
All About Ski Madshus

All About Ski Madshus
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. Variety of assortment
  3. Selection features
  4. Review overview

Madshus skis are known to all professional skiers and biathletes. The products of this company are preferred by athletes of the highest level.

Advantages and disadvantages

Madshus is a cross-country ski manufacturer from Norway. The production facilities are located in two locations. Sports and racing skis are made in the small village of Biri on the territory of the country, and products for walking are produced in workshops in China. The build location is usually indicated on the inventory itself.

The first skis of this company were released in 1906. They were made in the garage of the founder's house. It was this moment that became the date of the beginning of the history of the company. Today Madshus is the oldest manufacturer in the ski equipment segment.

Among the main advantages of Madshus are the following points.

  • Complex construction. Initially, a series of skis are made on a computer and only then are they launched into mass production.
  • The cross-country ski models have the ability to control fast descents from mountain slopes. This absorbs the vibration generated on the tracks and reduces the severity.
  • All models are tested by professional athletes before being released for sale.
  • Finally, these skis have a stylish design and a beautiful ergonomic shape.

The inventory of this company belongs to the category of professional devices for running on the snow. That is why the production uses expensive materials with exceptional performance characteristics. The raw materials are so rare that they can be compared with materials for the creation of high-precision medical equipment or aircraft. Here, specific types of plastics are used - high molecular weight polyethylene with functional fillers becomes the basis for the sliding surface.

All this allows you to provide a porous structure of the surface of the ski, due to which they absorb paraffin well and glide better on the snow. There is, perhaps, only one drawback - the high price. That is why, despite the high quality of skis, they are used mainly in professional sports.

Ordinary users who go skiing from time to time prefer more budget models.

Variety of assortment

A distinctive feature of Madshus products is that no wood is used in production. The cores of the sports models are made from lightweight and tough Rohacell foam. Wooden cores are provided exclusively in walking versions made in China.

You can determine the type of core by marking.

  • PR100X - polymer foam material, it is durable and lightweight. The quality of this raw material is best evidenced by the fact that it is used in the manufacture of helicopter blades.
  • PR90 - high density foam core.
  • Polycell - polyurethane material is used here, it is less rigid and at the same time heavier.
  • Paulownia - wood core, made from exotic woods, additionally reinforced with fiberglass and carbon fiber.
  • Air W - another version of the wood core. Air ducts are provided to lighten the overall weight. It is noteworthy that a small amount of glue is used when creating the core.
  • Multicore - core made of one piece of wood, additionally reinforced with fiberglass laminate. It is considered the most durable and strongest. Used for recreation outside specially equipped sports tracks.


For people with athletic inclinations, the company offers the following models.

  • Madshus Race Pro. Sports skis for semi-professionals. They allow you to achieve improvement in skiing technique and significantly improve your results. The core of the PR100X series is made of polymer raw materials. Weight - 1000 g, length - 187 cm.
  • Madshus Race Speed. Equipment for people who often practice races. They differ from the above-described product in the mass and material of manufacture of the core. The latter is made of PR90 artificial material. Weight and length, respectively, 1050 g and 187 cm.


The model range of the company includes the professional line of Redline skis. The products were created specifically for the participation of athletes in the World Cup. The cores are made of PR100X resin.

  • Skate F2 - the model is designed for running on hard and packed tracks. The design provides for an elongated groove and an extended contact patch. Weight - 950 g, length - 187 cm.
  • Skate F3 - equipment for wet snow and soft descents, therefore, the groove and the contact area are shortened here. Product weight - 950 g, length - 187 cm.
  • Classic cold - a typical cross-country skiing model for dry snow cover, low temperatures and hard ointments. A shortened groove is provided in the heel area on the working surface. Product weight - 900 g, length - 190 cm.
  • Classic warm - typical designs for operation in wet snow, warm weather and liquid ointments. The groove is full-sized, distributed along the entire length of the sliding surface. Weight - 950 g, length - 190 cm.
  • Intelligrip - this model of traditional skis does not require special lubricants. Provides a mohair insert for movable fasteners. Weight - 950 g, length - 190 cm.
  • Double pole - a specialized range of skis for double-pole skiing on large slopes. The equipment is a kind of symbiosis of classic and skate skiing. Weight - 950 g, length - 192 cm.


