Spoon: varieties and choices

The name of the creator of the spoon cannot be named - it has been lost in the centuries, but there is no doubt that this cutlery was invented in ancient times and it is much older than the fork, which became widespread only in the 17th century. The considerable age of the spoon is also confirmed by a large number of folk wisdom, such as "a spoon is good for dinner", "seven with a bipod - one with a spoon", which were invented by people in ancient times.
It is noteworthy that during the evolution of kitchen utensils, the spoon has not undergone any changes, but many of its varieties have appeared, which have their own individual purpose.

A spoon is a piece of kitchen utensil made of wood, plastic, or metal. It serves to scoop food and transport them for further absorption. However, today the scope of use of a spoon is not limited to this - it is known as a musical instrument, with the help of this cutlery, doctors often examine the throat and even do a cosmetic massage.

Any spoon consists of several elements:
- gulped - this is the basic working part of the spoon, which is used directly for scooping and moving the product;
- supported - necessary to hold and control the structure;
- jumper - connects the working parts to each other.

History of appearance
A spoon is one of the most popular cutlery and is widely used all over the world. If you believe the etymology, the definition of "spoon" comes from "log", which means "deepening", "lowland", "ravine", although this issue is currently considered controversial.According to some versions, the word "spoon" comes from "lick" or "crawl".
The spoon was born much earlier than the fork. Archaeological data confirm that even in the III century BC. NS. people used objects that were shaped like spoons. Later, spoons began to be made from baked clay - at that time they were shards with handles. Several centuries later, noble materials were used to make this cutlery - horns and animal bones, wood, natural stone, sea shells and even nutshells. In ancient Greece and Rome, spoons began to be made of bronze and silver.
By the way, during this period they were used in the kitchen as scoops and stirrers, and people ate with their hands directly from the dish, and in order to pick up pieces of food, they used bread.

At that time, wooden spoons already appeared in Russia, which are even mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" of the 12th century. Spoons became widespread, and it was considered good form to visit with your cutlery. At that time, there was even such a thing as a folding spoon.
In the Middle Ages, metal became the material for making spoons - representatives of aristocratic families used silver and gold instruments. In the 18th century, aluminum devices became very popular, since this metal was considered very expensive. So, at the court of Napoleon, during solemn receptions, the most honored guests were served spoons made of this metal.
It's funny that later the material became the main feature of cheap Soviet catering.

At the end of the 18th century, spoons took on an elliptical shape, close to the modern one. The same period was characterized by an increased interest in Chinese and Japanese culture. A huge number of objects brought from these Asian countries instilled the interest of the inhabitants of the Old World in tea ceremonies - it was at this time that a teaspoon appeared. And after the Europeans discovered coffee, the coffee spoon spread. This is how a wide variety of spoons, their shapes and materials, from which cutlery was made, arose.
The baroque made its own adjustments to the design of kitchen utensils - the handle of the spoon was slightly extended. Presumably the reason for this change was the fashion for such garments as frill and wide sleeves.

In 1825, Saxony began to produce cutlery from Argentina - an alloy of nickel, zinc and copper. This metal is visually similar to silver, but at the same time it costs several times cheaper. A few years later, it was used to make spoons throughout Europe. Now the material is better known as cupronickel and is one of the most demanded in the manufacture of spoons to this day.
At the beginning of the last century, there was a revolutionary discovery of stainless steel, which marked the beginning of a new milestone in the history of cutlery. Thanks to the addition of chromium, the resistance and durability of the material increases, while the risk of corrosion is reduced to almost zero.
To date, a variety of materials are used for the manufacture of spoons, but silver devices are considered the highest quality and most expensive.

It must be said that many legends and beliefs are associated with spoons.
So, in the Renaissance, it was customary to give spoons with the image of Christ for any religious holidays - they were called apostolic.
From time immemorial, silver spoons were given to children when the first tooth appeared. In tsarist Russia, spoons made of this noble metal were also presented when a child entered the gymnasium and at the end of his studies. In the first case, a dessert spoon was presented, and in the second, a dining room.
Painted wooden utensils have always been considered a good wedding gift. It was believed that then the home of the young would become a "full cup" and the spouses would never face poverty and misery.

