a lion

Leo woman in love and relationships

Leo woman in love and relationships
  1. Characteristic
  2. What kind of guy does she need?
  3. Signs of falling in love
  4. Marriage behavior
  5. Compatibility
  6. Advice
  7. How to conquer?
  8. How to keep?
  9. How to return?

A Leo woman in love manifests all the properties of the fire element - she is active, impulsive, energetic and ardent. It was during the period of romantic experiences that she reveals herself and shows her true character. Moreover, such a beautiful person must always be in the center of attention of others. She simply cannot live long without love and admirers.


The woman of this sign knows how to properly present herself in any society. Such a beautiful person is simply convinced that a crown flaunts on her head. Moreover, if you do not agree with this, then it is better to bypass the Leo woman. The nature itself has endowed the girl with special attractiveness, sexuality, brightness. The woman is reasonable, elegant and always finds joy in ordinary things.

The Leo woman has impeccable manners, she always has the same impeccable posture, and her proudly raised head makes her stand out from the crowd. Such qualities are manifested in the Lioness from childhood. Moreover, the girl is very self-confident, and this often annoys her friends, but the guys are just delighted with such a feature.

It is important that the Leo woman has reasons to feel confident. She always looks good, looks after clothes, hairdo, condition of skin and nails. Leo follows fashion trends and is distinguished by an innate sense of style, often such a woman sets fashion at all. A beautiful person is attracted by no less beautiful trinkets - they must be original, bright and expensive.

The representative of this fire sign loves to spend money in large quantities, and mainly on herself, which is why a woman is diligently looking for a man who has finances. The Leo girl rarely loses her head from great love, tries to think over and calculate everything.

The representative of the sign has pronounced leadership qualities, and attempts to encroach on her freedom drive a woman to fury. Such a sweet person is scary in a rage and shows all her lion qualities.

A woman of a fire sign simply does not tolerate violence and coercion on the spirit, she always stands up for the weak - however, she does this only in order to convince others of her belligerence.

What kind of guy does she need?

A woman who was born under the auspices of the Sun is looking for a man with a similar character. Her chosen one should express sincere admiration for her companion and contribute to the growth of her self-esteem. A man should be morally stronger and more persistent, but should not attempt to suppress or humiliate his chosen one.

For a Leo woman, material values ​​are important. Her chosen one should be distinguished by beauty, consistency and success. This is all explained by the fact that the Lioness herself reaches heights, and her chosen one must correspond to a given level. It is important that the guy is smart and has a subtle sense of humor. It is important that the chosen one is popular in society and likes to communicate.

For a Leo woman, it is very important that a man can be shown to her friends, boast about how good he is. Ideal if the girl sees envy in the eyes of others.

Signs of falling in love

A lioness can easily conquer any man, but in love she can become a little shy and detached. A leadership character can make her collect her thoughts and take the first step herself.

You can understand that a Leo woman is in love by several signs.

  1. Perfect appearance everywhere and always.
  2. She takes the first step to establish contact - asks for help in solving some issue or accidentally meets a man in his favorite cafe. In a relationship, such a woman loves to keep everything under control, so such a combination of circumstances will be carefully thought out and planned by her. Then she will simply wait for a response from the chosen one.
  3. A loving Lioness looks at the man she likes, always and in a special way. It's hard not to notice.
  4. Under the influence of romantic feelings, the girl will try with all her might to attract the guy's attention, and then allow him to look after her.

Marriage behavior

The first thing that catches your eye is the habit of organizing and controlling everything. Such a woman makes caring mothers and good housewives. In a marriage relationship, the girl continues to conduct active social activities, she loves to attend various events and invite guests to her place. In the latter case, it is very important for her to show her friends her beautiful home and culinary skills.

The desire for expensive things does not fade away at all. A family vacation will definitely take place at a prestigious resort, and a swimsuit will cost a tidy sum. A lady does not always manage finances competently, and this can become a stumbling block between spouses.

Such a spouse loves to attract the attention of the opposite sex for self-affirmation, but remains faithful to her husband. With her chosen one, she can become an understanding wife, a good friend and a passionate lover.

A woman is capable of compromises, but if a man often hurts her for a living, then she may decide to take extreme measures.


The Leo woman pays her attention only to worthy, strong men. The girl herself is clearly not in the teeth for everyone, many men are simply not able to unravel her. Compatibility with men of other zodiac signs deserves more detailed consideration.

