Levitating lamps and lamps: description and principle of operation

Levitating objects are things floating in the air due to magnetic repulsion or suspensions, mutually compensating for each other's action. Along with tables, such items can be, for example, ordinary LED bulbs, which consume relatively little electricity compared to incandescent bulbs.

What it is?
A levitating lamp, or a floating lamp, is essentially a light bulb that does not directly contact its base, which is a lamp. This bulb would be screwed into an ordinary lamp - to ensure a stable glow. In a levitating lamp, its attraction is provided by magnets. But this attraction is not final, because when approaching a certain distance to the lamp, the light bulb is not attracted, but hangs on it.

Principle of operation
There is an important similarity between a levitating light bulb and a smartphone with wireless charging: the transfer of electricity from a source (base or base) to a receiver (an applied product) is carried out by electromagnetic induction - similar to that which occurs in transformers when the mains voltage drops from a value that is life-threatening. to relatively safe. By attaching your smartphone to the wireless docking station, you give it the opportunity to recharge. Likewise, with a light bulb: ideally, by allowing it to fully gravitate towards the magnets, you make it glow. The non-contact secondary energy source includes coils with cores - they are also in the receiving device.Only the smartphone is attracted completely to the "base", and the light bulb stops at a short distance from the "wireless socket" and starts to shine.

If the lamp suddenly turns off, for example, when the power supply to the network of an apartment or house is suddenly cut off, then the light bulb will not fall.
The protection system is thought out in such a way that the light bulb, on the contrary, will finally be attracted to the socket. The fact is that repulsion is carried out due to electromagnets - attraction, in turn, is formed by ordinary permanent (for example, neodymium) magnets. After the supply of the supply current to the lamp is restored, pull the light bulb away from the holder - it will again float in its original place. The very same protection system works at the expense of Hall sensors and coils that adjust the magnetic flux - in order to prevent the bulb from falling.

This invention has resulted in specific varieties. Now it is not just a light bulb hovering above (or below) the stand. So, desktop lighting fixtures Missione Fly and Missione Loft are arranged as follows: the first is a light bulb hovering over the stand, the second is, on the contrary, hanging. The activation and deactivation of this piece of furniture - and this is not just a lamp, but an unusual room decoration for beginners - occurs due to the touch switch, which is extremely hidden in the lower part (stand) and removed away from an observer inexperienced in such things.

Other manufacturers, such as Flyte and Volta, have also switched to floating light bulbs.

But one more manufacturer has become a leader in design solutions, offering its development to the market of levitating objects - the Heng Balance Lamp. The switch is made in the form of two balls with magnets and coils suspended on laces, which must be manually brought to each other in order for the lamp to light up. The illuminating frame is made in the form of an ellipsoid, in which the LEDs are located, which consume little electricity. The opening (dilution) of the balls, in turn, extinguishes the light. The developers also settled on the round and square shapes of the light element.

Other varieties include a kind of "anti-gravity fountain", a levitating cloud, a "Moon" with a levitating switch, etc. The first is a decorative indoor lamp in the form of a fountain or panicle, the composite rods of which are made of decorative optical fiber that transmits light in the form of luminous small dots at the ends of these rods. Outwardly, it is remotely similar to a kind of "singing fountain": the developers do not stop at the achieved results and build dimmers into such lamps that control the colored glow of LEDs emitting red, blue and green colors.

The second option is a decorative cloud made of materials transparent to white light. The "cloud" itself can be made, for example, from optical epoxy, which plays the role of a jagged lens of complex shape, made in the form of an irregular polyhedron with hundreds of faces. As a result, for example, on a white wall nearby, bizarre beams of light rays refracted in a complex manner are formed.

LEDs embedded in the "cloud" also change their glow using a dimmer.

However, a light bulb in the form of a cloud can also be produced in the form of a blue ball on which clouds are drawn.
Finally, the last option resembles a decorative light bulb with an uneven texture and matte finish. Thanks to the warm light that illuminates the inner side of the lamp shade, the latter looks like the moon. The lunar texture is applied to the surface of the plafond - it is visible only when the LEDs inside the ball are lit. Without light, it is a simple white ball. Like the ball-shaped "cloud", it rotates while the levitating stand is on.