. The Lion-Rabbit is a terrible spender. Such a person is not used to counting money, since they themselves go to her. A cat born under the sign of Leo often makes money "by someone else's hands." These women can organize lucrative projects or profit from speculation.

As much as they love to spend, many of them do not know what poverty is.


A man born in the year of the Pig, Goat or dog has many chances to build a reliable and strong alliance with the Leo-Cat woman. It will be a beneficial relationship for both partners. In such a union, a man and a woman will take care of each other, respect the interests of the chosen one and make compromises. Together they can achieve a lot, both spiritually and materially.

Less favorable alliances are obtained with the Rat or Monkey. There are many problems in them that partners rarely manage to cope with. These couples do not survive the first marital crisis due to the difference in outlook on life. Also, astrologers do not recommend that Leo-Cats women connect their lives with a Horse, Rooster or Tiger man. Different temperaments, tastes and worldview will not allow such couples to live in peace and harmony.

You will learn more about the Leo woman in the following video.

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