In Cambridge, students who received a low score in mathematics on exams were presented with a huge spoon - this custom lasted until the beginning of the 19th century. The origins of this unusual tradition go back to ancient times, when in England it was customary to present a spoon as a consolation prize to the person who gave the worst result in any competition and competition.
Cambridge is not the only university with a tradition associated with spoons. For example, the students of Kazan University until the beginning of the last century believed that in order to successfully pass the exams, all the teaspoons in the house should be put under a bookcase on the night before the test.
The famous Salvador Dali used a metal spoon instead of an alarm clock. He took the device in his hand, and put a plate of tin on the floor. As soon as the artist began to doze, the spoon fell out of his hands and hit the plate with a loud sound, this allowed the artist to quickly wake up and remember the dream he had. It is believed that this is what helped him create his best canvases.
By the way, Salvador Dali devoted several of his works to spoons and even created a whole collection of these kitchen appliances.

Manufacturing materials
Spoons are made from a variety of materials - there are tin, titanium, silicone, copper and plastic products. The most common these days include the following.
- Stainless steel - This is the best option for everyday use. Spoons made from this material do not rust, are easy to clean and do not tarnish over time. These products are of high quality, practicality and a fairly affordable price.

- Chrome nickel steel Is another good option that does not lose its attractiveness over time. They are distinguished from stainless steel by a golden shimmering sheen. These cutlery are also used as everyday utensils.

- Aluminum - once popular, but today it is practically not used for making spoons. The fact is that the appearance of the metal is not very attractive, besides, such spoons bend easily and are poorly washed. However, the cost of such devices is very low, which explains their popularity in Soviet public catering.

- Wood - such spoons are today more often used as a folk musical instrument; in the kitchen they can only be used as a decorative item.
However, some housewives use draft wooden scoops and ladles, and they also adapt such objects for stirring dishes when cooking in a non-stick frying pan.

- Ceramics - this option is more likely referred to as decorative and gift items. The cost of such things is high, because they are used as a cutlery only in expensive restaurants, most often in Asian ones.

- Plastic - used for the production of disposable devices and travel options.
It should be noted that the European Union recently passed a law banning the use of plastic dishes. This means that plastic spoons will gradually be phased out.

- Silver - beautiful and expensive material that requires special care. If stored improperly, silver loses its color, darkens and can become scratched. In previous years, cutlery made of this metal served as an indicator of the status of the family, a sign of the aristocracy of the family and financial well-being.
Today they are more often used as souvenirs, for example, in baptismal sets.

- Cupronickel - this spoon with its attractive appearance is quite capable of competing with silver ones. Over time, the metal darkens, while returning it to its original appearance is almost impossible.

Types of spoons
Depending on the purpose, spoons are very different, but conditionally they are divided into two groups - main and auxiliary.
The main cutlery includes the following.
- Canteen - This appliance is used for the use of soups and other first courses, as well as cereals from deep dishes. The volume of a tablespoon is 18 ml.

- Dessert - used for eating ice cream, pastries, cakes, soufflés and other desserts from small plates and bowls. These spoons can also be used when serving soups, but only if they are poured into bouillon cups. The volume of a dessert spoon is 10 ml.

- Tea room - as the name suggests, such a device is needed to stir sugar in a cup of tea, sometimes it can have the function of a dessert. The volume of the device is 5 ml.

- Coffee shop - indispensable for those who like to enjoy lattes and other popular coffee drinks. The volume is half the size of a teaspoon - only 2.45 ml.

Auxiliary spoons include the following.
- Bar - characterized by a spiral or elongated handle with a tapered or ball-shaped tip. Such a device is used for making cocktails, mixing ingredients and taking out berries and fruits. The ball is necessary for kneading the same berries or, for example, spices.

- Bouillon - a spoon is needed for eating liquid dishes. It usually has a rather complex shape. Such a device has become widespread in Asian restaurants.

- For absinthe - this spoon is distinguished by a complex curly shape. Usually a lump of sugar is put on it, and absinthe is poured on top.

- For fruit - in appearance, this piece of kitchen utensils resembles an ordinary tablespoon, but there are notches along the edges, thanks to which it is convenient to pick out the pulp from kiwi and some citrus fruits.

- For olives - this spoon allows you to take out canned olives with maximum convenience. Such a device has a long handle and a small hole for draining the liquid.

- Sauce - usually comes complete with a gravy boat, characterized by the presence of a spout and an elongated shape.