In the field of non-professional use, four models are most popular.

  • Madshus endurance - amateur equipment with a core of polymer nature. Weight is 1150 g, length - 187 cm.
  • Madshus active - these skis are suitable for leisurely family hikes in the forest. The core is made of wood, reinforced with synthetic materials. Product weight corresponds to 1150 g, length - 187 cm.
  • Madshus nordic Is another popular model.It differs from the previous product only in weight. The mass leaves 1220 g.
  • Madshus intrasonic - recreational skis, Paulownia Glass wood core. Weight - 1250 g, length - 190 cm.

Selection features

It is important to keep the following points in mind when purchasing ski equipment for children and adults.


It is in direct proportion to the sportsman's athletic capabilities and the characteristics of the track he uses (width and fitness parameters). Classic products are chosen so that they are 25 cm taller than their height, and ridge ones by 15 cm.

Sprinter athletes generally prefer shorter skis to avoid contact wrestling.


On all ski models, regardless of their functionality, the permissible weight range is indicated. It is important that the body weight of the athlete is within the specified values.


In addition, you need to consider the Flex parameter. It means the forces (in kg) that are required to crush each ski to a clearance of 0.1 mm under the shoe. This characteristic is used by professional athletes in order to more correctly select sports equipment. For example, when buying skating skis: Flex = skier's body weight (kg) + 5-15 units. Based on this formula, it can be determined that the Flex 80 marking will be optimal for a skier weighing 65-75 kg.

When operating in warm conditions, add 10-15 units to the weight, at low temperatures - 5-10 units. Thus, when using the Flex 180 at cold temperatures, the product is designed for an athlete weighing 65 kg; when operating in warm temperatures, the weight load can be increased to 75 kg.


The structure of the skis should depend on the season and temperature conditions. That is why, when choosing a product, one should be guided by the marking.

  • 9-6T - intended for freshly fallen or old gray snow. They are used when the track is glossy and the air humidity is kept at a high level. Optimal for operation at air temperatures ranging from -8 to +1 degrees.
  • SO5 - suitable for all types of snow cover, including fluffy snow. They are used at air temperatures from -3 ° C and below.
  • HR2L - skis with a fine structure. Optimal for driving on frozen bliss. Designed for running in low temperatures from -6 degrees and below.
  • M61 - a universal model for all types of snow. It is used in warm weather from +2 to -5 degrees.
  • M61F - another versatile option for any snow. The difference lies in the fact that this model is used in cold weather, when the temperature is kept at around -15 degrees and below.
  • M63 - optimal structure for newly fallen snow. Designed for running at temperatures above + 1 ° C.
  • DSH - such a structure is optimal for different types of snow, including aged. Experts recommend purchasing these skis for walking in temperatures ranging from -1 to -5 degrees.

Review overview

Madshus skis are popular with the professional sports elite. The company's products received the highest reviews, which is why the share of audience coverage is increasing every year. For example, in Russia today skis of this brand have been chosen by about 70% of the athletes of the biathlon national team and 45% of the athletes of the cross-country skiing team. Madshus skis are preferred by leaders of international competitions of various levels. The products of this company are used by such eminent athletes as Maxim Chudov, Alexander Legkov, Ivan Cherezov, Svetlana Sleptsova, Olga Zaitseva, Evgeny Dementyev, Nikolai Morilov, as well as Anna Bulygina and Alexey Petukhov.

Such success is natural, because the specialists of the Norwegian company are constantly improving their products. The company actively implements the latest developments, regularly conducts testing.

Madshus engineers are confident that consistently high results can only be achieved with the most technologically advanced equipment.Sometimes a split second separates the winner from the awardee, so the use of quality equipment can be decisive in the race for leadership.

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