Silver spoons: how to choose and properly care for?

Silver spoons are considered a must-have in every home where children live. In our article, we will tell you how to choose and properly care for cutlery, as well as why there is a tradition of giving them to babies, and what are the useful properties of silver spoons.

Spoons made of a metal such as silver date back to ancient Rome and Greece. During the Middle Ages, such cutlery was used exclusively by noble townspeople and the royal court. They got wider circulation a little later - during the Renaissance. Then the custom arose to give “apostolic spoons” for the christening of a child, they were made of silver, and the cuttings were decorated with the image of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and angels.
Wealthy godparents gave their godchildren a couple of spoons each, and children from the most eminent families received a full silver set of 12 items. Traditionally, the child was handed a spoon with the image of the apostle, after whom he received his name. However, not everyone could afford such a gift, which is why the well-known phraseological unit appeared “Born with a silver spoon in his mouth,” which means that a person was born into a family with very high material wealth.

During the Baroque era, other options for decorating a spoon first appeared - ornate patterns, landscapes and other pictures began to be applied on them.
In Russia, similar cutlery appeared at the end of the first millennium. So, in 998, the warriors of Prince Vladimir received these spoons as a gift for adopting the Christian faith and completely rejecting paganism.
In our country, a silver spoon has always been considered a very good and expensive present - it was given not only for the appearance of the first tooth, but also for the child's admission to the gymnasium, and also presented as a gift to the newlyweds. The wealthiest families collected silver cutlery as a dowry for their daughters - traditionally it was passed from mother to daughter from generation to generation.
Cutlery sets have always been considered the most valuable - their cost is much higher than that of separate appliances, although a single spoon with a monogram of a famous master can have a rather impressive cost.

For example, at the beginning of the last century, a couple of Faberge spoons at Christie's auction went for $ 8,000, and a spoon made by Fyodor Ruckert was sold for $ 12,500.
All over the world, table silver of German brands is highly valued. So, the Robbe & Berking company has been supplying its products to the court of Arab sheiks and the Queen of England for a long time. Products of the brands Robert Freund, Franz Schnell Halle, and Herbert Zeitner are no less popular.
Highly rated English brand silverware William Suckling, Ridley Hayes, as well as products of some Danish companies. Among Russian craftsmen, the most famous were the brothers Grachev, Ovchinnikov, Sazikov and, of course, Fabergé - many of them in the past were suppliers of tableware for the Russian imperial court, this role was honorable and prestigious, so the dishes of these brands were usually branded with a special distinctive sign. Currently, the products of the Argenta factory are in demand.
Nowadays, the prices for the work of these masters cannot be called exorbitant; not only millionaires can afford them. For example, a silver gilded spoon decorated with the image of the Virgin, Danish master A. Michelsen, made in 1916, was sold for 230 dollars, in general, the price of cutlery by this master varies from 50 to 600 dollars.
Antique silver spoons made in the 18th-19th centuries cost a little more, and a set of silverware of 6 spoons and forks, made in 1855 by the famous jeweler Hippolyte Thomas, is offered for one and a half thousand dollars - the weight of the set is just over a kilogram, all the appliances are decorated with the owner's monogram.

Samples and hallmarks
The presence of a test on any silver product speaks of its value and noble origin. If we turn to the numbers, then the marking shows what percentage of silver is in the products. For example, fineness 925 means that the silver content is not less than 92.5%, and the share of alloying elements is not more than 7.5%, most often copper is used.
Respectively, the most expensive is a spoon of 999 samples: it contains almost no impurities, these products always have a bright silver tint and do not darken over time. At the same time, pure silver is a ductile metal. In the process of use, such spoons bend easily, and after several years, small scratches and notches form on their surface, such a spoon is very easy to break.
The spoons, made from 925 sterling alloy, are the optimum combination of mechanical strength and characteristic silvery shine. Alloys of other samples retain their strength, but with use they acquire a yellowish tint.
Usually, 925 sterling spoons are covered with gilding or enamel, due to which they retain their attractive appearance and specific color.

It is known that silver cutlery of 950 and 900 samples is produced in France.
Many silver spoons have marks, a great many of them are known. The fact is that each country at one time or another had its own system for marking silver. For example, in Germany until 1988 the lot system of samples was in circulation, and in America to this day the carat system is used. Old devices usually have 3-4 or even more brands. So, Russian spoons produced in the second half of the last century have as many as 5 signs:
- digital designation showing the proportion of silver in spools (metals 84, 88, and 91 samples are usually found);
- year of approbation (for example, 1854);
- the trademark of the master who branded the product (usually only his initials were put);
- the accepted designation of the assay office (for example, for Moscow it is George the Victorious);
- hallmarks of the master who made the device.
Ancient European spoons had their own individual branding system. So, on the products of English craftsmen you can find a lion with a raised paw - this is a sign that the spoon is made of sterling silver (925), and on products made from 1783 to 1890. inclusively, the stamp of the duty was additionally put, as well as an imprint of the image of the reigning monarch at that time.

