DIY dream catcher making

The Dreamcatcher amulet is an ancient talisman-talisman that appeared in North America. Previously, it was believed that he was able to protect a person from bad dreams. Now such amulets are usually used simply to decorate the interior. Unique handcrafted catchers are especially appreciated.

Tools and materials
Before you start working on the amulet, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools.
- The foundation... Classic catchers have always been made from willow rods. They were collected right before weaving. The ends of the branches were connected together. The Indian people believed that such a circle represents the cycle of human life. The threads that braided this base symbolized the human path. Now, instead of willow branches, you can use wooden or metal hoops, cardboard rings or any materials at hand.

- Thread... For wrapping the warp, dense and strong threads are used. To create a graceful cobweb inside the circle - thinner ones. It is believed that it is best to use natural cotton or woolen threads to create catchers.

- Cord... In some cases, decorative ribbons or thick threads are used instead. It is worth choosing a cord of small thickness to decorate the amulet.

- Feathers... By tradition, every dream catcher is adorned with feathers. It is believed that the feather is a symbol of air, its use when weaving a catcher endows a person with the abilities of a bird, for example, the ability to see what is hidden in the darkness. To create a male amulet, it is best to select feathers from daytime birds, and for a female one - from nighttime ones. Feathers can be used naturally or dyed before being attached to the base.In this case, the colors are usually selected to match the base. To decorate one amulet, you can use 2-3 different shades of feathers. It is worth choosing those feathers that fell from the bird during molting.

- Supporting tools. In addition to the materials listed earlier, a novice master will also need scissors and high-quality glue.

To decorate the finished amulet, beautiful beads or stones are usually selected. In the process of creating amulets, you should pay attention to the importance of the selected stone.
- Amethyst... It is a stone for spiritual protection and purification. It is believed that it helps to get rid of anxiety and enhances all the functions of the amulet.

- Rauchtopaz... This stone helps a person to become more receptive. It becomes much easier for him to remember his dreams.

- Obsidian... The use of this stone makes the dream catcher a powerful talisman that protects a person from the attack of dark forces.

- Amazonite... It is often called the stone of balance and tranquility. In addition, it is believed that he is able to increase the energy of intention and give his owner the strength to fulfill any dreams and desires.

- Cacholong... This stone should be used when weaving catchers for women. Cacholong is believed to bring peace and harmony to the home.
Stones such as smoky quartz, carnelian and rhinestone are also well suited for creating catchers. If the amulet is used as a talisman, it should not be supplemented with decorative plastic details.

An important role is played by the color scheme in which the dream catcher is made. Each selected color has its own meaning. The most popular are the following options.
- White... This color symbolizes purification and success. It is believed that such light catchers in a dream charge a person from the inside, and also cleanse him of negativity.

- Green... Many peoples associate this color with nature and human life. Green catchers set a person up for positivity and success in achieving their goals.

- Red... The intense scarlet color embodies the power and sensual energy of passion. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the human biofield, and also helps him to activate creative impulses.

- Black... This color is also often used in the creation of dream catchers. He is a symbol of peace and tranquility. Dark Seekers help their owners learn to listen to their inner voices and better understand dreams.

- Blue... This color is associated with spiritual renewal. It helps you develop your intuitive skills.

- Yellow... This color is also responsible for the development of intuition. The yellow catcher helps to strengthen the immune system and awaken interest in spiritual values.
It is worth choosing colors for work that visually appeal to a person and have the most suitable meaning for him. In this case, the amulet will delight a person not only with its appearance, but also with its effectiveness.

How to make from cardboard and thread?
Having chosen the materials and tools for weaving and decorating the catcher, you can start creating it. It is easiest for a novice master to make a talisman out of cardboard and thread. Even a child can cope with this task.
- To begin with, you need to cut out of ordinary thick cardboard two large circles and 5 small ones.
- Each of them follows tightly wrap with thread. This will help strengthen the frame and make the dreamcatcher look more beautiful. The edges of the threads are best secured with glue. Do not overtighten the cardboard circles, otherwise they will deform.
- Then you can start decorating rings with lighter threads... You can weave a "cobweb" in any suitable way.
- When all the circles are decorated with light threads, beautiful tassels should be weaved from the remnants of blue yarn. To do this, the decorative thread must be wound around the palm and tied in the middle. From the opposite side, this skein must be cut. The edges need to be trimmed.
- The upper part of the brush must be tied up, forming a volumetric base.
- After that, all the details of the future catcher need to be correct. connect together and attach a loop to it.
Making such a dream catcher with your own hands is very simple. The craft turns out to be elegant and very beautiful.

