Bar spoon: features, selection and use

Bartenders, cafe and restaurant workers, as well as simply true lovers of cocktails will easily answer the question of what a bar spoon is. Without this tool, the bar will not be able to make a significant part of the drinks so beloved by many. For bartenders, a cocktail spoon is one of the main elements of a standard set required for work. Even the preparation of some types of coffee is not complete without this important and necessary tool.

Materials (edit)
A bar spoon is used in work quite often and performs a wide variety of functions. Materials for its manufacture can be varied, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in more detail.
One of the most popular and in demand materials is stainless steel. This is facilitated by several factors, such as durability, ease of maintenance, sufficient strength.
In addition, the price is quite democratic, and the tool is available for not too much money. Stainless steel can be used daily, it will not lose its appearance and shape.

Often, cocktail spoons are purchased for bartenders in expensive establishments. made of chromium-nickel steel. This material has a higher price, but at the same time it has excellent external data. The instrument does not tarnish over time. It has a noble shimmery shine and looks very impressive and expensive. However, it must be borne in mind that this material is quite demanding in care, contact with abrasive detergents can negatively affect its appearance.
The cheaper material is cupronickel... Bar spoons made from it resemble silver ones and look very advantageous.However, over time, such instruments darken, and it is not possible to restore their brilliance and color.
Of course, it should be noted that bar spoons can be made and made of real silver.
However, you need to understand that their price will be more than decent. They are considered elite tools and are used mainly by bartenders in pretentious and expensive establishments.

Main types
The design of the cocktail spoon is reminiscent of a teaspoon. Its standard volume is 5 milliliters, but there are other varieties. This helps the employee behind the bar to correctly measure the amount of ingredients needed for the drink. But there is also a difference, it is expressed in the length and shape of the tool handle.
The length indicator can be different and ranges from 20 to 50 centimeters. This is due to the fact that the handle must go into even the tallest glass with a narrow neck and be sure to reach its bottom. There is no standard for length, the bartender can choose the instrument with which it will be most convenient for him to work.
As for the shape of the handle, most bar spoons have it twisted, since it is with its help that it is easiest to prepare layered cocktails that are loved by many. However, in some cases it can be flat.
All types of spoons are mostly determined depending on the shape of the nozzle, which is located at the end of the handle. There are tools for layered drinks, for "Mojito" and with a fork.

Bar spoons for layered drinks have a twisted handle, at the end of which there is a disk. It is with the help of the disc that cocktails are prepared in glasses of a small capacity. He is responsible for the distribution of fluid.

Bar spoons for "Mojito" have a small plastic pestle at the end of the handle, which looks like a small mudler. This tool is used to crush lime or mint. However, in the case when such cocktails in an institution are put on a large flow, such a design will not work. The pestle is rather fragile, in this situation the standard wooden mudler, which has stronger working teeth, is more useful.

Bar spoons with a fork have small teeth at the end of the handle. They are used to decorate cocktails.
With such a spoon, you can easily move, for example, a cherry, picking it up in a jar and putting it in a cocktail glass. Using the same tool, you can remove bones.

How to choose?
Cocktail spoons cannot be called the main tool in the work of a bartender. However, it will not be easy without them, so experienced employees of cafes and restaurants prefer not to save on the manufacturer. The reason is simple - high-quality products of a well-established brand will retain their attractive appearance longer, and unpleasant nuances will not arise with them. Therefore, in this case, the higher material costs will still pay off.
As for the length, its selection is individual. It is necessary to take into account the orientation of the institution and the presence of cocktail glasses of various depths in it. The same goes for the material. There is no point in using silver spoons in cheap bars, they do not in any way emphasize the status of the place.
The attachment for the handles is also selected according to the cocktail list. If possible, it is recommended to purchase several types. In addition, stainless steel tools have a fairly budgetary cost and good characteristics; even a small institution can afford them.

Among the popular manufacturers, one can note the company BergHOFF... This Belgian company is famous for its quality products; you can buy a stainless steel bar spoon at a fairly low price.

Brand name Eternum also known among bartenders. The main emphasis here is also placed on stainless steel products. Prices are slightly higher than in the previous case.

Firm Wuesthof offers quality German products.The materials used for cocktail spoons are predominantly carbon steel. Premium silver models available.

Ukrainian manufacturer Steelay offers consumers stainless steel products. It is famous for its high quality and affordable prices for products.

How to use?
The bar spoon that is used in the work should reach the bottom of any glass of drinks. It can be used in a variety of containers and for a wide variety of purposes.
The first thing to highlight, of course, is the mixing of drinks and ice. During this action, the handle rotates smoothly in the glass, and its movements resemble the work of a propeller. This process can be used to chill a juice or cocktail.
Mixing time is individual, it is determined by the bartender. It is important to consider that in the case when everything is done too quickly, the drink will not have time to cool down; with a long procedure, the ice will have time to dissolve, and it will not look too appetizing. Among bartenders, a special pride is the silent mixing, during which the ice floes move evenly and do not hit each other.

Another task of the cocktail spoon is to measure the ingredients. These are both liquids and bulk solids. The bar spoon designation in recipes is marked as b. l. or bsp. However, it should be borne in mind that, in addition to the standard, some may have a different volume.
And also with the help of a twisted handle, layered cocktails can be made. This technology is familiar to every bartender and is not difficult. A spoon rests against the bottom or wall of the glass, and the components of the cocktail are poured over its handle.
The liquid moves in a spiral slowly, which allows the layers to be stacked on top of each other. The disc located at the tip can be used, it also forms layers easily.

Sometimes a cocktail spoon can act as a bottle opener. With its help, it is quite easy to uncork the bottle. And also the plastic pestle at the end of the handle can be used for chopping fruits and herbs. It is easy to add essential ingredients such as olives and berries with a fork.
In general, there are no difficulties in using a bar spoon. Professional bartenders handle this tool easily and naturally. The main condition is to know what this or that element is needed for.

About which bar spoon is more convenient to use in your work, see below.