How to get rid of split ends at home?

Hair should be admired, not sympathetic, so it needs constant grooming. Split ends are often the reason why hairstyles can look unattractive. You can get rid of this trouble without a haircut, using professional substances or folk methods.

If a woman's hair is severely split, then it is worthwhile to find out the reason for this situation. The most common causes of trouble are the following.
- Lack of vitamins in the body. Often, the manifestation of vitamin deficiency is observed in the spring, when, after the winter period, the body has exhausted all its reserves of vitamins. Avitaminosis has a negative effect on human skin and hair.
- Constant stress, fatigue. This is the second common cause of split ends. Loose hair is often the result of lack of sleep and overwork.
- Thyroid dysfunction, hormonal disruption, problems in the work of the female reproductive system, menopause.
- Overdrying the scalp. The ends of the hair split if you constantly use an iron or hairdryer without first applying a protective agent. Also, the hair structure deteriorates from constant exposure to direct sunlight.
- Lack of water in the human body. Dehydration can be caused by drinking a small amount of fluid throughout the day. This circumstance often entails a deterioration in the beauty and health of the hair.

Each hair has a unique protective sheath and is also coated with oil. Thanks to these protective layers, the strands become more elastic and shiny.With a low activity of the sebaceous glands, a lack of lubrication, not only the drying of the hair occurs, but also their weakening, as well as damage.

Mask recipes
Folk remedies will help to get rid of split ends at home. Quickly and effectively, without cutting curls, you can restore with masks in a week or two.
Home hair lamination can be done with gelatin. For this special container, you need to dissolve 30 grams of gelatin in 200 milliliters of water. The mixture should be infused for 30 minutes. After that, the substance must be heated over low heat, stirring so that no lumps remain. The next step in preparing the mask will be to add the yolk from the chicken egg and beat the product. This mask is worth applying every 5 days, while keeping it on the hair for about half an hour. The treatment period lasts a month.
If necessary, the home lamination course can be repeated after 3 weeks.

To deal with the problem of split hair, it is worth taking a convenient container and stirring in it with special care 12 grams of honey in liquid form, 10 milliliters of vegetable oil, 2 egg yolks. Such a remedy on the hair is kept for at least 30 minutes.

The glycerin mask must be applied to damaged curls and kept for 20 minutes. For the preparation of a regenerating agent you will need to mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil, a teaspoon of glycerin, vinegar in the same amount, 1 raw chicken egg.

A nourishing anti-split ends mask based on honey and oil is made as follows:
- using a blender, beat 2 yolks from raw chicken eggs;
- 1 teaspoon of honey in liquid form is poured into the yolks;
- then add the same amount of linseed, vegetable, olive oil;
- all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to damaged curls.
In order for the hair to be nourished properly, and its damaged ends are blinded, the application of the mask should be carried out 1 or 2 times for 7 days for 30 days.
Such a tool is considered an excellent option for the prevention of split strands.

In addition to the above means, good effectiveness in combating split ends is observed with the use of such masks.
- With henna. In a bowl, it is worth dissolving 40 grams of henna in boiling water. The result of this procedure should be a creamy mixture. Provided that the strands are dry, 12 milliliters of olive oil can be added to the mask. After 15 minutes, the product is applied to the hair, the head is insulated and kept for half an hour.

- With yeast... To prepare the mask, it is worth dissolving 60 grams of dry yeast in 80 milliliters of kefir. After the composition swells, it is applied to the ends of the hair, which is subsequently wrapped in a towel. The composition is washed off after 60 minutes.

- With beer. In a blender bowl, you should put a banana, egg yolk and half a liter of warmed up dark beer. After that, all the ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the curls for 60 minutes.
If the hair is light, it is better to use unfiltered wheat beer.

How to cut and solder?
The ends of the hair that have split can be removed at home. To do this, twist the strands with bundles, and cut off the protruding hair. In this case, it is better to use hairdressing scissors, as stationery can harm the curls. You can also trim your hair with a hot tool.
To seal split ends, you can use a machine that is designed to form a men's haircut. This tool is often supplied with a polishing attachment. To seal the protruding hairs straight strands should be inserted into the nozzle and run through the hair. Thus, all protruding detachments are eliminated.

In order to prevent the appearance of split ends and did not have to puzzle over how to restore the structure of the curls, it is worth listening to the following recommendations.
- Wash your hair correctly... Avoid applying too much shampoo as it can wash off the natural lubricant. The frequency of washing curls should not exceed 3 times a week. The foam should not be washed off with hot, but with warm or slightly cool water. Before washing, you should carefully read the composition of the shampoo. It is better not to use substances with phthalates, sulfates, parabens. The best option would be a shampoo with a soft, natural base.
- To protect the scalp from negative environmental factors it is worth using special balms and conditioners that are applied after washing. These substances also contribute to ease of combing and reduce hair injury.
- Wet hair should be dried properly. It is forbidden to rub your head intensively and twist the strands. The best way to dry wet hair is by blotting with a soft cloth.
- Choose the right comb. This personal care item should be moderately soft. Only such a comb is capable of detangling the hair, not pulling it out. For sparse hair, it is better to buy a comb with sparse teeth.

Among other things, nourishing masks that can be prepared at home from high-quality natural ingredients will help restore the beauty of your hair.
Also worth carefully select hair ties. These accessories must be soft and have a protective layer. In order to prevent the hair from splitting, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should use devices for drying and styling the scalp as little as possible. Do not apply foams, varnishes and other chemicals to your hair.

For information on how to get rid of split ends, see the next video.
Hair is constantly in need of care. Their condition is influenced by weather conditions, stress, nutrition. I rub coconut oil into the ends of my hair for literally 20 minutes.