Dispatcher-logistician: features, advantages and disadvantages of the profession, education, place of work

Dispatcher-logistician - this is a specialist who is engaged in the implementation of transportation. In the course of his daily professional activity, this employee organizes the process of sending the goods. At the same time, his tasks include saving time and money. Today in our article we will talk about the features of this profession, the advantages and disadvantages of work, as well as the responsibilities of dispatchers-logisticians.
Dispatcher-logistician - this is a demanded specialist in the modern labor market. He is engaged control and management of the movement of various goods. The employee's activities are carried out remotely. Dispatchers-logisticians are involved in various spheres of human activity: in the field of procurement, distribution and sale of goods, in transport, warehouse, information and many others.
Today no large company can function without such a professional. First of all, this applies to firms that carry out trading activities. If the scale of transportation is quite large, then the company organizes specialized logistics departments.
It is important to note the fact that this area has been developing in our country quite recently - about 15 years. Accordingly, there are quite a few trained specialists, therefore, experienced employees are highly valued by employers.

Advantages and disadvantages
The profession of a dispatcher-logistician has a number of individual traits and characteristics that are important to familiarize yourself with before you decide to connect your life with this career path.
It's worth starting with the benefits.
- High demand... The logistics sector is actively developing on the territory of our country. Accordingly, specialists are required not only in the capital and large cities, but also in regions and provinces. The labor market lacks trained logisticians, so many employers hire people without work experience.
- Wage. The material remuneration for the labor of logistics employees is quite high. In this regard, many young people are interested in such work.
- The starting position can be obtained without education... As mentioned earlier, Russia lacks logistics dispatchers. In this regard, some employers hire people without education. However, keep in mind that you will still need to graduate from a specialized school in the course of work and to advance your career.
- Variety of work activities... Despite the fact that in the course of his work the dispatcher-logistician performs a number of routine tasks, the working activity of a specialist is very diverse. The professional works not only permanently in the office, but also performs a number of field functions.
Regardless of the fact that the work of a dispatcher-logistician is characterized by a large number of advantages, many young people do not want to receive this specialty. This is due to the presence of deficiencies in the profession.
- High level of responsibility. The work of a dispatcher-logistician is associated with great responsibility. If, in the course of performing his duties, a specialist makes even a small mistake, then the company may suffer from large material losses.
- Career difficulties... Full-fledged logistics departments function only at large enterprises, and independent specialists can work in small companies. Thus, the process of moving up the career ladder becomes much more difficult.
As you can see, the professional activity of a dispatcher-logistician is characterized by both pluses and minuses. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics before starting training or starting a professional activity.

The job description of a dispatcher-logistician includes a number of functions that a specialist does on a daily basis:
- formation and processing of incoming applications;
- formation of a customer and carrier base;
- analysis of the current state of the market;
- control over the implementation of transportation;
- work with documents and reporting;
- development of routes;
- organization of transportation financing, etc.
At the same time, depending on the specifics of the work, on the specific place of work and on the requirements of the employer, the duties of the dispatcher-logistician can be changed and supplemented.
In order to provide high-quality service to customers, the dispatcher-logistician must have a number of key skills and abilities. Among them:
- business negotiation skills;
- strategic thinking;
- knowledge of the types and types of transportation;
- ability to build routes and knowledge of the principles of logistics;
- the ability to use modern information technologies in the course of their professional activities;
- knowledge of programs such as SAP, Axapta;
- knowledge of one or several foreign languages (at least - knowledge of English), etc.

In order to become a dispatcher-logistician, you must go through specialized training. To do this, after grade 11, you need to enter the university in the appropriate direction of training. At the same time, it is recommended to give preference to prestigious metropolitan universities, which enjoy prestige among employers. Such training will take a lot of time - from 4 to 6 years.
Besides, it is recommended to take refresher courses. Among employers, taking courses abroad is especially appreciated. In addition, in order to keep abreast of the latest trends, you need to regularly attend master classes and trainings.
Place of work
Most of the dispatchers-logisticians work in transport companies or in enterprises that specialize in freight transportation. In addition, there are such positions in warehouse organizations and sales departments.
A university graduate receives an internship position in one of these companies, and then moves up the career ladder. In addition, there is the option of organizing your own business.