Other homemade catchers
There are other ways to create beautiful, uniquely designed catchers.
Stylish with feathers
An unusual catcher made in the shape of an owl will be an excellent decoration for the bedroom. Weaving it is also quite simple. Step-by-step instructions for creating crafts are as follows.
- First you need to prepare a catcher for this. 2 frames. The base of each ring must be wrapped with a light thread.
- After that, each frame needs decorate with a thin cobweb of a suitable color... Two small "eyes" in the center are decorated with large beads.
- Workpieces need to be connected together... A bright pebble is attached in the center. It plays the role of a beak. It is best to use natural stone for decorating crafts.
- After that, you can decorate the figurine with feathers. Two small feathers are attached to the top of the eyes with glue.
- The rest of the details are decorated with beads and neatly tied to the bottom of the craft. Plain feathers are best used.
The finished craft is original and elegant.

From a spring toy
A great option for beginners is a bright children's catcher in the form of a unicorn. You can make it from an ordinary spring toy and the remains of colored yarn. A master class on weaving a catcher is as follows.
- To begin with, the spring must be carefully cut... He needs to cut off a strip and form a circle from this part. It is recommended to secure the attachment point with tape.
- The workpiece must be tightly wrapped with thread. The ends should be fixed with hot glue. You can use threads of different colors to decorate the base.
- You need to braid the middle of the catcher with threads of a different color... It is not necessary to maintain any strict drawing. The threads can be fastened in any order. Their edges must be fixed from the seamy side with glue.
- When the base is ready, you can start decorating the craft. Cut out a triangular horn from decorative paper with sequins. It is attached to the base of the craft with glue.
- Flowers for decoration catchers can be made of double-sided paper or soft felt.
- To the bottom of the craft follows tie colored ribbons or pieces of yarn... If desired, you can decorate them with bright beads.
This craft for children looks bright and very beautiful. The process of its creation will definitely captivate the little creator.

From the branches
The most beautiful and energetically strong are the catchers made of natural materials. Willow branches are best suited for creating such amulets.... They are long, flexible and durable. It is advisable to prepare the rods for weaving the frame in the summer. If they become not flexible enough over time, they should be immersed in hot water for five minutes and then dried. After that, it will be easy to form a circle from such branches. The edges must be secured with a thread.
Using this simple technique, you can weave not only round catchers, but also triangular or unusual shapes. Various decorative items are used for this purpose. Most often, products woven according to this pattern are decorated with ordinary feathers, beads and matching threads. The products look stylish and neat.
You can hang them both in the bedroom and in the living room.

From seashells
An excellent option for lovers of the marine theme is a craft decorated with shells. The step-by-step process of making such an amulet consists of the following steps.
- To begin with, two rings of different sizes need to be tight braid with light blue yarn... Each of them must be decorated with a light cobweb. It should be supplemented with small beads.
- The free ends of the threads should be tie and fix with glue... In the center, you can fix a shell of any shape and size.
- To decorate crafts on a thread, you need string colored beads and small seashells. Colored feathers will complement them. These threads are attached to both the large ring and the small one.
- All blanks must be connected together. For this, a dense cord or colored yarn is used.
- After that, to the top of the large ring you need to tie a hanging loop.
A large charm in a marine style will perfectly fit into the interior of a modern room.

From beads
Using a simple technique and the remnants of unnecessary materials, the dream catcher can even be woven from ordinary beads.
- For starters, two small rings of different sizes need to wrap with light thread... Its edges should be attached to the seamy side of the craft.
- From a thin white thread, you need to weave a neat web. It is decorated with small light beads. A large bead or shell should be fixed in the middle of the craft.
- When the rings are ready, you need them tie together.
- To threads of different sizes you need to tie feathers and complement these blanks with colored beads.
- The resulting jewelry must be attached to the catcher. A neat loop of the required size is attached to the top of it.
Using this method of creating dream catchers, you can weave not only a beautiful amulet, but also earrings or any other decoration for a child or adult.

Carousel catcher
Another interesting craft option for beginners is the carousel catcher. The rules for creating such a craft at home are very simple.
- A circle of the required size must be wrapped with a light-colored thread.
- The round base can be decorated in any suitable way.
- Long threads are used to decorate this craft. They need to be decorated with large beads of different colors.
- These threads are neatly attached to the base of the craft.
- Four threads must be tied to the four sides of the circle at the same distance. From above they need to be tied into a loop. It is she who will be used to fasten this craft.
Making such an original carousel is very easy. It can be hung over a crib or by a window.

Classic dream catchers are usually positioned on the wall above the bed or attached to the ceiling. In some cases, such amulets are even fixed on a chandelier. Considering that during the night bad dreams get entangled in the mascot's web, it is worth making sure that the sun's rays fall on it in the morning. In this case, the light will constantly saturate the amulet with positive energy.
A properly made and beautifully designed amulet will be an excellent decoration for a bedroom or a gift for a loved one who suffers from anxiety or insomnia.

In the next video, you will see how to make a dream catcher with your own hands.