Advantages and disadvantages
The benefits of silver have been known since ancient times. It was believed that water upon contact with this metal becomes healing, healing from many dangerous ailments. Utensils made of this metal have been widely used in a variety of cultures and religions, and the usefulness of silver has been confirmed in scientific research.
It has been established that the metal has the ability to kill microbes, and it is silver that manifests its bactericidal properties in a larger volume. It is followed by copper and gold. If you have a silver spoon, you can always make silver water. To do this, you just need to dip a regular spoon into it and keep it at room temperature for about a day.
Silver has the ability to destroy over 700 types of bacteria, while it acts 1750 times more efficiently than carbolic acid, 3.5 times more effective than potassium permanganate, chlorine and furacilin, without touching beneficial microorganisms... It is noteworthy that bacteria do not develop resistance to silver, therefore, even with prolonged use, it remains effective in the fight against pathogenic microflora.
Another useful quality of silver is that its ions are able to distinguish healthy cells from sick ones by the warmth of the radiated waves, thereby adjusting the affected areas to a healthy range.
These features have made the tradition of giving a silver spoon "by the tooth" actual - the use of such devices for feeding babies causes painless teething, growth and good appetite of the child, ionic particles of this noble metal inhibit the development of bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms that live in food, the oral cavity and stomach of a person.

At the same time, silverware has its drawbacks:
- upon contact with meat products and legumes, silver spoons begin to darken, therefore they require constant care;
- due to the increased thermal conductivity, silver heats up rather quickly, for example, a spoon left in a glass of boiling water in a matter of seconds becomes so hot that it can hardly be picked up;
- low-purity silver is rather fragile and begins to break if handled carelessly;
- silver cutlery becomes thinner with frequent use and becomes susceptible to mechanical stress.
Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of silver spoons, one can draw an obvious conclusion - it is not worth purchasing silver items with the intention of frequent use. Better to get silverware on special occasions and during large family gatherings.

How to distinguish from cupronickel devices?
Silver is often confused with cupronickel. Of course, if you buy a thing in a store, everything is clear, but if you, while sorting out the inherited things, found a silver cutlery, it is very important to understand whether it is of any value. Visually, cupronickel is very difficult to distinguish from silver at home, but if you adhere to some recommendations, then your task will be greatly simplified.
- Take a close look at the sample. If you have a spoon of cupronickel in front of you, then on it you will see the abbreviation MSC, it stands for copper, nickel and zinc - these metals are the main components of the alloy. The most common test, consisting of several numbers, will be on silver spoons.
- Soak the spoon in water for about a day. A piece of silver will not change its appearance, while cupronickel will begin to oxidize and acquire a dirty green tint.
- If you have a lapis pencil on hand, you can use it: just rub the surface - silver will remain unchanged, you will notice a dark spot on cupronickel surfaces.
- Try to estimate the weight of a spoon, put it on the scale - silver should be heavier than cupronickel.
- If you are buying a product, then think about its price.... If you are offered silver at a low price, this is a good reason to think - it is possible that they are trying to cheat you.
- Use your own sense of smell, cupronickel can be identified by the smell of copper. In order for the aroma to become more pronounced, it is better to rub the spoon a little.
- Use regular iodine: drip a little on a spoon and place in the bright sun - a dark spot should appear on the silver item. However, this method also has its drawback: you will have to spend a lot of energy to clean your spoon.
- Instead of iodine, you can use chrompeak. Silver should give a red reaction, and the higher the sample, the more saturated the shade will be.
Do not forget that in previous years, cupronickel was very often used to make cutlery, and if you see a product without a sample, it is most likely made from MSC and covered with a light silver dusting.
Despite the fact that each of the listed methods refers to workers, it can be very difficult to distinguish silver from cupronickel in domestic conditions. If you need 100% certainty, then it makes sense to contact professional jewelers, restorers or antique dealers - they will give an accurate assessment not only of the composition of a metal device, but also help you find out its approximate date of manufacture and cost.

Spoons these days are produced in the widest range - they can have different shapes, shades, different sizes and purposes.
The main types of spoons include 4 options.
- Canteen. These devices are adapted for the use of liquid cereals and first courses from a tall bowl, as well as for serving salads and other snacks. On the territory of Russia, its volume is approximately 18 ml.
- Dessert... The appliance is used for sweet dishes and pastries served in small bowls, as well as in deep bowls for broths and soups. Its size is about 10 ml.
- Tea room. Its purpose is to stir sugar in a glass of tea, in addition, it is often used for desserts. The volume of such a spoon is 5 ml.
- Coffee shop. This spoon is 2 times smaller than a teaspoon, its volume corresponds to 2.45 ml and it is used in combination with small coffee cups.

