a lion

Characteristics of a Leo woman born in the year of the Monkey

Characteristics of a Leo woman born in the year of the Monkey
  1. Traits
  2. In career and in relation to finance
  3. In friendship
  4. In love, family and marriage
  5. Compatibility with other signs

According to the eastern and western zodiacal calendars, those born in the period from July 23 to August 23 in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 are considered Leo-Monkeys. To better build relationships with them in love, friendship and work, you must first study their characteristics.


The combination of the zodiac signs Leo and Monkey gives rise to the most cheerful, energetic and cheerful representatives of the weaker sex. They are sociable, inquisitive, active, witty and eloquent.

They are born speakers, at the same time they know how to speak in a very interesting, exciting and emotional way, even on the most insignificant topics. Quite often they are carried away by philosophical reasoning. They like to prove their case, and they do it pretty well.

Their inherent adventurism and ease on the rise fill their lives with adventure.

Such an astrological tandem is mutually beneficial for both signs, as it softens the shortcomings of both Leo and Monkey. Excessive straightforwardness and aggressiveness of the Leo becomes wiser, wiser under the influence of the Monkey, which is well versed in people and knows how to use it for their own purposes. The cunning and cunning Monkey, under the influence of a royal sign, becomes more honest and noble. The combination of all qualities creates a savvy, strong, but gentle and sensual person. Lions-Monkeys are very sociable: it is not difficult for them to start a conversation even with unfamiliar people, and they are ready to chat with friends and colleagues even all day long. Communication never bothers them, but loneliness very quickly begins to weigh on them.

Such persons cannot be called the weaker sex due to their domineering nature and excessive ambition - these are their main disadvantages.

In career and in relation to finance

They can fully realize their natural abilities and ability to organize and maintain communication, working in a social service or as managers, consultants. Quite often they make wonderful creative personalities, most often musicians.

Leo-Monkey does not seek to command, but their inherent ambition becomes the reason for career growth. They prefer to work individually rather than in a team.

They have a pronounced talent of a financier: they clearly know where and how to make money, how to save money and increase the budget.

As a result: they achieve material well-being.

In friendship

Their inherent sense of humor allows them to be the soul of the company, they are able to defuse even the most gloomy atmosphere and cheer up gloomy persons.

Among friends, they are responsible, reliable and generous, ready to help at any time.

It is important for them to know all the news about friends, they do not mind gossiping. Therefore, you should not trust them with important secrets, since the Leo Monkey will tell this to others, not out of malice, but due to their inherent talkativeness. Such girls do not have their secrets at all.

In love, family and marriage

The incredible charm of such girls is ready to win the heart of almost any man. The temperament of these individuals and the desire for diversity can even lead to sexual relations with several men. However, this does not mean that Leo-Monkeys do not want a serious relationship. If they find their soul mate, then such a union will be perfect. Their love can arise only for a partner as passionate as the Leo-Monkey. It is very important for these women to feel desirable, loneliness painfully oppresses them. They openly show their feelings and desires, which is especially liked by partners.

They approach the creation of a family very seriously and deliberately, without making hasty conclusions. Building trusting relationships is considered important. Often such family ties become exemplary. However, the desire to rule, to be a leader quite often becomes the cause of conflicts with the opposite sex. If a man also possesses the same qualities, then the result of the struggle for supremacy quite often becomes a break in relations. A weak-willed partner can obey such a person, but this will not always give him pleasure.

In such a situation, the cunning resourcefulness of the Monkey, who knows how to hide his domineering manners, helps to preserve the relationship.

Compatibility with other signs

Western calendar

  • The most favorable compatibility of a Leo born in the year of the Monkey with representatives of Gemini. Such a union is ideal in friendship, love and business.
  • Relatively favorable compatibility with Leo. In such a family, good friendships will be established, but passion may not be enough.
  • Virgo will also become a good friend, but too different characters will overshadow the romance of the relationship.
  • If financial well-being becomes the main thing for Leo, then an alliance with Scorpio is not bad, but there will not be enough feelings for complete happiness.
  • Sexual life with Sagittarius will be at the highest level, and everyday life will be just as conflicting.
  • With Aries, Leo will be happy only at first, and then the difference in characters can cause a break in relations.
  • The too different characters of Leo and Cancer require mutual desire and perseverance in overcoming family problems.
  • It is also very difficult to find agreement with Capricorns, Pisces and Taurus. This is possible only with sincere mutual love.
  • An alliance with Libra is very doubtful, where numerous conflicts and very little passion await.
  • The combination with Aquarius, according to astrological forecasts, is the most unfortunate.

According to the eastern calendar

  • The ideal forecast for a happy relationship between the Monkey and the Rat.
  • Two bright extraordinary Monkeys can find happiness with each other.
  • An alliance with the Dragon is mutually beneficial when partners harmoniously complement each other.
  • The alliance with the Rabbit is quite successful. These two zodiac signs will be united by a serious attitude towards the family, the desire for comfort and coziness.
  • The wisdom of the Snake is able to regulate the insidiousness and quick temper of the Monkey, which can make such a family quite successful.
  • Mutual respect can be the foundation of a good relationship with the Pig, but competition is likely to destroy the harmony of marriage.
  • Long-term marriage with the Rooster and the Tiger is doubtful. Monkey's constant jokes can soon get bored with a partner. The intellectual development of the spouses will play a decisive role in such a relationship.
  • Low likelihood of a long-term relationship with the Goat. Mysterious and romantic feelings at the first time of acquaintance will bring pleasure to both partners, however, due to too different characters, this will not last so long.
  • It is quite difficult for a serious Horse to understand the frivolity of a Monkey.
  • The dog will constantly lack attention, and she will feel unhappy in such a marriage.
  • Union with the Ox is possible only if the Monkey agrees to live in a lie.

You will learn more about the Leo woman in the following video.

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