There are at least several dozen more varieties of spoons - for spaghetti, for salad, side dishes, for brewing tea, for caviar, for donuts, a thermometer spoon, a slotted spoon, pouring spoon and others, which are used for a variety of purposes.
How to choose?
Let us dwell in more detail on the issues of choosing products for food intake.
Wooden utensils are certainly very fancy, but they are not suitable as cutlery for daily use. These spoons absorb moisture, they are short-lived, and it is inconvenient to eat from them. Such devices are optimal during fishing trips with fish soup, and in the conditions of city apartments it is better to give preference to other materials.

Aluminum spoons can now be found, perhaps, only in the country or at the grandmother's in the village. Now, not a single self-respecting housewife will dare to buy such devices - they are unaesthetic and impractical, in addition, some experts express the idea of the dangers of this metal.
However, in fairness, we note that many experts question this opinion.

Stainless steel is the best option for everyday use, but be careful - Chinese manufacturers often use low-quality steel in their production, so such devices can be at least short-lived, at the most dangerous for life and health.

Cutlery of the luxury category is made from cupronickel, which is an alloy of manganese, nickel and copper. Usually, such devices are covered with gold or silver on top.

Exclusive kitchen utensils are made of silver. Such devices are expensive, so it is important not to be mistaken with the quality of the utensils offered in stores.

Here are some recommendations for choosing.
- Pay attention to the gloss of the spoon. Depending on the marking of the steel used, it can be white or grayish. Lack of luster usually indicates that the steel has not been polished or a poor grade alloy has been used.
- Inspect the edges of the device, slide your fingers over them. If you notice irregularities and burrs, feel free to refuse the purchase, since the use of such spoons is not only ugly, but also unsafe for health.
- High quality spoons should have a thicker bendotherwise they will deform easily if the user clicks on them.
- Hold a spoon in your hands, estimate its thickness... According to the standard, it should vary from 1.5 to 4 mm, if the product is narrower, it is unlikely that it will last long in your kitchen.
- An important point is the punching depth... If you have a device with an almost flat bread in front of you, then with a high degree of probability you have consumer goods from China in front of you, it is almost impossible to eat from such dishes. Normally, the depth of the cutlery should be 7-10 mm.
- Sniff - you should not smell any foreign smell. Some spoons have a pronounced smell of machine oil - it is better to refuse to buy such products right away.
- Be sure to ask the seller for a hygiene certificate and a certificate of conformity. The document must indicate the manufacturer, his address, as well as the name of the cutlery brand - for example, the Pavlovskaya spoon.

Storage and care
In order for spoons to serve you for a long time, you need to properly care for them.
Storing stainless steel appliances is not difficult - you just need to clean them from food debris in a timely manner, wash them with special dishwashing detergents and use soft sponges. The use of abrasive compositions and metal brushes is allowed, they will not degrade the quality of products, but their appearance will become less aesthetic.
If such a spoon has been in salt water for too long, then rainbow or dark brown spots may appear on its surface, which are easily removed with a weak solution of citric acid.

Products with plastic handles look very impressive, but there is one big "but" - the plastic quickly wears out, deforms and scratches, and dirt often gets into the scratches. A dishwasher will help to cope with cleaning such devices. It must be turned on for low-temperature conditions, otherwise the plastic will lose its shape.
Caring for silver and cupronickel devices resembles caring for jewelry. After each use, such devices must be rinsed in a soda solution (50 g per liter of warm water). From time to time, spoons must be treated with special cleaning pastes, solutions and napkins.
Alternatively, you can use folk remedies. It is distinguished by its high efficiency ammonia - its 10% solution is poured into a bowl of water and the cutlery is immersed for 10-15 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed and wiped dry with a rag.

Another interesting way involves the use of baking soda. To do this, dissolve 2 tablespoons of powder in 500 ml of water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, you need to throw a few pieces of food foil into it, and then put the spoons for 15-20 minutes.
There is an opinion that silver and cupronickel devices need to be cleaned with tooth powder - this is a big delusion, because when using such products, microcracks appear on their surface and dirt is filled in them, as a result, spoons lose their appearance. The use of chlorine-containing products is strictly unacceptable. This element greatly accelerates the oxidation of silver, which makes kitchen utensils not only ugly, but also harmful to the user's health.
Appliances made of silver and cupronickel can be washed in the dishwasher using aggressive agents at a gentle temperature.

For information on how to clean stainless steel spoons, see the next video.