Auxiliary spoons are also produced.
- Bar. It is an object with an elongated spiral-shaped handle, at the end of which a small ball is placed. It is suitable for preparing various smoothies and cocktails, consisting of several layers.
- Broth. It can be elongated or round, while quite deep, it is used for liquid dishes.
- Bottling... It is used for pouring hot and laying out second courses on plates.
- Sauce... Differs in small size and pointed nose.
- Absinthe spoon. Its purpose is to add sugar to this strong alcoholic beverage.
- Curly. Used to arrange preserves, jams and mousses from a common bowl or jar into small individual saucers.
- Potato spoon. Visually, it is somewhat reminiscent of tubers. There are so-called "ears" on both sides - they prevent hot boiled or baked potatoes from falling when placed on plates.
- Spice spoon. Its purpose is clear from the name. Usually it has a compact size and always comes complete with seasonings on a stand.
In addition to all of the above varieties, on sale you can find spoons for oysters, for sour cream, sweets, as well as for caviar and many others.

Selection recommendations
The health of a person, especially the smallest member of the family, is most important, therefore, when buying a spoon made of silver, you should be extremely careful. If you intend to present the spoon solely as a souvenir, then just a beautiful decor will be quite enough, but if you decide to give a gift that will be used for subsequent feeding, then ask the seller for a sanitary and hygienic certificate.
When using a spoon, you should not have the slightest doubt that the product is of the highest quality and functionality.... The authenticity of the certificate serves as the main evidence that the use of the cutlery does not pose a threat to the life of the baby. This document also confirms that the product is made from an environmentally friendly alloy using a standardized manufacturing process.
Any quality silver spoon must meet the following criteria:
- have a scoop of a rounded shape, without any chips and all kinds of chipping, which often lead to injury to the oral mucosa and tongue of the baby;
- the handle should be as comfortable as possible, it is desirable that there are some irregularities along the edges, they will allow the baby to carry out a more persistent grip;
- the size of the spoon should fully meet the characteristics of the age and height of the baby;
- the metal must be of the highest quality.

To prevent spoons from tarnishing as long as possible, they are usually coated with the purest 999 silver. In this way, the effective appearance of products is preserved without compromising the useful properties of the metal.
However, not all coatings are as useful as silver plated. For example, gilding on silver looks very expensive and impressive, but because of it all the useful properties of silver itself are lost.
Sometimes, rhodium is used to make the metal shine. This is a noble metal that is able to protect the cutlery from the effects of chemical solutions and mechanical damage. Silver with such a coating looks very impressive, moreover, it makes the metal especially resistant to corrosion. Rhodium silver retains the decorative properties of the metal for a long time, however, the death of viruses with bacteria upon contact with such spoons does not occur.
Some silver spoons are varnished - such cutlery is not used for its intended purpose, they perform exclusively decorative and souvenir functions. Lacquer is applied to silver only in order to guarantee its long-term storage, the coating preserves silver, as it were, prevents its oxidation and the appearance of patina, but when it interacts with food, it releases toxic substances into it.
Souvenirs also include silver spoons, plated with silver niello. This type of coating looks luxurious, but at the same time does not allow silver to fully manifest its healing properties.
All types of coatings, with the exception of 999 silver itself, largely reduce the healing properties of the metal, prevent the penetration of ions into food, and all this makes the cutlery completely useless from a medical point of view.
As for the design, in recent years, the most often presented are personalized spoons with engraving, devices with the image of a guardian angel or a sign of the zodiac.
Spoons for a child, for men and women differ in appearance.

Storage and care
Nowadays, the choice of products for the care of silver jewelry is great - you can always find a suitable preparation in any hardware or jewelry store, but traditionally, folk remedies are very popular, which were also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
- Liquid ammonia very well cleans silver alloys. To do this, you just need to dip the spoons for an hour in a solution of alcohol mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. If you do not have time to wait, soak a rag in the ammonia solution and start wiping the product as vigorously as possible until the stains disappear completely. Keep in mind that it is not recommended to cleanse blackened silverware in this manner.
- Potato broth has worked well for the return of the silvery sheen. In order to get rid of darkening, you need to put a silver spoon in it for a quarter of an hour, and after this short time the device will look like new.
- Citric acid cleans silver well. Put a spoon in its concentrated solution for a few minutes, and very soon it will shine again with a cold shine.
- You can clean silver spoons with tobacco ash. To do this, you need to mix it with water, boil it in the resulting composition of the spoon, after which the cutlery must be thoroughly wiped. Alternatively, you can mix the ash with lemon, and treat the product with this composition.
- Baking soda can work well, especially if you have a lot of streaks on the spoon. The sequence of actions here is simple - you just need to take a damp cloth, scoop up some baking soda and wipe the dirt until it disappears completely.

If none of the above is at hand, you can use regular toothpaste. You just need to apply it on a soft cloth, and wipe the spoon thoroughly.
For information on how to clean cutlery (cupronickel, silver, stainless steel) and other dishes, see the video below.