  • Aries it will be easy to attract the attention of a Leo woman, because such men are courageous and decisive, often have their own business or a significant position in a prestigious company. For the Lioness, he is literally the ideal partner with whom you can achieve complete idyll. The only problem may be the struggle for leadership, but the desire to find a compromise will not let the couple go their separate ways.
  • With a Taurus man the Lioness has a lot in common, but there are also many reasons for conflict. Both signs tend to dominate, and Taurus is also pretty stubborn. This trait at first arouses the interest of the girl, but quickly gets bored. Such a man is very jealous, unrestrained and inclined to accumulate finances. All these features are completely incomprehensible to Leo.
  • Gemini and Leo combination outwardly it looks very beautiful and harmonious, but this is only at first glance. The man's inconstancy does not allow him to carry out his plans, so he may be annoyed by the successful career of a companion. The ability of the chosen one to look after the girl beautifully will push her to search for compromises, and if she can direct his efforts in the right direction, then there will be a harmony in the family.
  • Marriage with Cancer men does not bode well for Leo. Most likely, it is the woman who will initiate the relationship, but there can only be intimacy between these signs. It will be difficult for such a man to accept a strong and independent companion.
  • If two Lions metwho are able to respect each other, then everyone will envy their family. Such a couple will have a luxurious home, they will always look presentable and build a luxurious career together.
  • Virgo man and Leo woman - two opposites, which are strongly drawn to each other. Virgo will win the heart of the chosen one with the ability to admire and obey, such an owner of a calm character easily makes concessions. The only drawback of the couple is finances, but if desired, the Lioness will resolve this issue.
  • Libra man there will always be little to earn, and the chosen one will not miss the opportunity to push. A woman can start throwing reproaches because the chosen one cannot provide her with everything she needs. The union can be saved only if the lioness makes concessions.
  • Harmony of Leo and Scorpio ends with sex - leaders by nature will not give in to each other. Scorpio will simply torment the chosen one with his jealousy and sense of ownership. Quarrels will be frequent and the relationship will come to naught.
  • A favorable union is possible with a Sagittarius - an energetic and ideological man will surprise his chosen one day by day. The desires and passions of the couple coincide, while the man does not at all claim to be a leader in the relationship. The main thing is that Leo does not begin to command - Sagittarius will not tolerate this.
  • Capricorn The Lioness will seem too calm and even boring, and the Leo girl herself will look too wasteful and egocentric in his eyes. A couple has good compatibility only in bed, and outside of it many conflicts lie in wait.
  • Aquarius and Leo have little in common, but they can find common ground if they really want to. A man will be able to surprise his darling with a candy-bouquet period, but she will be greatly disappointed by his indifference to his career and complete inconstancy. Such people are strongly attracted to each other, but they are not able to build stable and harmonious relationships.
  • The stars warn Leo against a relationship with Pisces, after all, a too vulnerable chosen one simply cannot bear the girl's independence and decisiveness. Moreover, the man of this sign does not at all correspond to the Lioness's ideas about the future husband.


Leo, especially the female, simply adores gifts. Often a woman's hobby is associated with collecting accessories, figurines or jewelry. Themed gift will show your interest and amuse the Lioness.

Representatives of the fire sign adore everything mystical and magical. You can please her with unusual cards or a crystal ball.

How to conquer?

It will not work to conquer a Leo woman with trivial methods - the royal simply will not pay attention to your efforts. A man must have an attractive appearance and have great finances in order to simply get into the field of view of the Lioness.

An enthusiastic romantic who will read poetry under the moon and suffer from unrequited feelings will not be able to fall in love with a representative of the fire element. The girl will not like a dork with a cigarette in his mouth, with the smell of cheap cologne and weekly fumes. Only a well-groomed intellectual, who is distinguished by a sharp mind and manners, will be able to seduce a woman. The chosen one should know his own worth and love luxury as much as the Lioness herself. These are the requirements you need to meet in order for a proud lady to want to start communicating.

However, one appearance cannot be enough, because a woman longs for specific actions.

Practical advice is as follows.

  1. Tease Leo, try to pique her interest. Joke, but so that it is not offensive.
  2. Admire, but don't flatter.
  3. Set the boundaries of what is permitted. A woman should see you as a leader.
  4. Let her know that with you she will be protected and can always rely on you.

How to keep?

The representative of the fire element will be with you only if you can recognize her as a goddess. The Leo woman sees herself as such, and her chosen one is simply obliged to share this opinion.

In order to keep the woman of this sign, do the following.

  1. Put it first. Your whole life should fade into the background, otherwise the Lioness will simply not believe that you really admire her.
  2. Show concern and concern, but be subtle. You should not take too much care of a woman and enter the role of a dad. Never tell the Lioness how to live and what to do.
  3. The Leo woman always remains faithful to her beloved, so it is important for her to be trusted. Do not doubt your companion for a minute.
  4. Be faithful. Any hint of treason will certainly lead to a violent scandal and a break in relations.
  5. Do everything to make the Lioness proud of you. For a woman of this sign, it is important that she can boast of her man around her.
  6. The lioness is sure that sex is proof of genuine feelings. Show ardor and passion, do not reject the chosen one, otherwise she will begin to doubt you.

How to return?

Any conflict with a Leo woman turns into a storm of emotions. Too eccentric behavior of the representative of the sign during a quarrel or parting can mislead a man, while in reality everything that happens is less serious than it might seem. After parting, the man should be the first to make peace with the Lioness, even if she was to blame.

The Leo woman experiences real rage, but quickly returns to normal. She feels the need to tell the man what she thinks. You should not start arguing with a woman at this time, it is better to use the secret weapon - admiration and compliments. Lionesses often part with partners just to revive their feelings.

You should not try to arouse pity and compassion in the Lioness - the woman will take this for weakness and will not want to restore the relationship anymore. A man should be confident in his precise actions, but his behavior should not be cold or indifferent.

Remember that if you betrayed the representative of the fire sign, then you will not be able to reconcile - the girl takes revenge for the pain caused to her, and she will definitely not forgive the offender.

About what kind of Leo woman is in love, see the next video.

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