a lion

Characteristics of a Leo woman born in the Year of the Dog

Characteristics of a Leo woman born in the Year of the Dog
  1. Character
  2. Friendship behavior
  3. What is she like in love?
  4. What kind of man does she need?
  5. Career and business
  6. Compatibility

Born from July 23 to August 23 in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, according to the zodiac signs, belong to Leo-Dogs.


    The Leo woman, born in the year of the Dog, is a bright person, distinguished by self-confidence and leadership inclinations. She is proud, narcissistic, uncompromising. She cannot restrain her discontent when she is rebuked and defends her opinion until complete victory. The representative of these signs has a strong character that allows her to steadfastly overcome life's difficulties. Failure is a motivating factor for even greater dedication in achieving your goals. Depressive state is unusual for her. Inborn curiosity, thirst for new experiences, love of travel make life even brighter. At the same time, she knows how to enjoy life to the fullest, finding her charms in the most ordinary trifles, and even an ordinary walk around the city leaves no less positive than a long trip to an overseas country. The main thing is variety, and Leo-Dog can find entertainment or business anywhere.

    With a thirst for travel, this woman has a hard time changing her place of residence.

    Adapting and getting used to a new home is very painful.

    Friendship behavior

    A woman - a representative of the Dog and Leo tandem, does not like to be alone, so she always has many friends with whom she loves to chat with pleasure. During emotional conversations, she plays the role of a psychologist: after listening carefully, she gives good advice, encourages with warm words.

    Leo-Dog is a reliable and responsible friend, always ready to help. With a superficial acquaintance, Leo-Dog seems insensitive, interested only in its own problems, but this is an erroneous characteristic. She is characterized by responsiveness and generosity. She is a fighter for justice, even if it concerns unfamiliar people, she often conflicts, she will never remain silent in response to someone's reproaches. She flashes easily even because of minor attacks on her. She is not always soft and tactful, she is quite vindictive, she prefers to punish her offenders.

    She likes to be in the spotlight. She feels great among big noisy companies, quite often she becomes the organizer of such meetings.

    What is she like in love?

    Temperamental and loving nature.

    Having chosen a worthy husband, the spouse becomes a reliable support for him, supports him in difficult situations. But adultery is unacceptable to her. This becomes the reason for divorce.

    The husband is obliged to be faithful to his wife.

    What kind of man does she need?

    The girl clearly understands the need to create a family hearth. She takes this very responsibly, carefully choosing a suitable candidate for the role of husband and father of her children.

    The family requires impeccable obedience. Therefore, not every man can become her life companion. This can only be done by wise representatives of the opposite sex who have managed to balance in relationships on equal rights.

    With the advent of the family, she completely devotes herself to household chores. A career that prior to marriage was in the first place is becoming less important compared to a family hearth. Leo-Dog takes pleasure in household chores. Raising children and creating a cozy nest is a real pleasure.

    The family tries to take a leadership role, which often leads to disagreements. Less pronounced is the desire to take superiority in the family circle from the bosses. Having satisfied their need to command at work, they are softer in the family circle. And next to the Lionesses-housewives, potential bosses, households can be difficult.

    Career and business

    The Leo girl, born in the year of the Dog, selflessly gives herself up to her career, sparing no time and effort. She is a workaholic. Career is of paramount importance to her. For promotion, he can do anything, but the inherent conscientiousness holds back in cases involving violation of moral norms.

    Representatives of these signs are tough and arbitrary at work, especially if they hold administrative positions.

    They know how to handle finances correctly: they plan a budget, invest and increase their money savings.


    According to the forecasts of the Western calendar:

    • a bright and memorable romance with Aries promises to be short-lived, since both signs are stubborn and uncompromising;
    • friendship is possible with stubborn Taurus, but not love;
    • marriage with Gemini promises to be the most ideal;
    • a happy relationship with Cancer is possible only with mutual effort;
    • paired with Leo, passionate and deep feelings await them with full understanding of the parties;
    • with Virgos, grievances and claims are possible, which, with mutual desire, can be smoothed out;
    • it is quite difficult to find a balance with Libra: Leos are uncompromising and confident in their righteousness, and Libra does not always like the truth;
    • in an intimate sense, an alliance with Scorpios is ideal, but in a serious relationship one cannot do without disagreement;
    • the fire element of Sagittarius will leave an indelible mark in the heart of the Leo-Dog, but it is unlikely that the relationship will be long;
    • the strength and stubbornness of characters unite Leo and Capricorns in friendly relations, but the happiness in marriage between these signs of the Zodiac is in doubt;
    • Aquarius will suffer under the pressure of the authoritarian Leo;
    • an alliance with Pisces is quite possible, because they are recognized diplomats with an easy character.

    The Eastern calendar predicts:

    • in alliance with the Rat there will be financial well-being, but love is unlikely;
    • in a relationship with the Bull, much depends on the man, who must repay his aggression and not suppress the Dog;
    • life with the Tiger promises a constant struggle with each other: finding out who is in charge, conflicts over little things. Moreover, both spouses are quite happy with such a relationship;
    • the calmness of the Rabbit soothes the temperament of the Dog;
    • relationships with Dragons are devoid of trust and mutual understanding, marriages in such an alliance are very rarely successful;
    • union with the Serpent is possible only if both are busy with work. Being together for a long time, the spouses will certainly quarrel;
    • The dog patiently perceives the frivolity of the Horse - this is the guarantee of family happiness of such a union;
    • Happiness with the Goat is short-lived: the partner's greed will cause disappointment in the spouse;
    • the cunning of the Monkey is not to the liking of the Dog - a fighter for honesty and justice;
    • with Roosters, disagreements, mutual dissatisfaction with each other are possible. Only common interests can unite these two signs;
    • paired with the Dog, complete understanding will reign;
    • marriage with a Pig can be useful from an educational point of view: the Pig will be able to calm the obstinate character of the Leo-Dog and teach you to enjoy life.

    You will learn more about the Leo woman in the following video.

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